
Ecotopia and City-Planet Planning

We have made a study of ancient Earth and the history of its population dispersion that brought humans from the old world; the eastern hemisphere, to the new world; the Western hemisphere. We found that though the Westerners were fully modern humans biologically, that because of their separate development remote from the parent population of the East, they lost the multicultural tool and technological development of the East that synergistically cross-fertilized other eastern civilizations in a reinforcing process that accelerated technological tool invention and the dispersion of knowledge.

Initially humans migrated west as early as 30,000 B.C. yet most came much later beginning about 15,000 B.C. That was before the invention of human metallurgy in the east, yet just, and so the migrants went west without knowledge of metal making and they entirely lacked a cultural situation that would soon produce metals. Pre-Columbian Americans never developed metal-smelting technology. They were thus limited to stone building without the elaborate carved columns such as decorated Corinthian columns with crenelated flutings.

Because building great stone cities required a critical mass of population for workers, construction of the great pre-Columbian American cities of the Aztec, Inca, Maya and so forth occurred much later than the rise of civilizations in the Eastern hemisphere. Even so, with the metal technology of the East, wood-working and the appearance of Christianity, most of Europe never experienced the construction of great stone cities, and those that did such as Athens, Etruria, Rome, Knossos and so forth were of a phase that was passed and not duplicated in the wooden cites to the north.

The Westerners were biologically modern humans and their intelligence continued to evolve, or rather their brains had, at the same pace as their peers in the East, yet they did so without the inheritance of Eastern culture and developed stonework without metal tools, they developed sandals without a swoosh. That skill continued right until the arrival of Columbus. Technologically the Americans were more than 7000 years behind in technological development.

It is easy to extrapolate from the maximum pre-Columbian population of about 20 million Americans that it is likely that less than a half million Easterners ever made the far journey west over the 30,000 years before Columbus. If they had, their population should have been quite a bit larger by at least an order of magnitude. The law of accumulation works in demographics and economic growth. We have learned from that on Calvin Luther-Caesar.
This planet has every environment we know that can sustain the growth of biological life except for extremals. That is in a temperature range between 100 degrees below zero Fahrenheit and 200 degrees above zero F. These habitats support the full range of plant and animal life that can develop, although not in every possible permutation. Our neighboring planets have tried to support their own portion of the rainbow of ecospheres in their own selected wavelengths of the spectrum.

The eleven cities of Calvin Luther-Caesar occupy just eleven of the sixty four circles of potential habitation or wilding amidst the large interstitial wild spaces between the circles.
The human habitation circles each represent healthy positions on a global chessboard of sixty-four non-Euclidean squares (we have circled the squares rather than vice versa so forgive us for that if you will). Each city is built with an adapted architectural design style based on an ancient Earth civilization. These cities have broad avenues for wildlife to journey safely amidst the cities that for humans begin effectively on layer two. It is on layer one however, amidst the wildlife of Calvin Luther-Caesar, that the battle is being fought.”
If I may ask Solomon, where did the paradigm of the chessboard come from, as it applies to topology?”

Carla the original topology of the chessboard arose from ancient Afghan warlords battle planning. I had an innovation of my own they brought me to suggest it to the CLC priesthood of believers.”

And what was that Solomon?” Carla asked.

Each square of a chessboard make be likened unto the surface membrane of a holographic Universe with four space-time directions. Below each square is another complete chessboard with individual Universes of their own with infinite recursion. That is a model of a Multiverse, and the relationship of positions of pieces and pawns on each chessboard and its squares over time determines the configuration of the gravitational field of each Universe and the composite and specific mass and energy endowment of each Universe as expressed by its total gravity. The Multiverse itself and all of its chessboard hang in nothingness in a way that expresses the sum of the gravitational configurations of all of the chessboards of the Multiverse as they express their power through extra-dimensional, extra-chessboard super-positioning of gravitational fields.”

I said; “Yes Solomon, I can see how that would be an inspiration for adapting city planning ideas for a planet surface. It also suggests to me primitive circular irrigation patterns as viewed from above.”

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