
Nazi Corporatism had Similarities to American and Eurpean Corporatism (and China too)

The state of Germany after the armistice ending the First World War wasn’t settled, and wasn’t comparable to that of the United States very easily. There was not one uniform 1930s depression shared by Germany and the United States. Germany had an empire until 1918 when a populist revolution grew demanding an end to the war. The Wiemar Republic followed.

The chaotic post-war revolutionary state with large reparations due to be repaid and land taken by the allies didn’t rest easy in Germany. There was concern with the Bolshevik forces that had taken over in Russia to the east. The deposed German aristocracy sought for ways to recover their lost power and prevent the reds from conquering Germany. Reds and some Jews were blamed for leading the revolt.

Germany exploited Mussolini’s development of corporatist theory eventually that united government authority with corporate leadership. First though, a populist proxy leader was required to lead a populist movement that could draw in socialist and conservative support for the new form of government. Adolph Hitler was selected by German Army intelligence officials to take over the German national Socialist party with his charismatic speaking voice. With the support of the storm troopers that grew to be very large and were made up of approximately 70% former socialists, the street level popular political movement rose to power. Corporate and government leaders grew government with deficit spending. A war machine grew with autobahns to speed military equipment and personnel wherever it was needed.

The fascist government remained popular as it went to war with unified corporate and government leadership under Adolph Hitler. The United States and Europe today have a similar government-business relationship with support from the left that is generally happy so long as political shop stewards accommodate homosexual empowerment, legal dope, abortion and enough welfare cash spread to the middle class and rick through deficit financing paid for by the rich and foreign elites.
Germany had numerous brilliant scientists that were made to work for the interests of fascism and corporatism. The Nazi state took over church leadership with some ministers refusing to remain in the church under Nazi direction.

Fascism was a tool used by an aristocracy to lead socialist populism into reinforcing their return to power. War was anticipated to shore up accounts. What wasn’t accurately predicted was the incompetence of Adolph Hitler’s leadership in waging war.

It is possible to run governments for quite a while with deficit spending. Like capitalism that sometimes can profit from exploiting others, corporatism running deficits make require external sources of income to continue an economically unbalanced policy. That does not require war inevitably, as did that of fascist Germany. It does require the negation of American style democracy, actual security in free speech and stoppage of individual economic opportunity to develop antithetically to socialist class conformity.

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