
Reply to "Is Russia Located in Russia"

 The Rus were a people, possibly Vikings living around Kiev having travelled the Dneipr River downstream from Belarus. The Dneipr was an historically important waterway for uniting Slavs and Kievian Rus leaders. Their tribal name became eponymous with their political area. Russia of course grew to include Eastern and Western Slavs and numerous other ethnic groups. Those that spoke the Rus language might be regarded as Russian in a sense. Rus' people - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

If Russia included the original territory somewhere between yet not exclusive of Sweden and modern day Ukraine one might say that no, Russia isn’t located entirely in Russia. Russia moved north and east for various reasons long ago and eventually a little bit south. The journey between the Baltic and Black seas was arduous and Ruthenia morphed somewhat.


Impeachment Isn't America's Darkest Hour

 George Washington and the people at Valley Forge experienced slightly more challenging times- they were America even in the midst of their revolt.

Events like 9–11 and Pearl Harbor certainly seemed bad. Optimistically one can expect that the worst times are all ahead-not necessarily in the middle of the Biden term of course, yet somewhere out there in the distance after men stop shaving their eyebrows and are tough enough to deal with any sort of crisis or global warming, mass extinction and alien invasions without working up a sweat.


Was the Presidential Election Stolen: True or False

 Probably not, unless Ukrainians stole it for Joe Biden (joking). It would require that all of those state elections officials were duped or complicit with dishonesty and clever enough to get away with it while Republicans were watching. I don’t doubt that the broadcast media would steal an election, yet I trust the local elections officials generally. Some are nice civic-minded people.

From what I have seen of the people on elections service they appear to take it seriously as volunteers. Most people might not sacrifice their time to get involved with elections that have dubiously useful people running for office. It is something of an insult to say they were thieves or dupes of Ukraine (unless they were).

Second Partisan Impeachments Vindictive?

Second partisan impeachments might be regarded as vindictive…a continuum of hate sort of flows and evolves along until the coup de grace. 


  1. a final blow or shot given to kill a wounded person or animal.
    "he administered the coup de grĂ¢ce with a knife"

I didn’t see much of the event of the populist surge of protestors into the Capitol on Youtube. Police were weak in numbers and had inadequate crowd control though they knew for quite a while and could have been better prepared. The Senate looked rather peaceful from the bit I did see. Plainly though it is a moment for counting coup on Donald Trump. Even Swarzennegger said that it was comparable to Nazis trashing Jews (maybe on Krystallnacht. Arnold Schwarzenegger likens Capitol riot to Nazi attack on Jews With the Democrats set to take control of the entire government the next two years one needs to be sure to be politically correct and get on the right side of the left-media and organizations or else. America’s Authoritarian Adversaries Seize the Moment

Democrats have ‘interpreted’ President Trump’s language four years, giving it a life and meaning of their own. To me as an amateur logician that custom seems plainly libel extrinsically. I need to say that in four years I never heard the President actually say a single racist remark, though I tend to interpret the rare use of English language on the basis of what people actually say literally, first, before considering the gestalt of things.

Impeaching the President one-more-time isn’t good sense. If the Senate actually got a two-thirds vote to convict and the possible front-running 2024 Republican candidate were banned I think that would create a lasting divide and a bad additional move to the extreme for Democrats that have been moving to take extreme measures since the Obama administration. Former Majority leader Harry Reed recently said that Democrats may need to get rid of the filibuster rule to prevent Republicans from obstructing their agenda. The problem with that would be that if some actual extremist party took control their would be nothing to stop them from working their agenda; that is no semblance of popular concurrence to political legislation would exist. Instead one party with a 1% majority would force its will upon maybe 150 million Americans. Technically one might be able to get away with that yet practically it might be tough to hold a democracy together that way.

Sure the Democrats of the House and Senator Schumer are vindictive and hateful politicians drunk on their own Russian-collusion kool-aid. They had a virtual intifada four years- a maximum filibuster orgy of hate for President Trump finding every possible angle to obstruct and abnormalize his state of being. Did he deserve that? The answer may not be as important as the consequences.

President Trump was his own worst enemy for the re-election that he lost. He did not say anything about a platform for the next four years; it was simply understood that he is great and made America great again and could not lose. Maybe he thought he would do whatever he wanted; the last year he gutted every environmental law he could. The President was an insensitive aloof guy on Covid 19 responses that would shut the economy down (he should have thought of something to keep it open and safe at the same time). Paradoxically he made some great executive actions in that period too advancing Middle East peace with Israel and Arab nations and recently restoring diplomatic recognition fully with Taiwan. Good policy like that is why conservative tend to like him.

