
Congress Could Establish New Office of Perennial Lawsuits and Impeachment Efforts

When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001 the Intelligence Agencies were discoordinated and not sharing intelligence that might have stopped the hijackers. In a similar way all of the Democrat Party efforts to reverse the 2016 election results and Republican defense efforts to stop that are discoordinated, ad hoc responses to perennial legal speculations seeking weak spots in executive Branch armor. Already an upgrade has been made to attack the 2020 election before it occurs. When the Obama team and the F.B.I. began their pre-2016 election reversal insurance policy it was an uncoordinated and ultimately unconvincing effort.  Plainly coordination in offense and defense to reverse election results and impeach candidates need be coordinated through a central clear-house. An office for perennial litigation would make that new normal formal.



Therefore the Congress should authorize a new Office of Perennial Lawsuits for Members of Another Political Party. Like Homeland security the OPLMAPP would share intelligence and expedite accusations and investigations with more transparency since it would have bi-partisan membership with the head being the same Inspector General that now investigates the Attorney General, Secretary of State, President of the United States and others. The OPLMAPP would map out brackets for law suits and help them advance through various rounds toward the semi-final and final party y party battle to delete the President or not.

The Democrat Party has been able to legally ransack the President's personal lawyer before, and presently has commenced actions against Rudy Giuliani Esq.; the President's personal attorney, so Attorney Giuliani has lawyered up. Fundamentally Democrat Party efforts have sought to implicate anyone in the Executive branch with frivolous yet tangle-footing lawsuits, who might have participated in a legal and now public phone call between the U.S. and Ukrainian Presidents. Because of the complexity of promulgated lawsuits interactively, and because of the challenging interrelationships and capacity f the congress to subpoena Executive branch materials that require defense too- and that make great fodder for Democrat party partisan mass media, the entire load of bull need be coordinated through OPLMAPP brackets and permanent lawyer-warriors for each party advancing and defending the suits with ongoing public transparency.

It could be that the creation of the OPLMAPP so the public can follow all of the bull from Congress, will need to wait until after Republicans take control of the U.S. House of Representatives and the President is re-elected; the Democrat Party likes the present scattergun approach to blasting away at the meat of the President and may thus be unwilling to create a charged, neutral office t work on perennial impeachment efforts while the Congress itself tries to get some work for the public in.


Democrats Move Further Toward Sedition

Democrat Party have worked their own agenda since the election of President Trump. That party has moved the nation as far toward a seditious version of for-itself politics as it can. The most recent act was to make it a crime in New York City to say the phrase 'illegal alien' or to call ICE to report an illegal alien. Along with 'Sanctuary Cities' from federal laws concerning illegal aliens the Democrat party has removed as many obstructions to one party rule in Congress as they can thereby enabling a very divided nation. Do Americans really want the Democrat Party to dictate what language they can use without criminal penalties?


When governments in the United States ignore U.S. law and proclaim their own in opposition to it, that is the road to sedition. Several governments including that of New York City have taken the separate path to prefer foreign citizens- illegal aliens, over American citizens and legal processes. Proclaiming it illegal to call an illegal alien and illegal alien is like unto southern governments of the ante-bellum south proclaiming it illegal to call a slave a slave, or a criminal a criminal. San Francisco has eliminated the term 'felon' in preference for a phrase about a citizen involved in the corrections system, and Democrats have followed up their hate crimes legislation with hate speech Orwellianist penalties in regard to language and free speech.

In the run up to the civil war the Old South made their own laws regarding the right to capture fugitive slaves in free states and return them to the plantation of the south. Just like old time Democrats,  contemporary Democrats travel the road to sedition with their preference for illegal aliens over U.S. citizens and in forcing their way in opposition to U.S. law. The wealthy Democrats that force such measures disregard entirely the situation of poor Americans that cannot get good jobs, job security or benefits because Democrats undercut wage negotiations with cheap illegal labor. Speaker Pelosi with her California wine plantation probably needs to have illegal aliens to tend her grapes. She may be entirely unwilling to have wages rise high enough to make agriculture labor a desirable, good job with good pay.

International players have observed the Democrat Party's rejection of the 2016 democratic election of the President and are well aware that the 2020 impeachment proceeding is a follow up to the failure of the effort by the Democrat Party to overturn the result of the 2016 election. The Democrat Party has a mono-sedulous vision of the nation wherein all would be forced to comply with Democrat Party speech lexicon content, have politically correct thought and godless, immoral conduct satisfying to communist party paradigmata.


