
Democrat Impeachment Efforts Should Continue Until 2024

With the failure of the Mueller Report to provide proof of Russian collusion with the Donald Trump to be elected to the office of President in 2016, Democrats are showing renewed interest in impeaching President Trump. Some media outlets have their own ideas of how that can happen;


It is more likely though that any salacious material the Democrats have will not be released until after the 2020 Democrat National convention. Then talk of impeachment will fructify remaining Democratic holdouts. Talk and salacious material will appear in the media until after the election when a new round of Special Investigation can determine how the President hid new Russian collusion. If that fizzles out then Impeachment proceedings will commence and continue until 2024.


Nazi Corporatism had Similarities to American and Eurpean Corporatism (and China too)

The state of Germany after the armistice ending the First World War wasn’t settled, and wasn’t comparable to that of the United States very easily. There was not one uniform 1930s depression shared by Germany and the United States. Germany had an empire until 1918 when a populist revolution grew demanding an end to the war. The Wiemar Republic followed.

The chaotic post-war revolutionary state with large reparations due to be repaid and land taken by the allies didn’t rest easy in Germany. There was concern with the Bolshevik forces that had taken over in Russia to the east. The deposed German aristocracy sought for ways to recover their lost power and prevent the reds from conquering Germany. Reds and some Jews were blamed for leading the revolt.

Germany exploited Mussolini’s development of corporatist theory eventually that united government authority with corporate leadership. First though, a populist proxy leader was required to lead a populist movement that could draw in socialist and conservative support for the new form of government. Adolph Hitler was selected by German Army intelligence officials to take over the German national Socialist party with his charismatic speaking voice. With the support of the storm troopers that grew to be very large and were made up of approximately 70% former socialists, the street level popular political movement rose to power. Corporate and government leaders grew government with deficit spending. A war machine grew with autobahns to speed military equipment and personnel wherever it was needed.

The fascist government remained popular as it went to war with unified corporate and government leadership under Adolph Hitler. The United States and Europe today have a similar government-business relationship with support from the left that is generally happy so long as political shop stewards accommodate homosexual empowerment, legal dope, abortion and enough welfare cash spread to the middle class and rick through deficit financing paid for by the rich and foreign elites.
Germany had numerous brilliant scientists that were made to work for the interests of fascism and corporatism. The Nazi state took over church leadership with some ministers refusing to remain in the church under Nazi direction.

Fascism was a tool used by an aristocracy to lead socialist populism into reinforcing their return to power. War was anticipated to shore up accounts. What wasn’t accurately predicted was the incompetence of Adolph Hitler’s leadership in waging war.

It is possible to run governments for quite a while with deficit spending. Like capitalism that sometimes can profit from exploiting others, corporatism running deficits make require external sources of income to continue an economically unbalanced policy. That does not require war inevitably, as did that of fascist Germany. It does require the negation of American style democracy, actual security in free speech and stoppage of individual economic opportunity to develop antithetically to socialist class conformity.

