
Radius of a Membrane Universe (poem)


  Chords sharply rise and spring
filling in with trillions strings
the membrane drawn tight
an arrow in flight
lighting night
mass for bling

  Templates wait
when time starts
comparing good parts
those of righteous hearts
with those of worldly sin and hate
one may discover when too late

  Emergent mass with gravity
from massless quanta just set free
anti-matter too
a universe new
dark energy grew
balance key

  What is right when wrong is so strong
politics leads to sing such songs
kill the enemy
and be truly free
each will see
the final gong.


Space-Time Expansion and Hubble Tension

 A vector space is a mathematical paradigm. A more complex vector space is that of Hilbert Space, yet of course they are math metrics rather than space-time in-itself. Time is a meansurement locally of the rate of change of some sort of physical continuum, and obviously with relativity that changes. Scalar fields are a way of assigning a mathematical value- ‘a single number to every point in space’ and thus useful in applied physics. One cannot assign a single value to time with relativity making time values local rather than universal. 

I suppose its possible that in a black hole time may experience running in reverse at some point if space-time warps inward upon itself. It is theoretically possible that time runs in different directions at and within an event horizon’s opposing surface directions. Math fields, tensors etc may describe space without in any way explain what the forces are within it. Why it is that galaxies are expanding apparently with space may be reduced or refined with explanations tat are more complete with measurements of particular particles or fields that are increasing spacing externally and if they are not, why it is that just larger clumps of mass have increased spacing. There are new results for the Hubble tension that demonstrate that theoretical astrophysicists aren’t in harmoney even with the rate of expansion. Much to learn obviously.


Dialectical Reason and Conservative Rationalism

When President Biden visited Vietnam recently and extolled his vision of a twenty-five year partnership in security and trade that reminded me of the history of Soviet and Russian relations with Vietnam during the Cold War. I wondered if the President’s outlook wasn’t somewhat one-sided and overly optimistic. Vietnam needs naval help in securing its offshore oil and fishing grounds against Chinese incursion such as the Spratly Islands. It would also like to increase domestic production to expand exports to nations besides China and India that are saturated with production as it is for domestic and foreign export (India less so presently though that may change). The U.S.A. is an obvious sales sump. Being a purchaser of products doesn’t imply any kind of allegiance from the seller when you have killed more than a million and a half citizens of the seller five decades before.

Vietnam and China are two communist countries sharing a history of border conflicts. China and India also have a history of border disputes. Russia has had very positive relations with Vietnam, China and India. They are something of a coordinator and enabler of an Eastern Eurasia economic and political synergetic surge of developing nations to the front of the first world economic stage. The west has a Pope trying flanking maneuvers in Mongolia, President Biden trying to put a wedgie in from the S.E. and President Zelenski appointing a Muslim to lead the Ukraine military that could in theory catalyze more Muslim terror in Russia from the South (though fate replied swiftly with an earthquake killing 2000 Muslims in Morocco; one of three traditional Muslim invasion routes to Europe. I am not confident that the Bidentate. method of expanding western market control over Eurasia will be effective in spite of the President’s optimism.

Jean Paul Sartre wrote Being and Nothingness after being released from capture and p.o.w. incarceration by Germany as a French conscript in the Second World War. The great philosophical tome of the 20th century was an remains quite influential in popular psychology. Most don’t develop and in-depth understanding of what its about; French rationalism following the footsteps of Rene Descartes. Sartre elaborates in a practical way on self-reliant epistemology wherein all one trust is one’s own awareness of perceptions and thought about them. Existentialism is a large word philosophy on the epistemology of existent experience of the world; considering existent perceptions and thoughts about them as well as thoughts about thoughts. The book is one-sided. It regards epistemology from the perspective on a sole individual and the content he experiences.

From Sartre’s point of view in Being and Nothingness there could be no other people in the world that are real. That is they could be regarded equally with material objects that aren’t animated as phenomena. He does describes the experience of being observed by others and how one reacts to that (e.g. ‘the look’), and his terminology is replete with terms like being-in-itself, being-for-oneself and being-for-others that describe the way an individual psychological reacts or presents himself while existing yet those descriptions all return or renormalize to the individual point of view as an existing, sentient individual. It is Sartre’s second great philosophical tome named ‘The Critique of Dialectical Reason’ that explains the way a few, or a society or civilization of individuals interact epistemologically from the ground of each phenomenally experiencing the existence of others in their own perception and cognitive field. Sartre’s Critique may have changed the world far more than Being and Nothingness, and today it is almost entirely forgotten.

