
Politics Can't Change Easily to Avoid Anthropocene Mass Extinction

 If people have bad political leadership unconcerned about the ecosphere they live in the people can suffer obviously. With a finite quantity of natural resources the world with nearly ten billion people can run out of things and the carrying capacity of the planet, just like a ship’s, can be full. Some politicians have blind faith in technological solutions to environmental challenge and in my opinion that is very dangerous. One loss in bad engineering can bring complete systemic failure.

A political economy can be mal-adaptive for challenges that are external to in-place economic practices. If one has a Love Canal, Minamata Tragedy or usual environmental disaster Timeline: Ten Major Ecological Disasters that may seem to some business as usual, yet the mass extinction in progress- the 6th in the Earth’s history is human caused and obvious. Could Humans Ever Become Extinct?

Many humans are happy with an economy in which they are immersed thoughtlessly like ants scurrying about compiling dollars, stuffed sofas, homes and so forth while the real world outside their doors is in decline. Oceans are warming and becoming acidified, shellfish are threatened by the acid, global atmospheric heating is in progress too and asphalt to absorb sunshine is still be rolled out everyplace it seems- things that are o.k. if a limited number of people do it may be entirely destructive when a lot of people, or billions of people do it. Some people cannot believe or have faith that something is true until the disaster or salvation as the case may be is upon them. One hopes that such people do not always lead with Epimethean economic paradigms when a Promethean-forward looking viewpoint is necessary for human survival. Some people simply have no sense- consider for example how much cooler a natural lot is in the hot Phoenix sunshine than an asphalt parking lot, and multiply that heating effect all over the American south for any given day with all of those miles of asphalt roads etc. There are more than 4 million miles of paved road in the U.S.A.

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Part of the problem of change is fundamental and logical; those with the most invested in a particular economic system are the most resistant to change for they have the most cash to lose. The historian Arnold Toynbee is his ‘A Study of History’ determined that civilizations cannot usually respond well to external challenges. The phenomena that went in to making a civilization what it is continues and cannot be replaced easily by something new. Social is much greater than the influence of a few new leaders with better ideas.


To change a society in a designed way that is a necessary and positive direction would require political platforms with specific goals continued over time to insinuate ecological sustainability generally. People commonly underestimate how really selfish ordinary people are in advantaged economic positions. Jesus was quite right when he said that the meek shall inherit the Earth, although God would need to bring tat condition into being rather than political reformers.

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