
After the U.S. Withdrew Forces from Everywhere

Venezuela might surge into all those vacated nations and conquer the Eastern Hemisphere. The Swiss might quit being neutral and cut a deal with Cubans to create a vast right and left wing investment entity with a wall dividing the people to form a corpus callosum political conformity with nothing exchanged between the two except virtual reality. 

 The Chinese would develop spinning Costner-electron storage units on a very large scale cheaply to support electric oil spill skimming drones. The UN would create a Big Board of nations with instant votes on the number of US or Venezuelan troops they want stationary there, yet the U.S. might disregard the election results and send special forces to Mars to help with construction instead of returning to foreign entities. 

 Without some troops pinning down the lion’s tail in S.W. Asia the wildcat might begin to prowl with growls reverberating all the way to Belgium.

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