
The Far Left is Against Russia for Being Too White and Straight

 The far left apparently hates Russia for being too white and straight. Those that prefer peaceful and profitable coexistence with Russia within a free enterprise paradigm are an intolerable element to Marxist-Leninists and the homo marriage crowd seeking queer CEO domination of  Wall Street. Fundamentally history need be ignored where Catherine the Great defeated the Ottoman Empire taking the Crimea in 1783 with Russia regarding it as an integral part of that nation since- even during the Soviet era.

It is easier for the Wall Street-Homo axis of evil to just find any kind of ploy to support their desire to glom of as much of Russia as they can- and resumption  of nuclear cold war be damned. Democrats apparently believe it is better to be dead than straight.


The Ottoman Empire had been attacking Europe as a Muslim vanguard reaching Vienna in 1683.


Russia facing Mongol and Muslim armies on its frontiers reasonably took the Crimea. Russia was attacked by many enemies including Europe, yet Napoleon did not reach Moscow until 1812.

Russia demographically looks like an easy chump ripe for takeover to the left and Wall Street queer leadership because of its low population within a sustainable ecosphere paradigm. The left hates sustainable population levels and wants rapid immigration for vast left-wing demographic hostile takeover from within. https://www.polygraph.info/a/russia-labor-force-smaller-retirement/29390762.html

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