As a Christian I valued his appointment of conservative Supreme Court judges. There is a real trend in the purely secular Democrat party to disrespect Christians and theology, to consider prayer a kind of ‘magical thinking’ that is not heard by anyone-certainly not a God they don’t believe in. Christian pastors that have wrong eschatological theology and remained loyal to any candidate that would not seek to degrade Christian life and ethics have in light of the mostly white protestors on capitol hill been associated with racism, and perhaps unfairly. If 95% of blacks voted for President Obama because he was black, those blacks that are Christians voted for a candidate twice that supported liberal homosexuality, abortion, tax cuts for the rich and concentration of wealth. Keeping the political argument just along racial lines pulls the wool over the eyes of those that aren’t 1%ers concerning wealth.

Op-ed: From white clergy of mostly white flock, Capitol siege demands a look in the mirror

The idea of an atheist nation of neo-globalist minions of concentrated wealth corporatism foisting homosexual marriage and abortion upon the masses while the 6th mass extinction in progress isn’t appealing to some independent intellectuals. There is not a sound proof against the existence of God, yet their is a lot of evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ as part of the Triune God. Philosophically speaking contemplation of cosmology is better normalized with God as the sustaining agent of the Higgs Field, space, dimensions and etc. rather than just one-half of the possible explanatory scenarios. God for example could create an holographic universe as readily as a vast quantum computer with A.I.

A Serious Ideological Threat to the United States

 The United States is becoming a nation with greatly concentrated wealth. There are numerous ideologies from many angles that reinforce that fact. Mussolini’s economic philosophy of corporatism isn’t well known by Americans who have too little time to invest in reading the history of political philosophy. It is the fact of tightening corporatism that is the clear and present danger to American’s tradition of individualism, free expression, free enterprise and national self-determination through free and fair elections, rather than an ideology; corporatism tends to discourage much non-occupational thinking. In that regard they are fairly similar to their Chinese Communist Maoist-Leninist partners in global trade and business.

The decline of the ecosphere is an empirical threat with the 6th great mass extinction event in progress by human causation. Corporatism runs rough-shod over that and encourages continuing exploitation of natural resources. The United States might have tolerated 300 million citizens if it had a stable, sustainable ecological economic policy yet it doesn’t and cannot keep on increasing its population and degrading the ecosphere very well and serve as an example to even more populous, poorer nations. Corporatism enjoys product disposability and replacement sales phenomena. The Earth’s resources are not disposable however, and that indicates something wrong with the policy of corporate cycle of production and consumerism.

The value of a government social-media censor-resistant citizen site

Writing on a number of topics on the Internet for the past 20 years I have found that nearly 100% of my work was eventually banned, taken down or minimized in search engine listings so it can’t be seen. I have written on philosophical, theological, historical and other subjects besides the political topics with a few words that resulted in my work being deleted. My writing is solid liberal scholarship essays on numerous topics and the break in continuity was invariably damaging. What people working in any occupation with free enterprise self-employment would like their work to disappear overnight?

God, Cosmology and Nothingness - Theory and Theology In a Scientific Era - Kindle edition by Gibson, Garrison Clifford. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Vast deep-pockets set the rules for their own servers and websites and effectively has the complete power to censor or marginalize any opinion they find convenient too.

Generally they use a blunt instrument too-if one opposed homosexual marriage very well simply finding a few word pejoratively offensive to homosexuals could result in a lifetime ban across the Internet for all practical purposes. A nation and democratic government that relies up plutocrats to censor political speech will find that a plutocracy eventually dominates all of the wealth and power of a nation concentrating it in 1% of the people.

It is irritating for writers to have their work just disappear overnight while the large established powers increase their power. That is ad hoc monopolistic market manipulation at the very least.

Some Do View Freedom as Weakness

 If one were a dictator or a collectivist dictatorship leader then freedom could be viewed as a weakness in the paradigm of absolute rule and power. Free individuals may offer anti-state, dissentient opinion disturbing to ruling elites.

The degrees of freedom refer to the number of dimensions of possible activity that a soul may journey upon. Physics and fate may place numerous bindings upon individuals that require intelligent, creative thought to overcome. Such ideas among the oppressed are anathema to those oppressing others.

There is an ancient philosophical maxim that expressed the relationship between freedom and servitude; ‘If you are happy with your head in a pile of crap, don’t stick your neck out’.


On Public Versus Corporate Power Instead of Nation vs Nation

 Multi-national corporations and sophisticated investors have a heck of a lot more money and in some senses, practical power than worldly governments today that in effect have military that defend corporate and investor global interests.

Global corporations and concentrated wealth tends to out-last many government elected officials. Governments also have a tough time finding people that comprehend well the mass empirical effects of economic methods applied to the real natural world (such as ecospheric degradation). Another challenge to ordinary people is that social media is preponderantly owned by the most rich, as is the broadcast media so making substantial political change through politics is difficult to accomplish. Opinions that are published in some senses must pass through corporate-owned hoops, for example- the President of the United States with 88 million followers was recently banned from Twitter.