Why Homosexual Expropriation of Marriage Was Wrong

Homosexuals don't marry. Technically marriage is the union of genes within continuing personal association. Homosexual marriage is a lie forced on the people by corrupt media and government.
Homosexual marriage is an urban phenomenon. In an urban social environment with people that are prosperous and lacking faith, using alcohol and drugs, a swinish lack of moral constraints supports homosexual activity. The 1% like that dopish swinishishness because it promotes consumerism.
Homosexual marriage is a sin; sin is behavior missing the mark of health and decency unto the plan of God for mankind. As an American with a constitution supporting individual rights and liberties a citizen should support the right of individuals to regulate their own behavior at home. That is, in my opinion there should be no legal penalties on sexual behavior not involving minors or force in privacy. Homosexual marriage was however a mindless corruption of the moral sensibilities of tens of millions of Americans, and an issue that was entirely avoidable, for homosexuals had the opportunity to create a new institution ensnaring themselves in legal encumbrances if they wanted, without expropriating a sane institution that had existed as long as human society. In some societies such as England the institution of marriage rights changed historically (not the homosexual lie) to give women and children better protections against harm.
Only in a spoilt society that has atheistically abandoned faith in God because of infatuation with evolution so far as to stop critical thinking about God, the Universe or Multiverse and what omnipotent and omniscient being means in relation to a quantum Universe, field phenomena and do forth, could homosexual marriage establishment equivocating heterosexual and homosexual relations occur. The rich and powerful desire to get rid of families in order to better convert people into unthinking consumer swine, and what better way in an overpopulated Earth that only the rich may survive in the impending ecospheric doom, is there than to allow opiod and illegal drugs of sundry kinds with as much liberty as needed in laws to allow corruption of individual character and responsibility.
It might have worked if homosexuals had left marriage alone and demanded something like a law establishing legal homo-coupling (or whatever nomenclature was selected) and not divided the electorate permanently as the 1% sought. It was not reasonable to pour new wine into old wine skins, nor to corrupt the body politic as deeply and lastingly as has occurred.
I will not soon forget the winter in Anchorage where I slept on the ground in a tent, broke, drinking ice-water kept from freezing by keeping it under sleeping bags on the ground, with ice crystals five inches thick on the ceiling, after Helium.com (since vanished) cut off my $200 monthly income as a writer peer rated in the top 5% on Christmas Eve (banned) for occasionally using terms unliked by homosexuals amidst hundreds of articles on a number of different topics. The insiders were cold-blooded in promoting homosexual marriage and letting others perish of pneumonia if they could (it takes maybe ten years to get over that completely).
The rich and their mouthpieces will of course blow smoke up the asses of young leftists in order to develop their acquiescence in corruption and degradation of traditional America. It's destruction is required in order that a new economic structure can be established- dopey, happy sardines in a can, virtually in reality.

Sweder's Three Categories

Superficial thought about moral questions, or blind following, might lead to the Nazi socialist kind of conformity to group-think and harm to others. Sweder's three categories were less than convincing (in the introduction lecture). Differences between different cultures regarding human behavior in select situations were regarded as moral issues rather than economic adaptations empirically. I.M.O. what are regarded as behavioral questions in various cultures are actually the result of economic and environmental issues.
The idea that Americans aren't concerned with purity is incorrect. Americans are obsessed with purity. Watch the commercials on laundry and proper clothing, or the right body powder and deodorant spray. Never in history has a people been so obsessed with purity. I saw a movie where one terrorist encountered another, who had used cologne, and the other said in greeting him; my friend, you smell like a whore!  Americans being largely materialists, need the purity of material items, and the ineffable cleanness of a washed and waxed car, new shoes and hair grease or whatever it is they use. The purity of no wrinkles, of not being affected by age or poverty, those are important. There was a fast food restaurant where a cook had put excrement in with the burgers; it was torn down and a Walgreens erected in its place.
American women with their world-leading prosperity have the lowest childbirth rate and number of abortions. The gap between U.S. and other cultures of the second and third world are regarded as likely to decrease when economic conditions improve in second and third world nations to a level comparable to that of the U.S.A. People conform their behavior to what is possible rather than to an abstract concept of morality- except perhaps in a percentage of conservatives.
Formerly conservative churches (in a place in history on a scale from the year 33 a.d. to the present) have become liberal beyond recognition with the increase of prosperity. Morality and church participation change in various nation in regard to who administrates the church (it was the state in Germany for instance, and is in China today). Politics may determine religious structure as it certainly has in China and the former Soviet Union in the past two centuries.
The categories of what are regarded as moral Universals seem consistent with Kant's categorical imperative. Each creature experience a shared empirical experience in nature. The creature standing or swimming next to me is eaten by a predator; fear and empathy are responses. I.M.O. fairness and the rest are environmental responses for survival. The environment is planetary (like a Universe for primitives) and all experienced it. In a complex society different responses may arise, such as intentional apathy for survival.