Spies and Whistlers on Presidential Phone Calls Should Be Made Public

Presidents have a right to expect a certain amount of privacy. If someone is going to listen to a call a President makes, or listen to reports about what he said from others, and then decides to release that information to the public, the identification of the individual also should be made public. To conceal the identity of the 'whistle blower' and to use the information released to attack the President is a kind of Klu Klux Klan/Antifah faceless masked subversion of the right of a person attacked to face their accuser (s).


Whoever made a secret squealer/rat provision to hide the identity of those that disclose Presidential phone call content without authorization to anyone not designated to receive the information was making a way to exploit Presidential content for political purposes, and that was wrong.

There is no reason to conceal the identity of the informant unless there is a legal reason that conveyed the right. If there is such a provision then the whistle blower should not hide behind a sheet and should step forward and claim responsibility for his or her act that was made by the Democrats the centerpiece of their impeachment efforts.

NFL Should Have Kicked Out Coach Belichick from the Bills Game

Coaches that have players trained to make helmet to helmet, concussive shots on helpless quarterbacks already wrapped up should be kicked out of any game when their players commit flagrant, injurious fouls as occurred Sunday when New England defeated the Bills after putting the Bills' QB out of the game.


If the coaches don't pay for the conduct of their players they can just have any disposable enforcers take cheap shots to know out the competition. New England has a reputation for suspect fair play (Deflategate, Spygate etc.) and Coach Belichick the prime suspect (after Sean Payton) in having players make cheap shots.

F-35 Stealth May Need Decoys to Spoof New Radar

There are reports that a German radar manufacturer spotted and tracked two F-35 stealth jets about 100 miles. The radar found the jets by silhouetting them against commercial radio broadcast waves. That leads one to wonder if it may not be necessary to produce a new generations of small drone decoys and drones with radio broadcast capability themselves to spoof advanced radars using commercial radio to triangulate stealth fighters.


With airborne, mobile stealth drone radio broadcast it should be possible to radically increase airwave complexity that would provide bounce signatures of advanced radar locators. I suggest that metal music be broadcast along with readings of science fiction and philosophy by speech synthesizers. Stealth jets may themselves want to broadcast their own soundtracks or rebroadcast radiowaves they block- even if the music is bad or it contains Democrat party fake news.

Shouldn't 'Dishonest Joe' Drop Out Now?

It might be time for Presidential candidate Joe Biden to drop out of the 2020 race. After his son Hunter Biden made a trip to Beijing with Vice-President Dad in 2014 Hunter's Ukrainian business was given a billion and a half dollar contract from the Chinese.

Democrats are struggling to find a quality candidate like a nugget in a sluice where nothing but crap exists to flow toward the 2020 convention. The top three include Dishonest Joe, Bernie (Hugo Chavez) Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

 Joe Biden's claim that he new nothing about his son's business seems like bull since the photo of his son's Ukrainian business partner playing golf with the Son and Dad was released. Former Vice-President Joe seems to have used his office to get a big family pay-off for being Vice-President (just one Chinese payoff per family) and that stinks up the entire Democrat primary race unfortunately. Seemingly dishonest Joe should bite the bullet and enjoy all the money he as in the bank already.


Demos Dissimumlate Ukraine call for 2020 Impeachment Substitute

Democrat party interpretation of the Presidential phone conversation with the President of Ukraine seems like a plain dissimulation insofar as it having impeach worthy content. The big lie is an evil political method that seems to be a favorite of the contemporary Democrat Party. One wouldn't want such people in the judiciary or to appoint members of the judiciary.



Owens Defense 3M Blitz

                                                                                         I played black.


Chaos and Transportation Systems Design

Chaotic systems are perceived. Studies found that initially chaotic systems tend toward self-organization for various reasons, and I would think that one reason (not in the wiki article) is the underlying, pervasive four forces of nature (weak, strong, electromagnetic and gravity) that effect everything. All mass has order from strings or quarks up and occur in definite ways. Large steady state systems may disorder and as one said, die, yet that disorder occurs in an ordered context for a larger system containing the micro-disorder. Change and time along thermodynamic lines are organized destruction of previous positions. Hilbert space point configurations evolving with time require that what went before no longer exists. The new configurations are made from the chaotic end of the prior.

