
Universal Medicare and $7 Billion Green Deal Gambits

Obamacare brought a new tax for youth. Medicare would probably bring a larger tax if everyone were forced to get it.

Some people over age 65 have to pay hundreds of dollars a month if they want to have medicare coverage. Medicare is not free for all American citizens that happen to be 65 as it is. Youth would probably need to pay one thousand a month or so if everyone was forced to have Medicare.

I believe Democrat Party financial irresponsibility is the reason for the Medicare gambit.  With the public debt at 22 billion dollars the Medicare system may be broken in the future as democrats want to force everyone working to have it so the system can be funded while debt piles up to pay for boondoggles like a $7 Billion Dollar Green Deal Democrats want the public to buy- or the world will turn into a pumpkin in just 12 years!

Rational regulation and taxation cannot be replaced with Rube Goldberg schemes that won't bring Greenpeace to the world even they are enacted into law. There are lots of ecological problems that won't be easily fixed without deep ecological economic principles being applied while also keeping invention, patents and free enterprise alive.

Maybe Republicans should replace Mitch McConnell with Senator Scott of South Carolina as majority leader, and look for new ideas.

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