
Regarding 'Fair' National Income Distribution

The GINI Index exists and is ubiquitous for the purpose of comparing fair income distribution.

Gini Index Definition

Gini coefficient - Wikipedia

I am not sure what ‘fair’ distribution is. There is some relation between production and output/income. Should non-producers have the same output and income as non-producers? From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs is a Marxist paradigm and quote. That doesn’t seem right to me; there should be a lot of surplus wealth used for nothing good in that paradigm. Maybe it could be adjusted in some way so it worked without government goons deciding what everybody needs.

There should be a minimum livable income and a maximum allowable income to prevent social misery and the end of democracy with plutocracy. Besides that there should be equal opportunity to be productive and end the prospect of oppression by corporations, individuals or the state.

Maybe there are clever, better ways to regard fair distribution of wealth. Certainly public resources should be equally accessible such as forests, oceans etc and not exploited or destroyed for the benefit of corporations or governments.

If Canada Joined the EU

Canada isn’t in the European Union. They could make a deal with the EU to allow European leadership to make Canada a cute, loyal vassal state if the Canadians were nice enough. Canada is tight with Britain, and Britain is trying to ditch the EU with Brexit; one would think that a Canadian submission to the EU and the Huns of Hungary (such as GM Richard Rapport who could conquer Canadian chess rankings) would be counter-cyclical regarding Canadian tradition and current history vis England.

The United States would need a new defense posture concerning the possible perfidy of the EU on the northern border. Probably it would be requisite for the U.S. to end N.A.T.O. and form and alliance with Russia to offset the European edge. Central American and latino problems would arise in greater substance than at present with Communist China levering South American powers too along with Europeans leaders of the left and right to squeeze the United States with adverse military and trade agreements.

Suspension of US Democracy While Foreign Governments Rule Immigration Policy

The Democrat party seems like an alien party trying to rule in behalf of foreign governments; especially those of Central America sending illegal aliens north. U.S. citizens are no longer self-determining regarding who and how foreigners arrive in the United States. Immigration policy is set by foreign governments that choose to create conditions in their own nations that would drive their people away.

The poor of those nations haven't competent government leadership to assure reasonable living conditions and security so they flee north. That situation need be corrected with pressure put on Central American Governments as well as security on the U.S. to halt the illegal flow of migrants across the U.S. border.

The U.S. Democrat is party degrades the value of U.S. citizenship and kills political self-determination. Democrat Party leaders determine U.S. policy so far as they can- even through illegal means, and are a party of lunatics undermining the opportunity for Americans to have calm, rational, stable politics that allow the marketplace of ideas to change the course of the nation in a steady, measured way to sustainable economics and the end of misery for the poor of the U.S.A. Democrats are a party that would enslave citizens socially and economically and force them into their evil, godless mold. Democrats are like Marxist-Leninists that are satisfied with the CPSU leadership class becoming empowered while the proles look up their noses on high from below.


Middle East May Not Need a 'Peace' Plan

Central economic planning didn't work too well for the Soviet Union. A Middle east Peace plan that is some kind of socialist coordination template with donors or others providing $50 billion to Palestine doesn't seem like a good idea. That would enable Palestine to buy better weapons to attack Israel with.

U.S. Presidents are not obligated to provide a peace plan for Palestine. Free enterprise lassez fare might work better. Middle East problems are better solved by Middle Easterners. The United States should just support Israeli defense needs and let the terrorists beyond their borders find their own funding.

Rube Goldberg schemes might be good for post-presidency Trump Inc investment prospects in Muslim nations yet they are wrong for Americans. Central Americans need a Marshall plan more than Palestine, and Marshall plans should just go to friends and beaten enemies rather than present enemies such as exist in the Middle East. The Von Trump-Kushner Peace Plan for Enriching Palestinians seems wrong. Put together a moon financing package for the moon base. Get Central America fully recovered and looking to the future with hope. Let the Palestinians keep electing gangsters. Until they choose to put down the suicide vest let them find their own financing. Maybe President Trump and Kushner are working on a package for Iran. The logic is somewhat off.

