
Corrupting Medicare for Universal Coverage isn't a Good Idea

Socialism is an off the shelf, easy to think about political philosophy for those unable to create anything new philosophically speaking. It is a tired old way to overcome concentrated wealth that hasn’t worked very well, except in a few northern countries with a degree of natural isolation and cold weather. Socialized medicine or insurance would bog the field down as it does individual enterprise in several fields, Socialized actions crush individual initiative. If power generation were socialized the light bulb might yet not exist.

Reforming capitalism and democracy such that it works better in the 21st century would be useful yet few comprehend what is required for that, such as a substantial degree of ecological economic criteria. To deliver quality medical necessities for those that cannot afford it does not require corrupting medicare that was designed for the old, rather, a unification of the Veterans hospital system with walk-in community poor and homeless clinics coupled with fast national tube transport would allow free walk-in service for veterans and those citizens proven to be to poor to pay. 

Even in the old west country doctors and neighbors did their best to provide free service for people that needed it. Charity is not the same as megalomaniac universal medicare for all including those that don’t need it because they are filthy rich.

Veterans with several years service should be permitted to use the V.A. Hospital system even if they earn more than $40,000 annually. The system should be solid enough that all veterans could use it as well as poor Americans and those demonstrably ineligible for insurance.


Little More Than a Month Until NFL Draft

So who will the Denver Broncos pick? An edge, a corner back, Bennie Snell Jr and an interior offensive lineman are interests as well as the acquisition of Antonio Brown; those are possibilities, yet if a QB like Kyle Murray is available the Broncos should snag one and give him a year as back up (or maybe two) to learn the game.

I suppose people wonder who Tampa will draft to enhance their already good prospects for the year. A more useful question is will the Buccaneers play an exhibition game in Havana?

Catholicism and the Contemporary Imperial Drift

When the church reformer Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a Cathedral in Wittenberg Germany in 1517 he got the ball rolling on reforming the Catholic Church so far as to evolve a splinter movement between the reformed protesters and the imperial papal line that entertained select doctrinal inaccuracies and errors including the concept of papal infallibility. Today the problem of an imperial papal approach to Christianity persists though in a dampened down criterion.

Pope Francis of Argentina inherited the Argentine social environment of General Galtieri and the neo-Fascist expansionism of the junta that disappeared so many civilians. His approach was to demure during the neo-fasist era of the junta, yet the hard social-political environment was formative and may influence his idea of sending Latinos illegal across U.S. borders as being a good thing, at least for the imperial goals such as exist, of the Catholic Church leadership.

Protestants do not agree in a special role or divine mission for the pope. All Christians are equally without merit intrinsically and are saved only through the grace of God and the salvific intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ. Protestant Christian s have a more personal, direct approach to the Lord for-themselves without the intermediation of clerics within hierarchical structures. Martin Luther wrote that all Christians are priests. Modern reform minded protestants support the continuing de-imperialization of the clergy such that a priesthood of believers in a more egalitarian, less hierarchical ecclesiastic form is a desirable direction to evolve. A Christian church composed of priests would provide a great evangelical boost. Christian should not be pew-sitting subjects of an imperial proxy leader.

As the imperial goals of the Catholic Church tend to move in an opposite direction that personal, individual democracy and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, one finds odd circumstances such as that of the Pope at the U.S.-Mexican border arguing for support for illegal alien entry into the United States. Imperials tend toward trampling on the rights of ordinary people; in that case the lawful citizens of the United States, in furtherance of imperial goals such as an Argentine-directed invasion of the United States in order to politically transform the United States into a Catholic despotism under the sway of the Pope. One cannot have democratic, deterministic environmental reform politics within capitalism very while while fighting a two-front or ten-front battle against loose imperial external forces trampling on national political self-determination.

