
Electoral College is Right for the United States

The electoral college protects state's rights. States are given electors according to their Senate and representative numbers. It is part of a brilliant and accurate design to permit a federal system to function while letting states keep a substantial element of self-determination.

What is the Electoral College?

There are complete idiots in the Democrat Party that would abolish the electoral college and let concentrated urban populations in a few states determine the winner of Presidential elections. States need proportional election of the Chief Executive as well as the Congress.

Another alternative reform, if the electoral college were eliminated, would be to allow every state to have two Senators and just three representatives in order to allow democracy to flourish in each state on a level field. 

With elimination of the electoral college state's rights would essentially disappear as a federal executive and congress composed of urban proles passed whatsoever plundering laws they liked to extract anything of value from the less densely populated states.

Why Democrats Want to Abolish the Electoral College—And Republicans Don't

One better reform than abolishing the electoral college and the states would be to let the states be free to leave the union altogether and keep a loose confederacy. The large urban center dominated minority of the states would be allowed to keep the federal government and its public debt. 

Trumps Challenges; To Reduce Global Warming, Fund the Moon Program and Grow the Economy

Ecological economics theory has sustainable growth in quality and zero growth in quantity. Classical economics has a robust growth rate of more than 5%. President Obama was borrowing a little from ecological economic theory to explain the insipid 1% growth rate that was satisfactory to select Harvard marionettes of his administration I would guess; typical Democrat party trickery with Eleatic economics.

A history of economics and capital named Capital in the Twenty-First Century, written by Thomas Piketty, explained that the rate of growth tends to follow select patterns during the growth phase compared with a mature economy that settles down to a lower rate, China’s economy is has grown rapidly the past couple of decades in keeping with their entry into limited market economics with an immature economy. Looking at Piketty’s charts one would guess that China’s economy would settle down in two or three decades. It might be compared to where the United States was in, oh, the 1950s.

President Obama’s economy was not a sustainable ecological economic economy with sustainable infrastructure. Democrats don’t actually understand what that is and try to substitute ‘Cargo Cult’ economic policy for actually well-founded ecological economics. With so much work outsourced abroad these days the 1% was deceptive; it was a government job security and bureaucracy economy with high, unemployment and underemployment compelling citizens to live on government programs. Quite an unhealthy situation.

The Trump economy is the Obama economy plus plundering natural resources for an extra few percentage points of growth. Neither Obama nor Trump has a clue about Ecological Economics or capacity to lead the nation toward that. The President should at least use the L1 solar reflecting mirrors to cool the Earth 1% as his campaign idea for reducing global warming. It would require building the mirrors on the moon of regolith and launching them to L1 with the low delta v required…even an electromagnetic mass driver on the moon would provide most of the push. President Trump’s moon program is just what is needed to get the mirror project going. Of course the Democrats won’t fund the moon program willingly though it will be needed to cool the Earth in the decades ahead most likely. The idea was developed at a Sept. 2001 White House meeting on global warming, probably before 9-11. The timing is appropriate for politicians ignored warnings then too.


President Trump has the challenge of dealing with a growing Chinese economy that is in the classical economic criterion while transitioning the nation to sustainable quality growth only. That is beyond his capacity so he is just growing it the old fashioned way by exploiting endangered, natural resources causing harm to the ecosphere and adding to global warming. really, all of the politicians running for the job are clueless- even the Yang campaign seems to have some fairly socialist ideas about giving 1000 dollars to everyone in the nation without working. That would create a surplus of gamers I would guess.


Genetic Editing Can Create a World of Problems

In a couple generations biophysics has learned about the structure of human genes to how to edit them. Probably terrorists lag behind a generation.

It is possible today to use biology as a weapon rather easily for those with a PhD. Nations may also use genetic design to improve their human stock from enhancing biceps to brains, endurance to an ability to live better in space. Certainly some will go in new directions especially as humanity is free again to be free from other's interference at some time and space different from Earth-now.






Mazhar Adli [CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)]

Decline of Catholic Moral Theology at John Paul II Institute

An interesting article in The Church Militant describes problems associated with the reform of the John Paul II Institute in Poland.


Issues of clerical celibacy that might have been resolved with a return to a license for priests to marry face the ironic challenge of the tanglefoot of the corruption of civic homosexual marriage. For the Catholic Church to return to the freedom of priests to marry would risk allowing in homosexual marriage- creating a complete farce of ecclesiology in support of the doctrine of sin. When the Christian church over-accommodates itself to worldliness it subverts its own integrity as well as fails to bring the lost to the Lord. A priesthood of believers would better work in a literate era with perhaps somewhat more of a Levitical function rather than a sacerdotal stress. Good luck Polish Catholics.