Palestinians and the Arabs with nation status should pay reparations for attacking Israel so many times. They should also pay for the terrorism.

If the Palestinians were reasonable people that had an ethic of peace and free enterprise themselves investment from Jews and others would allow them to prosper. For some reason U.S. administrations are spaced on the Middle East too often. There is not even a war going on today. The need for a Peace Plan is somewhat untimely. Maybe there is a need for a Crime Plan to stop terrorism.

Dialetheism and Nominalist Logic

One can approach the matter with formal logic or a posteriori statements. One might say that matter is solid, or that substances are solid for example, and it is true yet false at the same time- for one knows about atoms and spacing between them. One may have logic, language and categorical issues. It is challenging to find word meanings that cannot be defined in other words. Interpretation of statements is important. What to do with Free Speech is Hate Speech? https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/dialetheism/ Paraconsistent logic might be associated with nominalism rather than realism in language philosophy. The LNC law of non-contradiction for statements such that they cannot be true and false at the same time worked better with Platonic realism and linguistic realism perhaps. Computer logic seems to be the test of formal logic these days. If an algorithm can work meaningfully with productivity being both true and false then it might be true (yet false). Interesting words games and more. Statements may be true at one level and false at another. That conserves the LNC. Sorting out statement values with bi-conditionals and disjuncts might keep meanings at one level that have multiple true and false values.


Stanley McCrystal for Ice Director?

Former General Stanley McCrystal might be able to address the border security crisis as head of the vacant I.C.E. leadership job if he were asked. President Trump should find some former general able to view the border to border security problem wholisticly and assign the right personnel to the most effective locations for control.

U.S. border security should be taken seriously, a priori- before some unfingerprinted, non-registered terrorist smuggles a suitcase nuke over the porous boundary.

Systems analysts should find some way to actualize 100% capture, swift processing and detention at closed military bases, adjudication by special judges on the spot and relocated to their own countries or given an entry visa in some cases.

Ocasio-Cortez's Concentration Camps are Full of Volunteer Illegal Immigrants

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said that the President has made concentration camps on the border for illegal aliens. Presumably he should have sent them to Motel Six. There is a difference between holocaust concentration camps and those camps full of illegal aliens in the U.S. border with Mexico- the illegals traveled hundreds and thousands of miles to get to the U.S. illegally, while the Jews and others sent to Nazi camps did not get there voluntarily.

Jews and select others were gathered forcibly from all over Europe and concentrated in camps for disposal- death. The illegal aliens entering the United States were not gathered and concentrated at all; in fact they were not wanted in the U.S.A. at all (except for those with criminal warrants). The U.S.A. prefers legal immigrants and not illegal ones. Fact check; Rep Cortez had no truth at all in her description of ICE holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in the paradigm of the Nazi camps.

Another difference is the illegals aren't being starved or liquidated in ovens. The Latino Congresswoman really should learn more about history. The Second World War was actually a significant event for a generation she wasn't part of. It was a war for survival of many nations. Mexico was neutral until the last year of the war when it finally declared war on Germany so as not to seem too sympathetic with the losers.

President Trump should get House Speaker No Pelposi to sign off on a Marshall Plan for federal America so the illegals would not need to break into the U.S.A. in hot pursuit of wealth. As a son of a European immigrant (legal) the President may not have an interest in spending 20 billion for a Central American Marshall plan instead of wasting it in the desert for Palestinian terrorists (he would like to spend 50 billion there).

Central America could be great again, or great at least, and the balance could fund the wall and a moon base (from the tentative $50 billion wasted on Palestinian terrorists).



