
Isn't Russia an Agent for Civil War and All Things Wrong With Congress?

None dare blame the Russian for the late Senator Edward Kennedy’s politics. Watergate wasn’t too Russian, neither was Obamacare created by an evil Putinian scheme. It might be fair to blame Russia for the U.S. public debt, yet it wouldn’t be remotely correct.

The U.S.A. can’t have a civil war because the homosexuals and women are not as willing to support the kind of fighting that the Confederacy experienced. Gen. Hood was something of a tiger although he did run away from Sherman at Atlanta (maybe wisely).

Hispanics don’t have a strong enough terrorist militia to try to take over the United States now if they wanted to as doubtful as that is, while Afro-Americans seem to have put that idea away themselves some time ago.

I suppose Vladimir Putin could be to blame for the invasion of illegal aliens from the south by the tens of millions. Black and white people might go to war over that because it is the biggest issue trimming jobs and control of the democracy and composition of Congress-even more so in the future, yet i am very doubtful that realistically anyone will be out there drawing down at high noon on the U.S. Military-not even Americans with semi-automatic long guns.

The best prospect for civil war in the U.S.A. might be if the public realizes that Vladimir Putin is responsible for concentrating wealth in the 1%, has forced the nation to use fossil fuels cars and trucks instead of electric and is coordinating foreign logging companies to clear cut wilderness areas and pave over or build on farm land for subdivisions. If the government doesn’t react to all those evils perped by Russia then the fighting may begin.

Seriously though, I think the real war is the takeover by homosexual censors on the Internet with the idea of hate speech as a technical entrepot for censoring everything anyonewrites once they have expressed non-support for the corporate and homosexual agenda in the U.S.A. As far as I can tell, the homos are winning for corporatism.

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