
The Effect of a Hypothetical Global Economic Collapse on an Administration

A collapse of the world ecosystem would be worse than the collapse of the U.S. and world economy. One might wonder how a Neanderthal or Denisovan would have regarded a question about the ecospheric decline. Probably he or she would have denied the possibility as a hoax.
Business interestingly is developing some carbon dioxide absorbing technology.
A government might invest in that as well as big oil. That is an irony; big oil is investing in technology to correct the greenhouse gassing issue; a problem it has played a large part in creating. Profit going in and profit going out for oil.

Actually if the economy were to collapse few would care much about the administration that let it occur. They would be turned out in the next election unless already a lame duck with meager consolation of going home and investing their winnings. Business goes on regardless of the overall state of things. People have sold bread made from wheat horded before a general famine occurred. Politicians often exacerbate problems because they aren’t often good at business and rely on some academic ‘experts’ of one school that wouldn’t find agreement with others. They would deny eternal judgment and hell as an ‘externality’ that extremists are concerned about.
Apparently whatever best benefits the most rich is the policy that government will follow and train the public to accept as the best of all possible economic management.

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