Actually the Economy is the Best It Has Ever Been*

*Yes the economy probably is the best it’s ever been, except for the deficit piling up. That’s a very serious problem, as is the foundation of most of the economy on non-sustainable ecological principles.
Though the economy has arguably the best statistics ever, the quality of life was better from a natural point of view before 1970. Too many people packed in and the closing of the wilderness, decline of fisheries etc.
Before 1960 the Jim Crowe south made much of the workforce underemployed or working for unnaturally low wages. Women were not nearly as employed outside the home before the invention of the birth control pill. The economy was good in the 1950s and 60s for those that were working.
After complete integration and equalization of wages was mostly reached in the U.S.A. by 1980 approximately, wealth began concentrating for the rich. Though more Americans were working they took a smaller portion of the national income. The portion of society new to the workforce demanded equality with white men and took their eye off of the disparity increasing between the middle class and the richest citizens.
After the Vietnam War ended there was a recession in the United States that never really turned around to robust economic growth until the Reagan era. Reagan gave tax cuts to the rich, deficit spending for military and government growth, and in a sense practiced Keynesian economics. That policy never ended after his administration. What should have been short-term policy to stimulate the economy became permanent government method. Deficit spending, resource exploitation and military spending kept economic growth going.
President Clinton’s deregulation of Wall Street and banks led to the 2008 financial and banking crash (along with President G.W. Bush’s tax cuts and deficit spending doubled down). A slow recovery with vast left-wing federal deficit spending by President Obama adding trillions to the public debt brought the nation to the Trump era and continuing Keynsean-Lafferian economics with military spending and vast centrist public debt increase.

Fund a Moon Base Instead of $50 Billion Foreign Aid Program for Terrorists

Establishing a moon base is said to cost 30 billion dollars. President Trump wants to gather foreign aid for Palestinians in the amount of $50 billion dollars as if terrorists want money more than power. It would be better to build a moon base and invest the spare $20 billion in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica than in the Middle East outside the borders of Israel.

https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/guid/73931476-9511-11E9-9E6F-BDF56509629E The Trump Plan- $50 Billion




Saudi Arabia and its imperials are already rich and could reconstruct Palestine easily with spare change if they wanted to. The Trump-Kushner plan seems wrong-headed and misplaced; Palestinian terrorists are not going to change their opinion about permanent war anytime soon. However the Trump administration has cut off foreign aid to Central America and needs to get a clue about how to rebuild those nations so they are prosperous enough not to have loads of citizens that want to migrate north.


The Central Americans are Americans; the Palestinians are terrorists. If a Marshall Plan for somewhere on Earth really needs to be funded, Central America would be a better investment for the United States. The Middle East should fund its own development; it has boatloads of cash, diamonds, foreign properties and stocks as it is. The United States should not be the redistribution leader in that location; Middle Eastern royals should be down with that themselves.

President Nixon probably would have been sharper on foreign investment than President Trump. Nixon or Sect. Kissinger would have seen the wisdom in building our Central American neighbors better than they were before the wars and communist conflicts, and letting our non-ally Palestinian planetary neighbors get their help from their own Muslim co-religionists. Nixon also would have understood that a Marshall Plan for Central America would help his reelection chances with the Hispanic vote instead of relying on the Palestinian terrorist and radical Muslim jihadi voter base.

Saudi Arabia has given the Chinese the green light for building a vast drone hunter-killer aircraft factory in Saudi initially producing 300 annually for sales to friendly Muslim countries- possibly including Palestine. China is already the largest supplier of killer-drone aircraft to African and Middle Eastern countries. Saudi is already going great guns for investment in China. Hence the United States has no reason in neglecting the western hemisphere and building political glass houses in the desert.

England May Finally Be Able to Get Rid of Scotland

If Boris Johnson is elected Prime Minister (of England), Scotland has virtually promised to vote to leave the United Kingdom. That is all good for England and Scotland.


England and Scotland are miles apart, and should remain so. While an open border with Scotland allows those people to freely enter England without inspection, severing England from Scotland would probably keep it that way, and that's a change for the good.

Without Scotland England can be free to be British without the influence of golf-playing northerners. Scotland would be without a king or Queen and that's all for the good- unless the British Open played somewhere around Edinburgh is made to serve to provide Scotland a king for a year with the winner of the Open wearing the crown.

Crown could be a word with ancient origin when a crow was worn atop the head as a symbol of power. A crown was thus made to mean one of power. Only Boris Johnson has the possibility of restoring England to its senses as a right independent nation without Frenchmen and Germans dictating what's what as if they won the last great war.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...