
Green New Deal Presents Critical Opportunity Costs

AOC's Green New Deal presents significant opportunity costs for developing responses to ecological challenges that might actually work. With such a vast government spending program that might well dry up like California's high speed rail before anything working is constructed, there may be little funding for effective programs that might work.

It was fairly unrealistic to pack a green reform program with democrat pork. If everyone is thrown out of work with few corporations or rich people to pay for the program they would require food and medical treatment from the government. When they slaughter the last 'farting cows' for government food programs Americans may need to look elsewhere for jobs. It might be worthwhile inventing the low cost equivalent of catalytic converters for cattle exhaust emissions. Concepts include a new digestive enzyme, gas tubes to vents and filters, alternative excretia-gas branch processing route (I saw a cow with a window in its side once at an agricultural college. A lot of work for veterinarians would arise unless calf insert mass production technology was invented), etc.

Science has indicated that if the world atmospheric carbon dioxide content reaches 1300 ppm from the present 400 plus parts per million the world temperature may rise eight degrees f. The world would lose its cloud cover and planetary temperature would rise substantially more. In the interim the oceans are growing more acidic and warmer. Life could die off in the oceans because of the decrease of oxygen in it. These are concerns that need be addressed before they become critical. Ineffective and too costly bad economic concepts won't get it done.

There are serious scientists and economists in the field of ecological economics, as well as philosophers and others that might form a a research group to define criteria that could be most effective if made into law that are also the most efficient and economical. Fossil fuel automobiles are the major CO2 point source of pollution in the U.S.A., yet other nations such as China and India have pollution issues too. They also have economic relationships with the United States that could be adversely affected with unilateral, radical economic restructuring through ineffective and ineffective, costly processes.

There seems to be a certain level of political insanity in suggesting spending of trillions of dollars that did not formerly exist unless attacked during war, and even then the degree of spending was far less that contemporary politicians are accustomed to playing about with. Good government regulation doesn't require vast public expenditures. Government regulations that work let the private sector work and invent new technologies that go through regulatory ecospheric hoops that are beneficial rather than harmful to planetary ecospheric health.

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