
Paradigm of the Crowd-Sourced Superpower

Becoming a super-power of a nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and endowed with their Creator with certain inalienable rights for the pursuit of happiness- as it is written- would be better for mankind if it was innovative and inventive in restoring capitalism to practical egalitarianism within an environmental economic criterion.

Conventional super-power status for a nation is a measure of military power and economic productivity. Unfortunately each of those categories as traditionally structured have a deleterious effect upon the sustainability of the planetary ecosphere. A new super-power with a completely new economic mode of being and production integrated implicitly within a reformed capitalism that rewards ecospherically beneficial enterprise would be a crowd-sourced and supported super-power populism such as should be at the heart of democracy.

Surprisingly the next super-power could be any of the majority of the world’s nations. The clever trick to overcome the challenge of envisioning and actualizing a practical way of restructuring capitalism toward egalitarianism and ecospheric synergy is what is as difficult, or really more so, than climbing Mt Everest without oxygen or ropes.

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