
In Answer to the Question; 'What if Electrons Were Not Added to or Subtracted from Atoms'

It’s a bit of a trick question I think. Every atom would need to remain as it is without change within each atom everywhere in the Universe (s). Change even such as radiation and photons travelling about would change things. Motion might need to stop too for electrons to never leave atoms, yet electrons are in motion. Force in general is the motion of energy in a way.

At absolute zero energy is quite minimal. One scientist coupled an electron to a Bose-Einstein condensate and it had a long lifetime.
  Coupling a single electron to a Bose–Einstein condensate

Neutrinos without charge exist and that makes one wonder if they aren’t implicitly balanced charges without excess. An electron is a lepton and neutrinos are called electron neutrinos. If atoms were made with orbiting neutrinos it would be a different Universe. Electrons have negative charge. The nucleus has a positive charge. What if gravity instead has a micro-warp effect that make electrons and nuclei seem to be charged when instead they aren’t?

Electron neutrino - Wikipedia

Someone wrote that positrons have a positive charge because of their quarks-even so at the very heart of it gravity could be the source of micro-warping space.

Image by Geek3 - Own work; created with hydrogen-cloud in PythonThis PNG graphic was created with Python., CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=69032672

It is amazing to think that if space were rightly shaped energy would flow and settle in to it like water in a dimpled tray. Physicists found that electrons have a life-span that is at least five quintillion times the age of the Universe. Maybe then atoms should be regarded as temporary and electrons permanent.

Electron "Lifespan" is at Least 5 Quintillion Times the Age of the Universe

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