Evolution, The Left Media and Moral Laxness

Atheism is in conflict with reason too. The left seem to require a godless social zeitgeist in order to lever lax moral preferences into law. Academic elites tend to be narrowly specialized in their fields and simply aren't philosophical enough or theologically well read to comprehend much. When they enter areas of philosophy and theology I am reminded of idiot-savants. Intellectual reduction of morality concepts to sound-bite sized nuggets of pure secular sensualist narrative make dismissal of areas of thought that require time and wisdom to learn about, effortless.
I believe that God evolved the Universe. Original sin is entropy. Adam and Eve may represent many things, yet Genesis is about several time lines running concurrently. Adamas means brown dirt. Most of Mesopotamia may have been covered by a post-Wisconsin Ice age flood. Saudi Arabia once was like a Garden of Eden. The tree of knowledge; i.e. cultivating apple trees to make apples grow larger, let human culture evolve, after it learned the difference between good and evil, realizing they were naked, unlike animals like chimpanzees. Cultivation-represented by Cain the Smithy, killed his brother Abel. Adam and Eve were test cases in a timeless state, or representative of human society of the day. They were cast out into a pre-existing human populated world. God said that if he let them stay in the timeless state while morally fallen they would have ate of the tree of eternal life. Humans are working on that technology to this day.
I will proceed with a regular critical evaluation of some trends, before writing a url for my free ebook on some of the issues about interpreting the Bible and science. Most people are wrong presently, unfortunately. In God, Cosmology and Nothingness I explain a few items on the topic I have made synthetically.
I appreciated Dr. Pizzaro's provisioning of experiments finding a correlation between pro-hygiene signs and subject responses of disgust to select collateral test items. That in part explains the left-leaning broadcast media's lax loose moral content and reduction of levels of disgust in a nation they have tried to corrupt with leftist standards.
The wish to define morality in a kind of assembler language founded on evolution is questionable. Morality may have been refounded on logic and intelligent selection of ideas of good and bad and not an elaborate continuation of primitive, base innate behavior. Morality may be more than behavioral responses common and mass produced.
Mass production of cloned social behaviors that are easily regulated with the skill of moving cattle through gates or consumers through McDonald's ques hasn't an antipathetic relation to moral paradigmata that are simplified and reduced to purification, harm etc. The interpretation of human behavior patterns or responses to common empirical or external challenges can vary quite much obviously, even so reduction to concrete causal criteria may be statistically determined, yet reliant on a definition of morality as what people actually do.
I am not sure at all that I would be willing to concede a point that morality is limited to what people actually do, and certainly not stipulate the point that politics are based on morality, or that politics are moral at all. If political platforms are irrelevant to human species survival, maybe they are predominately stupid.
It seems wrong to gratuitously reinforce moral paradigmata that benefit an advantaged social class. Human neo-infanticide; abortion, homosexuality, concentration of wealth too far, Human Economic Structure virus increase that attacks ecospheric health and vitality are part of historical liberalism. Human behaviors themselves may have deeper explanations that simian cultural origins or similarities to similar empirical challenges. Haplogroup X gene distribution and additional genetic factors may have embedded behavioral characteristics that today are individual specific rather than homo sapiens sapiens genus-wide universal behavioral traits. Mass society may repress individual traits with universalized mass behavioral conformity with liberal mass-distributed pressure. That communist destruction of individual free actualization of life is evil. 
Because people are so comfortable in prosperous classes of the United States, they will to jettison moral conservatism to indulge their wealthy desires more deeply. There is a belief that no harm can occur except through those opposed to moral laxness. yet like delayed gratification there may be delayed mass social harm for practices such as homosexuality and abortion that are evolutionarily wrong. In the modern world women with good security and sexual conservatism would have little need for abortion even to arise as a concern.
It is quite possible that the good advice of God on moral behavior were given to direct humanity not to miss the mark of life presentable for eternity. Human life is like a blade of grass that is here for a day and gone. God has the information that was a human soul, and that information is never lost. Information is conserved by God for eternity. Because he is omniscient it is never created or destroyed; simply foreknown. Thus people have two destination; with God in the Lord Jesus Christ whom God sees instead of human sin with the original sin of entropy, or two; eternity without God and the eternal suffering of the damned left only to their own devices.
I have made a book of some of my own ideas regarding eve’s revolution and theology (free to download) to reconcile evolution and theology with a little more calm reflection on serious topics. People so often deeply err.


Ecosphere Defense and Cutting Federal Debt

President Trump can try to slow growth of Federal public debt and that’s about it. It was nearly 21 trillion when he took office. It’s passed 22 trillion now.

Because of supply side economics carried to a ludicrous extreme the Congress and politicians aren’t very serious about reducing the debt. They aren’t reformers either.
Discontinuing highly entropic economic structures deleterious to ecospheric health would provide macro-structural tax reform policies as well that could likely reduce the public debt.