Imagine that Catholic leadership was competent and even smart about the political structures and workings of all of the world's nations, and more, that they agreed and supported the national politics and mechanics of every nation (the church politics in such a case would have implicit contradictions). If the imperial papal policies tried to manipulate the politics of a nation externally and internally it would tend to be an unknown force interfering with the mechanisms and effectiveness of operations of the body politic of that nation. It would be like an external source of waves directed toward a distant calm body with waves sent from the body's political center to coordinate politics nationally. The external waves would interfere with the national waves and create chaos and discord.

At a certain point in history societies may benefit from an extra, neutral institutional structure to support the education and organization of illiterate, poor masses; especially if the government is repressive. Yet as history evolves to a higher level of cultural progress the extra-imperial structure may retard progress. It should adapt.

Martin Luther's movement of reform was an historical adaptation as European society advanced even unto the printing press. Consider top-down programming and its implicit limits. It may be adapted and upgraded. Turned on it's side top-down programming reads from left to right. It may grow more vertical shafts and roots like a cedar tree knocked on its side by high wind. New vertical and horizontal programmatic logic nodes may network to communicate and democratize; times change and imperial structures may implicitly corrupt in new environments.

Consider the theological absurdity of God limiting his direct interactions through one human who would then apply God's will through his human filter deforming the instructions. God can relate directly to anyone and may in fact pre-destined the entire course of human events. There are many theological absurdities one might wish to investigate in the designation of one human as the primary agent of God on Earth. It seems unwise to do so.

Wisdom may be found within expert knowledge applied interdisciplinarily such that one may know or have a good idea what a good course of events or action is to take after recognizing what the situation is. Some have wisdom about investing on Wall Street, some have wisdom about the world ecosystem, and some have wisdom about the Bible; how few though have political wisdom.

The Catholic leader may view the world through imperial lenses; rose colored glass tinted toward the blood of the lamb, yet mistake the imperial goals as a kind of kingdom of God annexation tool. It is reasonable for the imperial paradigm to add a few communist party appointed bishops in China here and a few million illegal alien Catholics to a protestant country there to increase the realm of the kingdom of God under the Pope. The problem of course is that the world’s politics are secular and the imperial papacy becomes political and secular itself adapting its position too often to worldly trends instead of looking toward divine theological concerns. The same Pope who supported illegal immigration also refused to take a position against homosexuality “who am I to judge” at a critical time in the political currents for an apparently political reason of not taking a Biblical stand in an enfiladed political position. The imperial interests of Catholic leadership may take entirely political forms; the Hapsburg Empire wasn’t an ecclesiastical organization.

Martin Luther’s protestant movement stimulated political revolt from the Hapsburg Catholic empire as well. Unfortunately bureaucracies promote people quite often that rise to their level of incompetence. Experts at theology may be criminally incompetent at understanding world politics, national politics and the sort of balances that are socially and politically require to get an environmental movement going that works well with reformed capitalism, free enterprise and democracy. Not only might the Pope be incompetent, most protestants involved in U.S. politics may be equally incompetent at non-theological matters and some theological matters too including eschatology. Sadly, that is the way of the world.


President Trump Was Right In Asking N.A.T.O. Members to Pay Equal Percentage Share

The United States and Russia were the leading forces on the respective Western and Eastern Fronts in the Second World War. The United States propped up Britain and Russia with Lend-Lease to keep them alive until the U.S.A. entered the war. The Second World War was very costly for the United States and the other allies. President Trump is correct asking N.A.T.O. members to pay an equal share of the cost of N.A.T.O.

Yet better diplomacy would reduce the need for N.A.T.O. Simply getting on well with Russia would nearly eliminate it’s need to exist. What would be useful would be a better international pool of rapid response forces for emergent situations.

Bureaucracies once established are difficult to reduce. That is why a new space force may help to support development of human commercial ventures around the solar system. A new electro-magnetic mass driver to send cargo modules off world like machine gun bullets into orbit is an idea worth pursuing.

