
Pelosi-Schumer Axis of Foreign Collusion to Keep Southern Border Loose?

Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer permanently wear rose colored glasses on their Utopian vision for illegal entry to the United States. Border breakers are regarded as motivated people seeking asylum to work hard for Democratic leaders that with gratitude for mowing their lawns and making their Democrat beds will vote for them for countless generations.

Democrats prefer to believe that 90% of those making illegal entries to the U.S. are caught and the remainder are here to do the dirty jobs Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer wouldn't. They also believe they have no effect on the minimum wage of $7.50 set by the U.S. government. That has just gone up five bucks since 1972. Wall Street in the meanwhile has risen from 850 to 23,000.

More accuracy on border crossing of lightly defended areas about the number that make it through ICE security might be enhanced with networks of invisible laser beams counters such as might be used in protecting valuable items from burglars. Democrats could at least suggest such measures for better measurement metrics for an annual better guesstimate of how many make it through. One realistic survey estimate of the number apprehended as a percent of those making it through is just 20 to 40%. Government bureaucrats have an historical tendency to over-estimate the effectiveness of their programs.

Still, that cannot account for the consistent unwillingness of the Democrats to invest in real defense at the border vs theoretical defense with trillions of dollars for existential threats against Russian super-weapons and soldiery menacing the soft underbelly of The Soviet European Union and shopping malls in the mid-west. After or if the government returns to work the Mueller Mandate should be expanded to include an investigation of Democrat leaders into foreign collusion to keep southern border security loose.

Alternatively it is possible that Speaker Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are working a diabolic plan to keep the government partially closed simply to collect pay while not working. The Pelosi Speaker era may become known as the big recess. If government does little work it is possible they may do little harm so their is a bright spot in the dark cloud after all.


The Brexit Crash Seems Doomed to Success

The impending crash of organized Brexit leading to a no-deal exit of Britain from the Soviet European Union seems destined to lead Britain to better days. It seems like the great Y2K event that wasn't even a flatulent moment in the breeze (*except for 9-11 that occurred the next year). Maybe England should be concerned more with terrorist issues than economics that would sort themselves out ala' Adam Smith's invisible hand perhaps better without the binding rules of a vast left-wing union government that cannot even be confident of defending itself against the new Russia. Actually if the EU wasn't so klutzy they would be on good term with Russia. I suppose Bill Clinton helped with the poisoning of the post cold war quite a bit- yet where was the statesmanship of that continent when the Serbian conflicts arose and they were not forestalled or pre-empted.

Probably Britain is lucky not to be equally yoked with the inept at diplomacy and good at blaming EU than is possible as poor at the U.S.A. at foreign policy the better part of the time.


There is a Good Article on the Border and Democrat Leadership Problems


President Trump Gets His Share of Abuse from the Hate-o-crats- Emergency Declaration Soon?

President Trump may get ten billion or more to build border security barriers from national disaster money if he declares a national emergency. It is only an emergency in the sense that myocardial infarction is- it can go on for days (or months and years in the case of the wall) before causing death. Some tough guys can stand the pain indefinitely though its still an emergency. The nation loses jobs in construction and wages don't rise with a surfeit of illegal labor that pile into the back of a truck stopping on a corner in the south and increasingly across the nation. For the homeless that can't find work easily, it is an emergency though they too can survive.

Democrats should not have closed the government over 5 billion dollars- that was plain wrong. The authoritarians seem to want everything their own way, all the time, and cannot share government well while hating on the President as a four year plan.

A Terminal Velocity for the Rotational Speed of Black Holes?

Observations of super-massive black holes have discovered rotational velocity of as high as 84% of the speed of light. That raises innumerable interesting questions regarding the effects of special and general relativity on the black holes. Can they spin at light speed?


As an object approaches the speed of light its mass scales up toward infinite; so how does that pertain to the already super-massive black holes? Does the special relativistic effect of mass increasing and speed slow nearing light speed multiply the mass of black holes more than what it is for-itself? How much of the mass of a black hole can accelerate in proportion to the total mass?

Is the 84% of speed of light just at the event horizon and less so toward the center? How would the numerous differential rotational speeds and relativistic effects on mass affect the composition and structure of a black holes such that it would be non-uniform in space and time? Are their trans-finite infinities of mass in black holes subject to tensor quantification along the lines of Cantor sets?

Something Like a Sea of Glass

Stars like the sun convert themselves into crystal spheres given ten billion years more or less. 

N.A.S.A. image


Turkish Invasion Plans for Genocide Practice on Kurds Threatens U.S. Troops There

Though there are innumerable reasons to partially close the U.S. Government and keep it that way permanently, maybe the favorite reason for the President could be the under-funding of the never-ending Mueller Investigation that is supposed to end in six months -after the next election campaign is in full swing.

The F.B.I. agents union apparently wants the shutdown to shutdown. Democrats are diabolically clever at attacking the United States for the benefit of foreign powers, though they may do so inadvertently as they work for the global people's utopia that will follow open borders and breakdown of foreign and domestic policy reason.

