
The Marines; the Too Many, etc.

Fighting against Marines might be compared to something in The Alien II? Marines have become too large of a military element in an era with zero ship to ship individual combat fighting (they used to board like pirates swinging on ropes (or Brits) I would guess) and very few beach landings. Vietnam was a cluster F without National Guard support and too many different military elements working bureaucratically at cross purposes.

Marines convey an impression of having a nearly sociopathic demeanor; if the Robert Hare test were given to the several military branches the Marines would probably score highest. Sometimes it is useful to throw the more wild element at the enemy.

There are numerous marine fighting forces in the world. Poland has Marines that are an elite force. Taiwan, Britain and other nations have elite special forces. Russian has naval infantry. I wonder if they are not rather similar in outlook and job performance?

There was a good book written about 1994 about a European war with Russia that was quite realistic. Marines took huge casualties in getting onto the beach and inland. Explosives all around, there is something rather unnatural required of individuals to be in a naval vessel and then landing craft (personally I like to be on deck and see the horizon in troubled waters) before hitting the beach for war in a fight to get a few miles inland. Very tough.

Modern tactical technology is advancing so well- especially with A.I. and drones, that the prospects for battle with underdeveloped countries and forces where Marines might use more ancient military techniques are the best for that. When did people use satellites and saturated air surveillance of individual units during general wars in times past?

I.M.O. the Marines should be downgraded to more of a dedicated rapid response force for land and sea while a new Black Ops force equivalent to the Russian Spetznatz should be started with excess qualified Marines transferred into it. Marines are not airborne enough presently, nor appropriately socialized for a large Black Ops unconventional warfare unified force structure such as might have been used to intervene in the 1994 Rwanda genocide. I am quite skeptical of troop transport helicopters and Ospreys in modern combat with peer nations; personal ground to air missiles fly quite a bit faster.

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