Europeans have always found a way to start wars with one another. The last general war wrecked much of Europe so they have a peacenik attitude, correctly. However their deep nature of racking other nations- such as not renegotiating the Brexit deal with England, illustrates the deeper character.

It is hard to imagine why N.A.T.O. could be useful in a war with China, yet a Chinese-Russian alliance to invade Europe would be a problem N.A.T.O. could respond to when off holiday.


McCabe's Self-Reinforcing Beliefs About Donald Trump

The former acting Director of the FBI seriously believed that President Trump was a threat to national security. Fundamentally those that believe that may also include Elvis as a substantive threat to national security, the Loch Ness monster can't be found because it has escaped to Chesapeake Bay, and George Washington was a traitor.

Some people can't see the trees for the wood. Bureaucratic techs loyal to government union-for-themselves that belief organizational ladders should promote executive leaders pimariily through seniority hate the capitalist who boldly took the top job in a way that few to none have done before. Hate.

Donald Trump is an American icon representing capitalism. He is also a globalist for personal business investment advantage as well as a nationalist-for-others seeking advantages for the United States. The socialists and Trotskiites hate all that and will always decide that President Trump may reveal secret documents or leak something to wiki-leaks- and everyone knows that only Democrats are allowed to do that.


Montana Might Benefit from Logging Fire Break Strips

Montana annually has months of forest fires that degrade air quality. Management of the forests is lacking. California also creates many forest fires and their smoke is harmful to Montana. Selective fire break creation logging of adequate strips to control fires should be done with consultation from forest fire experts.

The state presently allows minimal logging. Water runoff when clear-cuts occur can be harmful, and rivers with obstructions such as beaver dams (we like beavers) can exacerbate river flooding issues downstream along with ice blockages. Water run-off from clear-cuts can silt up rivers harming fishing. Coordinating the various elements of fire control requires solid analysis from experts in several fields.

Forests differ in nature from state to state. A solution that works in the Tongass might not work in Montana or Oregon, California and vice versa. Federal forestry management should upgrade its management policies so they reflect the good of people living in a state as well as the forests' health.

Humans cause a lot of forest fires with machines in hot summer conditions. Sparks from spinning tires on dirt and rock roads, catalytic converters that are hot and other motor vehicle issues start fires in addition to careless cigarette butt tosses. Yet when fires start controlling them before winter solves the problem may require careful and adequate design of fire breaks before fire season.
File:Deerfire high res.jpg
Image credit; US Dept of Agriculture

Small Town Paper Regards KKK as Jacobean Tool for Lynching Politicians

A small town Alabama paper called for the KKK to lynch politicians that want to raise taxes. Apparently some view the KKK as a kind of French Revolutionary tool for eliminating monoparty statists and elites that raise taxes on the middle class and cut them for the most rich. Some will sympathize and others will hate the triple K again, deservedly, yet the Jacobean reaction to the French revolution with the guillotines is a kind of perennial last resort for government reform.

The deep state does advantage the most rich and undermine political liberty with corporatism thus enabling socialists to engage in a dialectic with the media mouthpieces of the most rich. What is lost in the dialectic is the prospect for simply reforming capitalism and free enterprise to serve democracy once again.



Challenges of Nations and Civilizations

I tend to be a Toynbean regarding historical cycles. Civilizations face challenges and their responses determine what course they take in future development. Numerous causes exist for the decline of civilization. Some social constructions experience too much of a challenge to become a civilization. Toynbee at the end of his writing regarded the world as having just one civilization remaining after all the predecessors faded away from one cause or another.
The Roman Empire over expanded commercially. The Romans cared as much for foreign interests as their own. The people-the plebeians, were given bread and circuses in Rome. Too many foreigners were trained in the Roman Legions; Attilla for example, while the rich enjoyed estates in France growing grapes.