Philosophers have written about the problem of corporatism concentrating wealth and controlling governments in the past. In my opinion it will be very challenging for governments to battle with corporations meaningfully since politicians and Supreme Court personnel need to be corporate approved to reach high office- there just won’t be a will to battle with corporate and concentrated wealth and power. I am not optimistic.

The Unconscious Civilization


Politics Can't Change Easily to Avoid Anthropocene Mass Extinction

 If people have bad political leadership unconcerned about the ecosphere they live in the people can suffer obviously. With a finite quantity of natural resources the world with nearly ten billion people can run out of things and the carrying capacity of the planet, just like a ship’s, can be full. Some politicians have blind faith in technological solutions to environmental challenge and in my opinion that is very dangerous. One loss in bad engineering can bring complete systemic failure.

A political economy can be mal-adaptive for challenges that are external to in-place economic practices. If one has a Love Canal, Minamata Tragedy or usual environmental disaster Timeline: Ten Major Ecological Disasters that may seem to some business as usual, yet the mass extinction in progress- the 6th in the Earth’s history is human caused and obvious. Could Humans Ever Become Extinct?

Many humans are happy with an economy in which they are immersed thoughtlessly like ants scurrying about compiling dollars, stuffed sofas, homes and so forth while the real world outside their doors is in decline. Oceans are warming and becoming acidified, shellfish are threatened by the acid, global atmospheric heating is in progress too and asphalt to absorb sunshine is still be rolled out everyplace it seems- things that are o.k. if a limited number of people do it may be entirely destructive when a lot of people, or billions of people do it. Some people cannot believe or have faith that something is true until the disaster or salvation as the case may be is upon them. One hopes that such people do not always lead with Epimethean economic paradigms when a Promethean-forward looking viewpoint is necessary for human survival. Some people simply have no sense- consider for example how much cooler a natural lot is in the hot Phoenix sunshine than an asphalt parking lot, and multiply that heating effect all over the American south for any given day with all of those miles of asphalt roads etc. There are more than 4 million miles of paved road in the U.S.A.

10 Numbers That Show How Much Farmland We're Losing to Development - Modern Farmer

Part of the problem of change is fundamental and logical; those with the most invested in a particular economic system are the most resistant to change for they have the most cash to lose. The historian Arnold Toynbee is his ‘A Study of History’ determined that civilizations cannot usually respond well to external challenges. The phenomena that went in to making a civilization what it is continues and cannot be replaced easily by something new. Social is much greater than the influence of a few new leaders with better ideas.


To change a society in a designed way that is a necessary and positive direction would require political platforms with specific goals continued over time to insinuate ecological sustainability generally. People commonly underestimate how really selfish ordinary people are in advantaged economic positions. Jesus was quite right when he said that the meek shall inherit the Earth, although God would need to bring tat condition into being rather than political reformers.

About the Collapse of the American Empire

The United States of America is a collection of former colonies and territories that either revolted against imperial British rule or petitioned to join the union. Because the United States economic system is not the same as the government, and because people own private property and private capital rather than the government preponderantly (private capital is of far greater value today than public capital), answers to questions about when the American empire will collapse, like a souffle as it were, are challenging to answer as they are a little off the mark.

One might ask when the dollar will collapse and that would be possibly more accurate. Experts may know if it will yet the dollar is a universal floating currency held by global plutocrats and Chinese communists as well as Americans from the U.S.A., Mexico and Peru etc.

The American economic system’s wealthy people-plutocrats are part of a global community of plutocrats in my opinion, and wondering when their power will end is another interesting question different of course than the one about when the non-real American empire will end.

America was an empire for 20 years when it had the Philippines as a colony as a result of the Spanish American war, and so when the Philippines took their liberty from the U..S.A. I suppose that was the actual collapse of the American empire- in either 1935 or 1946 depending upon if one regards a commonwealth as independent.

One further could wonder if the influence of globalist plutocrats and corporations that are preponderantly American will collapse and that is a tough question. As an occasional science fiction writer I could develop innumerable scenarios for that, for instance, when artificial intelligence takes over the world, when a global pandemic crashes world population or when too much social use of dope and evil broadcast media reduces the intelligence of everyone so far that they cannot understand the complexity any more. It is sometimes fun to consider alternative dystopias and utopias as future possibilities too help realize the futility of every getting good intelligent politicians to make the world a much better place.


The Problem with Ayn Rand's Philosophy

She argued against altruism and said it's bad. I believe she misunderstood altruism. It is also good for the individual in a Socratic se...