Build Camp and Ride Lots for Homeless Californians

California is good at a few things involving technology and conservation. Unfortunately the state’s major cities have had decades to fix the urban homeless population problem and hasn’t. The reason for that may be the nature of democracy itself, for it tends to elect bad politicians that haven’t good ideas about how to improve civic matters, too often. For the homeless problem the solution is simple; build suburban camp and ride lots for the homeless to commute downtown.

Like park and ride lots that work, camp and ride lots would bring a suburban population of commuters to the urban core and back. Dedicated buses would operate all day to bring the urban homeless to a safe camping area with real policemen security the site, real surveillance cameras and strong, semi-private cam sites. Residents could stay for a year, free. They would have a post office with free postal box and clean, secure toilet facilities-with individual toilets to avoid problems associated with semi-communal facilities used by unsupervised homeless people.

Each homeless village for two-thousand souls would have a medical clinic and detox facility. The savings to taxpayers would be great in not needing to arrest people downtown or provide emergency medical transport to emergency rooms.

The downtown terminus would be like a job and counseling center for the homeless who could use the location for phone calls, work searches, food and so forth.

With the exclusivity of urban centers where the jobs are located many of the poor are precluded from looking for a job without the risk of living on the streets. If the poor individual looking for work has no drug problem it is possible they will learn to get one in the urban jungle of despair. Living on the street is an unhealthy environments with urban traffic noise, pollution, crime and complete lack of physical security, cleanliness etc. It would be useful for anyone in such a situation- and many there are for not everyone has the intelligence and wit to innovate some sort of productive employment and living situation with all of the up-front costs and low wages- to have the knowledge that they can have a functional and secure base from which to search for a way to improve their life should they wish to try.

It would be necessary for security purposes to register every camp resident. The state should make sure they all are supported with real i.d. cards that are requisite for getting a job. It would be necessary to have language translators for foreign residents, and illegal aliens and their culture should be in a separate facility than legal residents and citizens in order not to harm the Americans with a host of foreign problems that could adversely impact them. Sacramento and L.A. have ample space to construct secure camp and ride facilities if they had the good sense to do so.


Mirrors at L1 to Cool Earth Would Be Made on the Moon

At least one Presidential candidate (Andrew Yang Democrat) has reiterated an old proposal made to the US Government in Sept. 2001 to cool the Earth with mirrors in space. The mirrors would be built on the moon, of moon rock, and delivered to the Lagrange Point 1 between the Earth and the Sun.


Mirrors built at the new moon base would be huge. Altogether 600,000 square kilometers of solar photon reflecting surface on a mesh would be required to cool the Earth one to two percent. In order to have the option of trying to build a sunscreen in space at the Lagrange Point the Congress need fund the return to the Moon program fully and quickly. Technology that is new requires some lead time.

Obviously it would be good to get some private businesses at work for the government on design coordinating with existing N.A.S.A. moon base plans.

Optional planning could include  space transportation that would use electro-magnetic propulsion along a straight track on the Moon to accelerate objects to very high velocity toward some sort of orbiting, recycling Earth-Mars ferry as Buzz Aldrin mentioned numerous times.

Electro-magnetic accelerators such as were made in the Star Wars program and later for navy canon perhaps on Earth with a specialized pointy heat shielded projectile moving along a fifty-mile track to orbital escape velocity would be one way to get cargo into orbit rapidly. Creating a network of electro-magnetic accelerators on the moon and around the solar system would provide the adaptability needed to let people discover niches in livable places without requiring a central bureaucratic or even corporate apparatus to plan for everyone involved with some sort of theory.

Plainly there is no easy fix to the world problem of too many people with too much dirty technology disrespecting the ecosphere of the planet. All of the efforts to transition global economics and political economy to sustainable principles (ref. Ecological Economics 2nd ed.) need continue. The overall problem is worse than is usually reported.
N.A.S.A. image
During its flight, NASA's Galileo spacecraft returned images of the Earth and Moon. Separate images of the Earth and Moon were combined to generate this view.

Why Doesn't U.S.A. Recognize Taiwan as an Independent Nation?

While President Trump is trying to defend intellectual properties from unscrupulous Chinese expropriators why doesn't he recognize Taiwan as an independent nation?

