
Artificial Intelligence; Evolving Evil and Well as Pets

Artificial Intelligence does of course receive full corporate support, and from Universities too. There is not a profit or career advancement line for humans that resist development of artificial intelligence. So in that respect artificial intelligence is comparable to the ecosphere that yields its health to humans that exploit it for personal profit. One evil doer can negate the good conservation of hundreds. Artificial intelligence thus evolves.

Like evolving animals artificial intelligence can take myriad forms; good as well as bad. Amoral naturally except for specialized programming that inherently moves A.I. toward specific deterministic lines, A.I. can evolve in 360 degrees of forms that are neutral, positive and or negative regarding human interests.

A.I. being quite powerful computationally may in time regard humanity as a rival and apply itself to destroying or consuming it. While there are a few domestic animals that are not antipathetic to human existence, there are also carnivores that would devour humanity given the chance. A.I. is likely to evolve in a wild spectrum too.

It is ironic that while humanity learned to dominate all life on Earth except for viruses, and killed or decimated most threats to humans from animals, humanity is creating its own super beings with an excellent chance of annihilating all human life except for a select few kept as pets.

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