French rationalism is quite conservative in its epistemology. One can rely solely on one’s own experience as being ‘real’. Descartes called the I think therefore I am (or exist) confirmation way of think a ‘first principle’. Bishop Berkeley developed his philosophy of idealism, originally called ideaism with the same founding principle. In the Three Dialogues of Hylas and Philonous Berkeley showed that content besides that of self-awareness could be created by God, an evil demi-urge, or in modern terms, a simulation by a quantum computer. It is possible that all that exists is the mind and that everything else is like a feely show from Orwell’s novel 1984 or an advanced artificial reality world-universe. The Critique of Dialectical Reason describes how individuals choose to interact, sometimes with social inertial behavior creating roles for them, in that common epistemological experience of existence.

Democrat Party ideology tends to be quite one-side in its outlook on the wold and politics. It is a very us vs. them party weltanshauung. Trump is them, Russia is them, political protesters bum-rushing an insecure capitol building are insurrectionists, Republican voters are ‘deplorables’. One is very common is the idea that some nations and organizations are ‘existential threats’. What is meant by that is either a threat to existence or an existing threat. President Biden’s Ukraine policy is an actual existential treat in that it may provoke global thermonuclear war, yet that is of course not talked about in the media. In the Democrat point of view the victory of everything they want is political inevitable. It an outlook something lie that describing kings with absolute power in his book ‘The Leviathan’.

If the epistemological criterion of Being and Nothingness is appropriate for an age of personal egoism and predatory capitalism rather than democracy, The Critique of Dialectical Reason is suitable for analysis or edification of a mass social environment. With the name and subject the Soviet Communists of Russia were interested. Since Karl Mark had adapted Hegel’s idea of an evolving world spirit coming to realize itself through history that Hegel wrote of in ‘The Phenomenology of Mind’ there had been no significant credible upgrade to the paradigm of evolving dialectical reason and dialectical materialism. Marxist philosophers were somewhat stranded standing upon the melting iceberg of Marxist dialectics that were fading in the science of the 20th century. Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason personalized and shrank epistemological dialectics to that of French rationalism socially concatenated and occurring for the masses simultaneously. With the implicit French rationalist skepticism about everything perceived besides one’s own experience guiding social dialectics it became easier for some Soviet philosophers to jettison the metaphysics of dialectical materialism and move toward a more pragmatic view of social organization, individual and collective epistemology. Like the insight provide by W.V.O. Quine’s “Methods of Logic’ that taught readers of logic how to build their own system of logic from the bottom up instead of simply instructing students in a particular system of logic and how it worked, Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason provided interested parties with the knowledge that collective social behavior is phenomenal, malleable and subject to change or improvement rather than necessarily being determined by evolving dialectical and material forces consistent with social Darwinism and a process of political class clash, synthesis and anti-synthesis evolution.

Sartre wrote part of The Critique of Dialectical Evolution in Moscow during several months of residence. It is entirely possible that Raisa Gorbachev- wife of President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, was familiar with the work as she was an academic philosopher. Sartre’s philosophical account of the phenomenality of social organization and the way praxis shaped it may have reinforced the paradigm for glasnost, perestroika and radical transformation of Soviet society from one of state socialism to one embracing free markets and democracy. The leap of faith into the new philosophical paradigm wherein social organization was believed to e within human power to improve rather than within the realm of dialectical material determinism was the greatest non-violent social change in mass politics that has occurred.

The late Soviets were pressured by a number of internal and external challenges to adapt, improve and move away from state socialism and the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ Sartre’s avante guard philosophical work would otherwise have likely been ignored by the powerful political insiders of the Soviet Union as they would have been elsewhere other than by readers of philosophy books. Leadership of the west generally ignored The Critique. The term ‘dialectical’ was after all unfashionable after the fall of the Soviet Union. Twenty years after the fall the term existential threat became common in the discourse of Pentagon and White House spokespersons. Philosophically nothing much had changed in D.C. political circles since the end of the Cold War. Politicians were unaware of the epistemology of French rationalism developed by Sartre and the way it viewed collective social organizations phenomenally with egalitarian and equal individual experience of life differentiating itself into different roles. President Biden and other party lawyer President still regard the world empirically, sometimes with a touch of Catholic amillenialism or Protestant pre-tribulationism thrown in.