I quite agree that local conditions of chaos and coincidence should be used when opportune for providing efficient use of resources. Transportation is a good example. Local topography and climate circumstance could enable select transportation modes that would not be practical elsewhere, however mass systems design in transportation infrastructure that relies upon power over efficiency such as fossil fuel vehicles and asphalt/concrete highways, not only harm the ecosphere they preclude local adaptations to clean energy and present substantial opportunity costs.


Inefficient food production with ecospheric externalities (such as growing cattle or slash and burn farming) are historical legacies that were not done for any sort of malevolent reasons (as would poisoning people). In the 1920s there was a fellow that marketed a new beverage in a bottle to the tennis playing east coast upper crust. It was  named Radithor and used the newly discovered radioactive materials. An article in scientific American described the incident. The producer thought it was good for people, and of course it wasn't. An autopsy showed that the business guy was a rare individual with bones that could absorb a lot of radiation without much harm. Victims liked the warm glow they got from the drink (before their hair fell out). The problem with cattle is the Co2 gas externality and destruction of wild habitat, not meat eating. Protein has always been mostly good for human consumption-especially in the Arctic regions. Fish even promotes brain growth apparently. 



Consequentialism and Phobia; Means and Ends

Consequentialism is a form of utilitarianism by which one determines the moral value of acts by what follows, or what consequences result. So if the means is to commit some evil act that results in loss of life, and the consequence is that 1000x more people are saved from dying, then that utilitarian paradigm would determine that the means were justified. However the end justifies the means is not exclusively limited to utilitarianism, and in fact consquentialists could equally determine that the means were not justified by the ends, yet the entire point is juxtaposed  ethical traffic over an onerous point. For me at least utilitarianism seems the best effort for political pragmatism in making decisions for the many that need be made. There are other than utilitarian ethical criteria involved in governance though. Utilitarianism choices arise when people are faced with forced options (as William James pointed out in writing about pragmatism) and they must make Hobson's choices.

Another point (my reply to a post elsewhere)- Dialectical D.N.A. strands are held together with hydrophobic bonds. Phobia simply means will for fervent separation from something else. It is cellular walls that allow cells to exist. There are a zillion oil and water kinds of things. Pluralism and heterodox bonds are implicit in universal compositions. It is politically convenient for some to proscribe any non-partisan attitudes- even Orwellian. Homo or same anything can be quite evil to human interests or destroy structures in nature. Some things are harmful and some things aren't. Math formulas aren't better'd if the variables are all the same, constantly.


Evolutionary paths tend towards certain ways that are functional and perhaps necessary. It is the Tao of things, and that perhaps because it is determined by the will of the Lord to be what it is, and what it will become. 

My comment pertains to the nature of reality and for human freedom that does not require agreement with ideas such as agreement with a negative universal proposition such as 'there is no logical justification for homophobia'. Like hydrophobic molecules homophobic responses exist phenomenally for whatever cause (maybe for religious reasons or because one has commercial reasons such as possibly High Hefner may have had at the ranch). 

People are free to have sentiments for-themselves and those may include a phobia to homosexuality, homosexual political hegemony in politics or society, a dislike for select decadent aspects of a homosexual culture etc. One may find historical lessons showing that homosexuality has corrupted societies, or that particular religious scriptures from God provide a deontological cause to hate sin including homosexuality, that medical science has shown that homosexuality and that lifestyle may convey lethal disease vectors, etc. A better and common idea that is not illogical is that homosexuality leads toward extinction and bad parenting when hetero liasons occur with homosexuals. 

People often misunderstand wickedness and evil or use one when the other term was more appropriate. Biblically evil is caused by natural disaster. One could say a volcano erupting and burying a city, a tidal wave or the A.I.D.S. epidemic were evils. Wickedness is something caused by human will and action. A social philosopher studying human society in depth can find if he prefers some aspects of many phenomena that cause evil. I would say that concatenations in mass social effects of individual wickedness may be regarded as evil better than wickedness. Vaping deaths that have occurred recently might be considered evil, for example, though it is the result of several wicked actions by individuals (if one regards tobacco use as wicked).
 People often misunderstand wickedness and evil or use one when the other term was more appropriate. Biblically evil is caused by natural disaster. One could say a volcano erupting and burying a city, a tidal wave or the A.I.D.S. epidemic were evils. Wickedness is something caused by human will and action. A social philosopher studying human society in depth can find if he prefers some aspects of many phenomena that cause evil. I would say that concatenations in mass social effects of individual wickedness may be regarded as evil better than wickedness. Vaping deaths that have occurred recently might be considered evil, for example, though it is the result of several wicked actions by individuals (if one regards tobacco use as wicked).

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...