If Taiwan wants international recognition of its independent status the United States should join the seventeen nation that already have; http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/countries-that-recognize-taiwan/

President Trump seems to be fairly lax on allowing the Dictator of North Korea to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles; he also appears to be recalcitrant about recognizing the independence of Taiwan- why? 

Independent, free nations need stand together or fall separately in a world full of dictators, imperialists, communists and other scum lurking behind every false front they can. It is disgusting that 17 small nations have recognized Taiwan but the communists of the U.S. Government has not. Perhaps they are simply afraid.
Flag of the Republic of China.svg


The Supreme Court of Retrocausality

I would bet that the founders didn’t intend for courts to have the power of retrocausality that could expropriate legislative power to make laws. They undoubtedly thought courts should have the power to decide if a law was constitutionally consistent or not. That differs from post hoc rewriting and redistributing a laws meaning. A Supreme Court should go no farther than nullifying a law and sending it back to the legislature for rewriting.

The founders in keeping with human history regarded marriage as a legal establishment that heterosexuals did. The laws that built up concerning marriage were made entirely with that premise. When the Corporatist-leftist Roberts court redistributed marriage and more than two hundred years of American historical legislative construction to homosexuals that was a good example of retrocausality-with the court arrogating legislative power. If the Court regarded marriage with a modern phenomenalist lens wherein genetic intercourse to produce a blastocyst and zygote was irrelevant to marriage that was a particular opinion (everyone has one). The opinion should have stopped there and not retroactively redistributed those included in the paradigm and laws concerning marriage.

Retrocausalty of the court is not necessarily good. It makes a farce of the will of the people expressed through representative government. AS legally elected legislature constructs laws and builds and establishment for a particular purpose and later the court redistributes those covered under the law in contradiction of the intentions of the legislature and people. Examples abound of retrocasual malfeasances that could arise over the course of history.

Consider Medicare. It was established by the legislature to benefit older Americans. So someone sews and the courts decide Medicare discriminates against everyone that isn’t retired and extends those covered under the law universally.

Another example would be the rights of citizenship concerning running for public office, attending college or passing through border control. The court could decide that citizenship discriminates against non-citizens and extend any benefits provided by citizenship to non-citizens; instead of nullifying the exclusivity of citizenship concerning laws and sending it back to the legislature to reconsider.

If the court is simply f’d up in its opinion and has support of corporatism as does Chief Justice Roberts, remedies may be difficult to find.


Duras Gambit 3M Blitz

                                                                    I played black in this three minute blitz game. Had mate in one for about three moves and didn't see it.


The City of God is a Great Read

The City of God is a great read. Some people enjoy reading history and its primary writers; for them the book is essential.

The City of God - Wikipedia

It is in a sense the first apologia for the fall of Rome to Alaric and the Goths in 410. Later, other authors such as Gibbon would place the blame for the fall of Rome on Christians. That was an error; for the fall of Rome was perhaps predestined by the end of the Republic and development of an imperial society with the upper classes becoming the globalists of their day while Rome itself was something of an afterthought where plebeians were pacified with bread and circuses while the rich were developing vineyards in France and hedonistic pursuits etc.

If one has read Augustine’s Confessions one learned something about the theologian-philosopher-author’s background. Augustine was well-educated and even understood the neo-Platonism of Plotinus. He was able to think about the nature of time and transcending issues concerning the city of God and the city of man comparatively. Augustine understood that transcendent Christian values surpassed the paradigm of the crumbling of imperial Roman rule.

Christianity became the unifying principle for what would become modern Europe a thousand years later. Christianity brought spiritual unification through the dark ages in the aftermath of the fall of the pagan European world with the faded glory of Rome perishing under foreign hooves. 

The City of God is a kind of proto-evangelion for a lot of future philosophy and theology including protestant theologians such as Paul Tillich. Tillich in the 20th century noted the dichotomy of empirical political social outlooks that were somewhat cyclical or reciprocal. Specifically heteronomy, autonomy and theonomous social structures. Paul Tillich | American theologian and philosopher

Augustine and Tillich found dual time experiences in the now in regard to the point of view of existence one has. The City of God in some senses is reflected in the amillenialist position generally favored by the Catholic Church. The Kingdom of God is of the City of God, and the Kingdom of God exists in heaven and on Earth through the transcending presence of the Spirit of God in the hearts of believers. The viewpoint is consistent with post-tribulationist Protestant theology and differs from chiliasm or the belief in a pre-tribulation period with immanent apocalypse and Second coming of Christ

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...