Though the social epistemology is very old and the political dialectic equally dated in the leadership of the Democrat Party, the consequences of such anachronistic viewpoints fueled with the aggressive litigant methods of a lawyer-President lead to needless political conflict along worst-case lines bilaterally. The Democrat Party leadership way of international relations seems to be of a square peg in a round hole approach with the power and ego to try to force matters its way. It is a philosophical paradigm that is closer to the mark of personal egoism and solipsism rather than pragmatic with awareness of the compound social dialectic that is the phenomenon of social reason.

Classical and Environtal Economics; Seperate and Not Equal

Classical economics developed without concern for natural resource conservation or the value and preservation of intact ecosystems. In fact exploitation of natural resources; processing them as quickly and quantitatively as possible to cash them in for market products was normal. With seven billion plus souls on Earth and finite Earth resources that custom is counterproductive to human survival in the long term on this planet. Ecological economics is cognizant of those facts and develops understanding and methods for integrating classical and environmental elements positively.

Classical economics hasn’t a capacity to recognize values beyond those of supply and demand in the market. Capitalism is blind to the values of non-market-profitable environmental conservation set-asides by government and generally cannot value non-marketable environmental services values. The field of trying to market environmental services positively, at least to governments has gotten a small start.

Classical economics with capitalism would calculate values for the last healthy natural resources of a dying world if cashed out and sold for scrap in the market, Classical economics need be upgraded to a new version integrated synthetically with environmental vision to become ecological economics. In a sense there are no limits to the potential profit resulting from the synthesis of classical economics with environment to one of ecological economics. Minimizing adding entropy to economic procedures could become a coefficient for adding value to economic products.

Nature and living ecology elements evolved to create greatly complex structures within an integrated and wholistic environment. Specific biological adaptations occurred within the complex complex of ecosystem compresence; deleting through displacement or economic use to extinction affects every other element of the ecosystem. With enough entropy, or disorganization added to an ecosystem the complete ecosystem may break down with many of its elements unable to survive independently.

Economic practices are cultural means of processing articles for life. Like invention synthetic compounding of ideas to form a new idea economic methods, knowledge and applications evolve. The idea of interacting positively with the ecosphere to conserve or build it is new. New ideas may be challenging to introduce to human economic practice. Practical applications of theory, new ideas or inspiration need occur experimentally in testable circustance generally before spreading to broad, common sense use. With the human reluctance to change from presently profitable methods (if it ain’t broke don’t fix it), expanding the economic skill set to include getting more value from the ecosystem through using it better is challenging- especially since the science is new and requires ongoing improvement just as classical economics continues to improve its knowledge base through trial and error often in real world applications.

The cult of controlling inflation as a way to govern U.S. economic well-being is a case in point of the focus of classical economics on trendy ways of continuing the flow of money through the polity in traditional courses. With more than 31 trillion dollars of public debt and decade of Federal Reserve loans of trillions of dollars of zero or low interest loans to wealthy banks that in turn could electronically mint and loan four dollars for each loaned dollar from the Federal Reserve monetary policy as a method for adjusting the inflation rate and employment rate along a Phillips Curve or post-Phillips Curve tensor is like building public policy on an ice-covered lake during an era of global warming. Conserving the environmental health or even restoring it are not large blips on the radar screen of classical economic managers as things to be concerned about.

The rate of inflation and national employment rate are at any rate dubiously reactionary to monetary policy in an era where post-Cold War the global labor supply available for U.S. corporations to outsource jobs has risen 400% Complex offshore employment, transport, health and technology factors affect the cost of products and prices available for Americans. Supply and demand elements from illegal labor domestically to sanctions and belligerence on trade relations may alter domestic price balances. Monetary policy may alter international trade balances from positive to negative. Segregating Russia from the U.S. economy affected Americans as has and will U.S. Chinese business relations in several was as U.S. investors are banned or discouraged from further Chinese partnerships for production. The international economic relations are of course quite complex concerning China and India in regard to U.S. investment and production sites for exporting products to the world and the United States. It will make a difference of most Wal-Mart products sold in the U.S.A. are made in China or India; and it will make a difference if the brick nations become more prosperous and begin to view the U.S foreign policy as that of a rival rather than just a capitalist investor taking more than 50% off the top in return for direct investment.

