
End of World in 2030? The Panic Hypothesis

The panic hypothesis that the world will end in 2030 advanced by Rep. AOC is a bad interpretation or translation of a recent U.N. report that global warming greenhouse gassing issues will increase substantially between 2030 and 2050. Some people took Alexandria Octavio Cortez' dire prediction to e something like the Mayan Calendar predictions and thought about buying space on the Space X Mars trip sometime in the future.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2019/01/22/ocasio-cortez-climate-change-alarm/2642481002/ The Panic Hypothesis


Actually the most solid end of the Earth's civilized life on it predictive scenario was that advanced by the author and scientist James Lovelock. He wrote in his book The Vanishing face of Gaia- A Final Warning, that the world's civilizations will mostly collapse in about 200 years. Jacque Cousteau had about the same time estimate. He understood the way people are and live in regard to the ecosphere.


Quite a bit more that restraining some greenhouse gas emissions would need to be done if the world is to have a modicum of ecologically sustainable economics for a population as great as it is today. Nothing like that is in the works politically of course.


https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/ecological-economics-principles-and-applications_herman-e-daly_joshua-farley/300499/?mkwid=s0GErMpGO%7cdc&pcrid=70112878392&pkw=&pmt=&plc=&pgrid=21323665512&ptaid=pla-292616666626&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIt4P7gpfS4AIVbCCtBh0flQSbEAQYBSABEgKN3_D_BwE#isbn=1559633123&idiq=3818488  First edition 

A reform of capitalism and free enterprise as well as democracy such that wealth is not concentrated as much as to create a political structure where the most rich and their media actually determine political direction would be the better way to exploit human inventiveness and adapt to the environmental challenges most choose to ignore. Other approaches such as socialism, fascism and so forth are not good alternatives for the majority of the people of the world.

All that is needed are good lines of legislation code building a systematic program. Rube Goldberg grandiose schemes waste time and money while presenting a large opportunity cost. Land use, zoning for lots regarding shape, rules set that free enterprise need to follow to build a sustainable ecosystem. It doesn't take genius. large government spending programs cannot substitute for free enterprise directed to go about things the right way rather than the wrong way through legislative neglect.

Fundamentally their are three basic forms of government; imperialism, democracy and chaos. Today real democracy seems radical to the rich who prefer a corporatist form of imperialism. socialism and communism are hybrids of authoritarianism with some elements of democracy, and they repress individual inventiveness and the social capacity for radical improvement.

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