I have some ideas about the Congress at least starting a Committee on finding remedies for HES virus (Human Economic Structure virus) that is causing the breakdown of the historical health of the ecosphere. There is a Ways and Means Committee and Intelligence etc, yet nothing about the ecospheric problems the evolved form of the human economy has inflicted on the world ecosphere. The new Congressional Committee should study the problem and find ways to accomplish reform of HES to a sustainable and non-ecospherically fatal form. It would look for anti-HES virus policies that could be legislated. It would be like Congress studying for a cure for cancer. Journey of thousand mile begin with single step.

With the need for wholesale economic policy reform evident and lacking from either party the prospects for reform and reduction of the Federal deficit are problematic and penultimate to addressing the larger question of human survival on Earth. Global warming is just a symptom (although potentially fatal) of the human economic structural attack on the health of the global ecosphere. It can be corrected yet a start need be made by Congress to address the entire problem a piece at a time.

Geoengineering Isn't the Better Way Way to Repair Economic Damage to Earth

It is remarkable how people avoid facing up to the fact that human economic and living zoning and operations infrastructure evolved in anti-ecospheric health paradigms are the problem, and the problem can't be fixed just with large scale geoengineering items that let unsustainable economic practices continue.


Business insider's article is a good example of off the mark big schemes that ignore the requisite transformation through redesign of human living and economic practices. Change would bother business.

Global warming is not the only problem. It is a symptom of the problem. Several fatal ecosphere illnesses are caused by the maladapted human economic structure  (HES) virus.

I suggest that the Congress create a permanent committee that studies and finds remedies to particular ecosphere problems that are a result of maladaptive HES. Solutions require more than just a single bill to reverse the tide like a King Canute order. Sustainable economics also known as the discipline of ecological economics requires changes in hundreds of areas from living to industry and business practices and zoning. The optimal ways to bring about even a few changes with the minimum of economic harm while economic transition is occurring should be a study and actions taken by Congress on a lasting basis. It is not a one-off fix-all bill.


Press Quality May Be Declining Globally

The quality of the free press may be declining globally. Globalism has transformed the broadcast media too. It seems more to have conformed into being a tool of the rich that hoodwink the poor and middle class.

The persecution of President Donald Trump confirmed in the no-meat Mueller Report was a dog and pony show to give Democrat Party greyhounds something to chase after. The Congress seems unable to reason well, and Democrats in particular seem treasonous in their preferences for foreign illegal aliens over secure American borders quite in keeping with globalist corporate CEO's that might enjoy downgrading uppity American individualists. The 1% owns the broadcast media.

Throughout history ruling classes have employed the press and broadcast media more recently to socialize, brainwash and control the public. The press in a plurality of instances is an opiate for the masses. Americans have opioids, The Washington Post, CNN etc.

Academias in their rush to embrace godless atheist politics have sought after a grip on the wealthiest as well. The Democrat President Obama signed off on vast Bush II tax cuts to make the rich richer than their wildest dreams. He had only to allow the cuts to expire for a semblance of fairness to return. The Congress does nothing to reform free enterprise or bring about a more egalitarian national income allocation. They avoid legislating anything that would reduce patent exclusivity and allow anyone to manufacture a patented item after three years with 10% royalties due the inventor by users that manufacture the product. Democrats won't secure borders and instead seek divisive political times for years and years that distract from any questions concerning national income and the concentration of wealth. They have trained Americans to think that race, perversion and gender are more important than finance and income distribution for Americans based solely on economic class. 

The media has aided and abetted federal foisting of the corruption of onerous supply-side economic policy going on beyond the Reagan years with their distracting cult-of-personalities approach to governance. The press has become co-opted by the powers that own them. Ruling by cash or coercion the ruling powers have their way.

The media faces tough challenges these days with corporate repression of free speech by individual, independent writers apparently encouraged by the card-carrying journalist clan. They additional have tough questions regarding how to publish hostile content while seeming to be objective. In the case of ethics, media theological questions arise, for example, concerning the Mueller Report, such as the relation between active and passive collusion compared to the parameters of sin by omission and commission. They must spend time wondering if passive collusion by omission is as serious as active collusion by commission, from the point of view of third parties, morally speaking.

Universal Public Health Care and Universal Food Stamps are Wrong Ideas

Universal public health care is as wrong as would be food stamps for everyone. The poor and starving need food stamps, not the rich and middle class. Public health care is similar.