The United States isn’t an empire and it isn’t world civilization, yet nations can and do end; the former Soviet Union for example, as politics change or evolve to other paradigms. War is not the only causes for the end of a civilization. Food failures can happen. Plagues can enable rivals to invade, yet the most interesting cause Toynbee pointed out was the inability for civilizations or nations to upgrade and modernize their ossified economic infrastructure. Once a nation is established the economic patterns it follows tends to remain unchanged in its fundamental structure. The same condition prevails to political organization.

Toynbee wrote that Greek city-states couldn’t evolve a national democracy together and thus fell. Toynbee found that Rome evolved a Democracy or Republic in a modern form, yet they could not change their military structure or social structure enough to continue to exist in the west. The Eastern Empire of course continued for another 1000 years after the fall of Rome. The Roman legions just weren’t mobile enough with cavalry such as Attila and Ghengis Khan advanced in blitzkrieg fashion.

The United States as a great nation may be destroyed by moral failures and real-politic failures to reform free enterprise capitalism and democracy to free it from the concentrated wealth problems of corporatism and imperialism. Keeping the national borders and citizenship secure are requisite for any continuing chance for democratic self-determination to be a world leader in reformed ecological economics should that develop. National leadership failure to democratize patents and reduce the period of exclusivity to 3 years with ten percent royalties to the inventor for production thereafter will work against U.S. competitivity. Failure to be a leader in ecological restoration nationally and globally thereafter will reduce the nation to being a part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

The political will for the nation to be a nation rather than a catch-all cul de sac for global capitalists that is simply a phenomenal social nexus of comparatively short life has many challenges to continue including the global broadcast media and pervasive foreign opinion that swamps every place around the world today. To be a strong, moral nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all will require wisdom on the course of the future. That is one very difficult item for politicians to get.

It's Still an Emergency if First Responders Don't Respond

The national emergency over unsecured borders declared by the President is a real emergency even if Democrats say it isn't. An emerging situation of millions of illegals trying to enter the nation has been an emergency for decades. Occasionally people respond and upgrade security inadequately. Democrats have resisted securing the national boundaries against illegal entrants for some years, yet the unwillingness to respond to external challenges does not make the emergent situation go away or become something less than an emergency. An emergency remains an emergency even when first-responders don't respond or are lackadaisical about responding half-heartedly, slowly and with mere symbolism.

The common nature of an event does not reduce it to something that is not an event. An emergency situation like a fire that has been spreading for months does not make it not a fire or not an emergency. A flood that has been rising and increasing for years because of lack of flood control does not make it less than an emergency because of incompetent flood or zoning control. The failure of the U.S. government to defend the interests of American citizens against illegal immigration does not make mass illegal immigration less than an emergency, even if the U.S. government has members that don't have any interest in responding to external challenges to secure and defend the interests of the people of the United States.

Specious reasoning that an event that has started in time necessarily is not an emergency after a particular time interval has passed (n-time) from T=0, without response, could be applied to global warming and parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or sighting of an asteroid headed toward Earth. The entire Universe continuum is an emerging, incomplete phenomenon except as causality is regarded as pre-determined by a Designer, or perhaps within a Plotinus-Ennead holographic Universe criterion.

Even so, there is a subject aspect to emergency. That is, events and processes must be subjectively perceived in order to gave a name for the event process and classification as emergency. If no one existed on Earth, none could call anything an emergency; not lava flows, volcanic eruptions or Earthquakes, hurricanes etc.


Illegal Immigration Emergency is Just the 30th National Emergency Now in Effect

The United States has dozens of ongoing national emergencies. president Obama declared 13 national emergencies and President Clinton 17; it's churlish and unfair not to let President Trump declare one too.


President Trump should declare some kind of national emergency shortage in his administration and find some more emergency-worthy issues. The Congress could find some itself and ask the President to recognize them officially as national emergencies.


An obvious candidate is the parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere being more than 500. Another is the lack of surplus drinking and irrigation water in the southwest.


Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...