
It's Still an Emergency if First Responders Don't Respond

The national emergency over unsecured borders declared by the President is a real emergency even if Democrats say it isn't. An emerging situation of millions of illegals trying to enter the nation has been an emergency for decades. Occasionally people respond and upgrade security inadequately. Democrats have resisted securing the national boundaries against illegal entrants for some years, yet the unwillingness to respond to external challenges does not make the emergent situation go away or become something less than an emergency. An emergency remains an emergency even when first-responders don't respond or are lackadaisical about responding half-heartedly, slowly and with mere symbolism.

The common nature of an event does not reduce it to something that is not an event. An emergency situation like a fire that has been spreading for months does not make it not a fire or not an emergency. A flood that has been rising and increasing for years because of lack of flood control does not make it less than an emergency because of incompetent flood or zoning control. The failure of the U.S. government to defend the interests of American citizens against illegal immigration does not make mass illegal immigration less than an emergency, even if the U.S. government has members that don't have any interest in responding to external challenges to secure and defend the interests of the people of the United States.

Specious reasoning that an event that has started in time necessarily is not an emergency after a particular time interval has passed (n-time) from T=0, without response, could be applied to global warming and parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or sighting of an asteroid headed toward Earth. The entire Universe continuum is an emerging, incomplete phenomenon except as causality is regarded as pre-determined by a Designer, or perhaps within a Plotinus-Ennead holographic Universe criterion.

Even so, there is a subject aspect to emergency. That is, events and processes must be subjectively perceived in order to gave a name for the event process and classification as emergency. If no one existed on Earth, none could call anything an emergency; not lava flows, volcanic eruptions or Earthquakes, hurricanes etc.

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