
Rousseau's Political Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the U.S. Government

Why should anyone want to use Rousseau’s political philosophy? The social contract doesn’t fit well with the U.S. constitution. It was better suited to France before the revolution when the ruling legal authority was royal.

Under the influence of corporatism and concentrated wealth the legislative branch has moved dangerously toward Contract With America sorts of errors since they don’t well understand the individual and self-determination founding principles of the nation and the way corporate usurpation of political philosophy subverts and corrupts the inherent freedom of citizens of the United States.

Corporatism through the media and entertainment industry tends to provide crank political philosophy ill-suited for a polity that is anything more than subjects dominated by concentrated wealth and power from a tiny minority. Philosophers tend to neglect accurate, realistic work to coordinate , adapt and describe theoretical paradigms for the modern reformation of Adam Smith’s style of capitalism to the contemporary environment such that it would have the same purpose of bettering the lives of the vast majority of the people.
It is not that difficult to synthesize or induct capitalism, free enterprise and ecological economics together along with the best way to support the well being of the people, so they are not dominated or exploited by criminals, deep concentrated wealth or the power of the state.

A more efficient modern government should regulate capitalism so far as to make free enterprise go through ecological economic sustainability hoops before deployment in the field. Patents should be limited to three years of exclusivity with patent holder getting 10% royalties from users thereafter (the world needs a faster pace of technological change and upgrade along with reform of the ecosphere that is undergoing extreme degradation). Public debt should be reduced and corporations limited in the number of employees they may have to some figure like 20,000. That would stimulate competition and quality over quantity.

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