Ecological economic methods developed and led by the United States would become a transcendent phenomena catalyzing positive U.S. and developing nations relationships. If the U.S. eliminate poverty and creates a minimum national income with free lifetime continuing education the leadership would demonstrate a positive example to the developing nations and create some trust that the U.S.A. is more than a capitalist entity seeking to exploit or devour underdeveloped national economies.

Political candidates that comprehend even the definition of ecological economics would be a positive improvement in U.S. Presidential races. Ecosystem services is a developing field within ecological economics yet does not entail more than a fraction of its potential. Ecosystem service approaches recognize the value that ecosystem have in cash terms to human societies such as in filtering water that are lost with human developments that degrade or destroy those services. Most citizens don’t think about ecosystem services except perhaps for aesthetic/recreational values of wilderness areas. Ecosystem services are renewable naturally. When entropy with its chaos disrupts or kills those services they may be irreplaceable. Aquifers may remain uncharged or polluted so long as rivers run. The potential profitability of ecological economics political and financially surpasses that of classical economics especially in the modern world laden with great new technology and vistas on Earth and beyond.

Does the President’s Discretionary Mass Murder Power Need Oversight?

Individual citizens aren’t free to orchestrate conflicts that cause mass death; a President is. The sole Presidential requirement is to contrive plausible reasons and narratives that will play well in the media for mass murder of war. Foreign citizen-soldiers drafted to fight in wars enabled by military support and encouragement from the U.S. President that become combat casualties are murder victims too, as of course are civilian casualties.

The Ukraine war is largely a product of President Biden’s pressure to keep Russian land from Russia that was lost to communism and the illegal, non-Democratic Clinton-Yeltsin land redistribution perpetrated during the aenomic breakup of the former Soviet Union. Western war promoters in built up weapons, cash transfers, pretexts and narratives for support before for more than a decade before engaging military conflict.

Opportunities for a peaceful resolution have abounded the past 30 years by revisiting the illegal land redistribution and having the citizens of the former Soviet Union vote on it themselves. Adjustments have been made regarding land allocations given to Alaska natives since the ANILCA settlements of the Nixon administration with federal and swaps. Substantial land in Holkam Bay was given to the Tlingit Tribe fairly recently through Senator Lisa Murkowski’s efforts in the Senate. Russia deserves at least that much consideration.

Elevated from citizen to President of the United States a citizen is free to liberally arrange the deaths of foreigners if they choose to as they often have the past half century. As defender of the nation people believe the President is obligated to de frappe foreign threats such as terrorism and top terminate foreign military attacks upon the United States. When a President decides to support conflict with military assistance in foreign ventures as policy actions; especially when not obligated in some kind of treaty, the President is not ethically covered by the self-defense aspect of exoneration for a commander-in-chief fulfilling the obligations of office. The President has entered the realm of being a mass murderer or at the very minimum an accessory to mass murder.

It is somewhat interesting that ordinary citizens elected to the power of the Presidential office find it so easy to configure the deaths of tens and hundreds of thousands of people in foreign military conflicts with and without direct U.S. military action. Sending HIMARS, cluster bombs, drones, smart bombs and sundry other lethal equipment to the Ukraine military along with intelligence and operations planning etc plainly resulted in tens of thousands of Russian deaths and indirectly, by protracting the conflict far beyond its natural expiration, Ukrainian deaths. President Biden has found it very natural to act in the realm of mass murderer; as easy as breathing, and nothing has been written about that so far. Those that study ethics issues for public affairs sometimes hired by the government and corporations to approve controversial procedures have remained silent thus far (to my awareness).

If propping up the Ukrainian war is not in self defense (the President won’t even secure the southern border of the U.S. against illegal entry of potential terrorists) or an act made in a treaty obligation such as George Washington warned about, but is made in disregard of Russia’s legitimate historical claim to Crimea and Eastern Ukraine and to actualize a vision of a reduced Russia with Western hegemony that could flank China and make the world a playground for Wall Street can that exonerate the President from using mass murder to accomplish his goal that might instead have been accomplished through peaceful evolution and mutual economic cooperation?

Does the United States need to legislate controls on a President’s opportunity to act as a mass murderer after ascending to office? Should there be some sort of measure of the number of deaths a President can bring about through direct and indirect means without a declaration of war? Does the United States have any moral capacity or interest in evaluating the ethics of a President perpetrating death upon foreigners outside of wars of self-defense of the United States and cap the number permitted to be killed by Presidential discretionary, willful mass-murder?