A V.A.-poor people's clinics network for veterans, the poor and uninsurable with direct public health care is reasonable and useful. Such a system for everyone would be superfluous, inefficient and would expand government far more than needed. Government works best if it performs necessary and cost-efficient services rather than becoming bloated.

A Universal food stamp program where food in the United States could only be purchased with food stamps and every citizen was required to have them is such a silly thought I had to bring it to this essay. Food production and sales might be rather gruelish, and the rich might need to forego caviar for lunch. Food probably would be smuggled in from Mexico.

The middle class and rich can afford health care or health insurance. The poor and uninsurable generally can't. Those are the people the government should provide medical service to, as well as veterans.

Public health care systems (government run) can hire educated medical professionals readily enough, and they can buy medical equipment from the private sector; if the private sector still exists. The problem with universal public health care is that it probably would greatly slow the rate of technical advance that exists compared with that of a nation with a robust private sector. 

A good point for a government run public health care system for the poor and veterans is that if poverty is eliminated as well as wars the system would require fewer tax dollars to exist.

Designing government services at the largest scale is a technical art. Intellectual work is largely technical knowledge. Ordinary tech skills are a closed set and simpler than more abstract technical work. Intellectual tech skills recombine synthetic knowledge. Tech intellectual skills in history of government and philosophy of government function in relation to citizens are requisite for redesigners of government function. Even so innumerable politicians seek to change government without competence in appropriate technical skill. The consequence is 21 trillion of public debt with numerous politicians seeking to add trillions and trillions more.

Virtue and wisdom are requisite for good government reform. Many simple ideas implemented have counter-cyclical effects. The desire to have a product in math of 10 for example, does not mean that 5 added to X=10.


General Thomas Was the Real Winner for the Army of the Cumberland (after Grant)

General Thomas was the deciding edge for the Army of the Cumberland. Thomas was a brilliant and modern field tactician who invented the mobile field command car (wagon). He had people survey the terrain of battle in detail, and out-prepped the opponents. Thomas held the line at Chicamagua when the rebel Army broke through a gap in Sherman's line. The union forces were thrown into panic and retreat, yet Thomas’ command held the line against vastly superior forces long enough to enable Sherman to retreat without a slaughter.
Grant had ordered Sherman to replace General Thomas because he was impatient with Thomas’ strategy of letting the confederates come to him for the battle of Chattanooga. Thomas had good intel and knew the terrain very well and designed a kill zone. Grant arrived and ordered Thomas to hit the rebels in the center. That resulted in a Union victory. Sherman was busy fighting at Tunnel hill where the rebels stopped him. The confederate army engaged in battle wasn’t slaughtered and retreated toward Atlanta.
Thomas knew that the Rebel army could be cut off at a critical spot on the way Sheridan dithered and let General Hood’s forces escape to Atlanta. Sherman surrounded Atlanta and had Thomas guard a sector of the northern front, and waited. The confederates choose to break out while Sherman was on the wrong side of Atlanta- the S.W. He had no notion when the battle started.
The rebels broke through in the N.E. where just General Thomas’s forces held yet could not contain. Rebel fugitives did manage to escape toward Savannah, and though out of touch during the initial fighting, General Sherman arrived to chase after the survivors. His cavalry rode all the way from Atlanta to Savannah where they encountered stiff resistance from 200 revel soldiers. I rode a bicycle along a country highway where Sheridan’s forces had gone, and found a small vestigial swamp with cypress trees- very scenic, the remainder was farmland.
There are experts on the war crimes of the civil war. Sheridan didn’t perp anything like Union soldiers experienced at Andersonville. Sheridan was probably in a hurry to get back for medals and ceremony in D.C. as the war was quickly over.

I am skeptical that General Sherman could have engaged in much looting and pillaging on his ride in hot pursuit of escaping, concluding Rebels soldiers on the road to Savannah. Again, between Chattanooga and Atlanta there wasn’t so much time that passed to seriously exploit the civilians.
General Thomas, a son of North Carolina, died of a heart attack a few years after the war in San Francisco. If had chosen to fight for the South, the Union might have had a worse time of it.

Can a 'True Author' Have Fewer than 10 Million Words in Print?

 I don't use AI to write fiction. I tried editing with it and that didn't work. It would cut out 2/3's of whatever I let it work...