Speaking of foreign policy; Turkey has threatened to invade Syria fast on a Kurd killing mission if the U.S. doesn't quickly pull out it's 2000 or so soldiers from Syria. If Turkey hadn't been working to get Russia on it's side in the vacuum of American friendship and development with Russia, that threat wouldn't have been made.

Turkey after the end of the Soviet invasion threat has no place in N.A.T.O. where it can work its empire and own caliphate dreams in the region and throw wrenches into U.S. European political common sense. Turkey is a good example of the no mission for N.A.T.O. since the end of the cold war development toward the dark side of the force. Some might theoretically think that Turkey can lever Muslim power and hegemony over Europe better and also lever the United States into increasing foreign policy irrationality (counter-productive policies that don't work very well) since N.A.T.O. has no necessary existence except for bureaucratic laziness and inertia.

The Russian conundrum could have been settled readily so full normal economic relations could resume if the Dnepr were the permanent Ukrainian boundary with Russia and the Crimea was recognized as Russia (it is and was). Real politic is not blind stupidity and clutchiness.

With Russia a good economic partner Turkey wouldn't be so bold about threatening American interests in the middle east. The United States could reduce Syria and expand a Kurdistan in the corner as a federal state with ties to Kurds in Iraq and Turkey. Russia could keep its ports in Syria and watch over a defanged Alawite state that is safe for non-Sunni citizens. Europeans could work on their own security issues and some sort of reduced N.A.T.O. could respond to existential threats that don't arise from careless reading of Jean Paul Sartre's tome 'Being and Nothingness'.

Probably a marine division could help carve out a Kurdish state that should have been done after the first world war as Kurds were promised. Turks have been genocidalists and would be recrudescent imperialists since, or at least looking for some way to expand their cut down former empire remnant. They are haters.

Democrats just look for ways to expand utopia in the U.S.A. by increasing tax cuts for the rich. They are glad enough to create wars at a distance if necessary, and when their pre-conditioning for war through stupid foreign policy pays off. The Ukraine is the apple in the eye for Wall Street they cannot relinquish. Like a dog fighting over a bone that cannot see a bigger, plentiful bone pile nearby because of political tunnel vision, they would wreck U.S. security so far as possible near and far by dismissing policy with a backbone as militarist. Democrat Party sloppiness at border security and unreal politic may build up another 9-11 as did the Clinton administration.

U.S. May Need to Send Marine Division to Syria to Defeat Turkish Invasion

Turkey's defense minister has plans to attack Syria if U.S. troops remain. They want to kill Kurds in Syria who are U.S. allies. Though direct military conflict with a N.A.T.O. member isn't good, it may be necessary. If so the United States should deploy a marine division to Syria ASAP.


Turkey was historically an enemy of the United States. Turks were on the German side of the First World War and would have sided with Hitler if they had thought they could get away with it. Turkey was worried sufficiently by the Soviet invasion threat to become a N.A.T.O. member, yet after the cold war ended the communist danger with its conclusion Turkey became an alien in N.A.T.O. serving to divide Euro-American interests in foreign policy. They only very reluctant allowed U.S. military forces access to the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Now they are endangering and threatening the security of U.S.troops and national friends who were journeyman warriors in the conflicts in the region for more than a decade.

Turkish leadership has so little respect for the United States and friends that they use abusive ultimatum style language to order U.S. forces to hurry up and leave or they will just go ahead to invade Syria and kill Kurdish allies. Only Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and possibly Representative Ocasio-Cortez would like that.


Universal Evolutionary Design Required Omniscience

Omniscience may be required for proper design of species evolution. If one configures an evolutionary system to generate a targeted product in a very complex ecosystem with innumerable variables, the likelihood of system errors deforming the system to bring system failure to evolve the desired product are great. Omniscience is required to design the evolving system such that it is pre-determined to create the proper product at the right moment.

One might regard the evolution of human life through heterosexual events as an archetypal example of creation through omniscient configuration of evolution. In my opinion, when mankind was created and God rested, the designed evolution era ceased and human intelligence became capable of deforming the functioning patterns through genetic redesign and sundry forms of sin for-itself and for-others.

I go over some of the points and correlate a few of the details with the Bible in this free to download book.


Consider one point; of all the proto-human species that existed the challenges of designing the ecosphere such that just one species would emerge to dominate are incalculable except for omniscience. Democrats today believe that evolution has no design, or had none in the era in which God created the Universe from emergence in His will to the solar system and let it become peopled before bringing the era of Adamas and Edith to fruition, hence its o.k. to sin and miss the mark of evolving human function and conditional health (everyone is spiritual dead unless reborn with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ).


The Kashoggi Option to Murder Kurds Sought by Pres Erdogan

Turkey seems to want the Kashoggi option at mass scale with the arrogation of power to murder Kurdish fighters in Syria. President Trump should put sanctions on Turkey until President Tayyip Erdogan resigns from office or is impeached. The United States can't support for killers just because the are Sunni leaders. The United States can't betray allies by commission or omission to such a degree as to allow murderous foreigners to kill U.S. allies simply because they were for some unnatural reason allowed to join NATO.


Saved by Faith, Not Works

Calvinists believe one is saved through faith alone (sola fide). Yet believe that if one is saved they shall do good works. Some say that if...