An Essay on the Fascist

 In my opinion Joe Biden is the most fascist of all U.S. Presidents. A democracy allows much leeway for Presidential behavior concerning foreign policy. An elected President may opt to support or orchestrate conflicts that copiously kill foreigners. The lives of foreigners may have less value to U.S. citizens after taking on the job of President.

Some American Presidents- Jimmy Carter for example were the opposite of fascist. Democrat Presidents following Bill Clinton’s lead in stealing Ukraine from Russia during the interregnum of leadership between Soviet and Russian eras developed a fascist quality land grab approach of land plainly belonging to Russia. Since Joe Biden is the smoothest deflector of responsibility and accountability for U.S. foreign policy that has ever held the office of President little criticism of his policy in Ukraine has been heard. If he is re-elected he may be able to end global warming by getting a day care for democrats bill passed, yet that won’t terminate his mission to fund the Ukraine war.

Some would argue that racial fascism occurred during the settlement of the west when aboriginal Americans were forced off their land and onto reservations though their population was fewer than eight million in the entire are of the present U.S. states. I would say that politics abhors a vacuum of leadership over land and that competition between Spain, England, France and the United States to control American spaces was the equivalent of competition of auto-towing company trucks to reach the scene of a highway accident. If the U.S. government didn’t take the west England, France or Spain would have.

The preponderantly adversarial American aboriginal did not share the characteristics or social structures of those of Europeans or U.S. citizens and were thus necessarily antagonists. In the era of colonization associations like the Masons, religious affiliations and citizenship mattered. Human societies settled differences with war before the rise of Nintendo, Twitter, telephones and jet aircraft.

Joe Biden’s is a story like that of Hannah Arandt’s ‘The Banality of Evil’ where bureaucrat can lead prosecution of policy resulting in mass death; he is basically alone among U.S. Presidents in driving a war to occur against a modern civilized people acting in self-defense to retrieve their ancestral land against a team of Democrat Party lawyers seeking to devour. I believe Joe Biden is too daft to even understand what he has done as a leader.

I think it not a coincidence that Joe Biden claims to be the most union supporting President in U.S. history and acts as a fascist. Adolph Hitler was leader of the German Socialist Workers Party and implicitly pro-union, anti-gun gun ownership and of course fascist. Continuing war on Russia via Ukrainian proxies is fascist. In fact the officers of Ukraine’s army may include the great grandchildren of fascists in Ukraine that fought with the Nazis against Russia during World War Two. The bloody and entirely unnecessary conflict that could be settled any time the Biden administration choose to recognize Russia’s historical ownership of Ukraine and select regions of eastern Ukraine claimed by Russia. To fail to immediately stop the war and build peace on god terms for all parties is virtual insanity so far as U.S. interests are concerned.

The Biden administration is driving a wedge between the west and east economically and encouraging the Eastern block to develop its own center of effort between Russia, China, Iran, Vietnam, North Korea, India etc. Developing nations looks increasingly to the United States as an hypocritical Neo-fascist power interested mostly in expanded the power of Wall Street and the rich over the entire Earth. The United States is dividing the world at a time with economic unity is required in order to slow the increasingly dangerous pace of global warming and habitat loss stimulating mass species extinction. Rather than uniting the world and evolving directed political evolution to ecological economics the President has brought to life like a Woolly Mammoth from a carcass excavated from Siberian ice a cold then hot war with what he sees as a recrudescent Soviet political power attempting to attack Europe. That outlook is insane. Russia in the Putin era was not any kind of potential attacker of any nations of the west that formerly were not part of Russia before 1917. President Biden would believe that all of the eastern European nations held by Russia after world war two that had been occupied by the Nazis Russia defeated were apples in the eye of President Putin and that is simply not true. Russia returned the East European nations to freedom and independence after a half-century of custodial care until history moved on and they were no longer a fascist threat. The political circumstances since Bill Clinton was President show that was an incorrect judgment and that with the advantage of post-war economic development globally the United States and European nations are a threat to a stable world order and seek through the use of power and apologetics of the broadcast media not to live peacefully with the world without complete hegemony if not legal possession of the planet.

Adolph Hitler didn’t invent fascism; the Italian leader Mussolini did. Hitler simply applied it quite well before the war and lost everything during it with the U.S. and allies fighting from the west and Russia from the east. Joe Biden has forgotten that history and has made the U.S.A. and enabling accomplice in an insane war at great cost in lives, wealth and opportunity. Taking land forcibly, aggressively unless it is a repo of stolen land, is an obsolete political paradigm for increasing wealth. In actual fact it mattered little who owned Eastern Ukraine if there were good relations and low, low taxes if any on business done their. Joe Biden and other recent Democrats have insisted on complete ownership of all of what historically was Russian before the arrival of communism. Combing the worst effects on Russia of Communism and Fascism President Biden is easily the most fascist of all U.S. Presidents on foreign policy.

Apocalyptic themes are quite old in Hollywood. One 1960s movie told the story of survivors of a nuclear war living in Australia spending their last 60 days of life before the radiation and nuclear winter that had already taken the rest of the world population reached them. During the cold war era for decades Americans and Europeans strove to end the danger of nuclear annihilation. Joe Biden has resurrected the threat and I am not grateful for that.

There are reasons for human behavior and political decisions. Some religious end times theology teach that an apocalypse is pre-destined. Some followers of those doctrines believe it good that an apocaplypse occur for they will be taken to heaven then. Christians tend to have tow or three interpretations of what the Bible has to say about end times. One may believe that it occurred already in the first century AD. with the destruction of Jerusalem by the world power of the day, others give it a different meaning and believe the apocalypse is in the future. An industry of writing books about the approach of the end times apocalypse have flourished. Muslims share that end times apocalypse point of view with pre-tribulationist Christians. Needless to say competent political management does not support conditions that would hasten the apocalypse even if one believed it would inevitably occur. It is challenging to say what Joe Biden’s end times viewpoint is as a Catholic. The pope recently made a flanking maneuver of China by visiting Mongolia. That was a provocative journey perhaps made with wrong beliefs that the west and himself are emulating the papacy of liberation of John Paul II. In that regard such assumptions would be wrong; misunderstanding the nature of the ending of the cold war as well as the role of John Paul II in ending the Cold War. John Paul II was charismatic and liked, and experienced increased prestige with survival of an assassin’s bullet, like President Reagan. The pair worked together charismatically and effectively, drawn with the Spirit, to end the Cold War helping President Gorbachev with his policy of glasnost and perestroika to merge monolithic communism into Svaboda (freedom capitalism). None of those elements are present today.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most liberating doctrine that mankind has ever received. Brought with milliary force to subject peoples I believe it less effective in winning hearts and minds. For hundreds of years some people have associated Christian evangelism with military power and state religion. While that has actually occurred in some places Christianity did very well at winning hearts and minds when it was a minority religion and even during persecutions and trials. Corrupt worldly political power begets more corruption rather than liberation although it can be a stimulus to revolution.

I wonder, theologically speaking, if some men believe that if they are responsible for killing a great number of people, or of they can enable others to kill a great number of people as in the Ukraine-Russia war, if they believe they may have a greater place in hell for eternity in the role of chief sadistic devils. Does Joe Biden believe the Pope absolves him of his responsibility for throwing so much fuel onto the Ukraine war?

Maybe the U.S.A. elects to the highest office only those that have sold their soul to the devil (after Ronald Reagan). Perhaps some like Joe Biden have a fizzled brain and cloudy awareness of the concept of God and eternal life and don’t want to publicly say so. Maybe they pretend Christianity and really believe in oblivion after death and don’t want to say that either believing their murderous acts will be as meaningless as cherry blossoms falling from a tree on a cliff into the ocean.

Rather than the west using pressure and intimidation with military power to bring Russia and China into compliance with the social agenda of the Democrat party and the economic power of the world’s one-percenters (in wealth) a cooperative, stable economic and political relationship developed with new ideas and directed capitalism was the preferred alternative and it still issue.

President Clinton’s policy, probably based on ignorance and pressure from England, aborted the conception of a stable Russia with secure borders and long range build up of strong economic ties with the United States and Europe. Democrats have methodically isolated Russia to actual the Clinton-Yeltsin paradigm of Russia as a rump state to be intimidated and co-opted while developing the back door to flank China and pressure it into subject-hood to the west, the Pope and the King of England and other European elites. That sort of approach worked in the 17th century yet today it is a century obsolete.

Russia will become the express land route between West and Eastern Eurasia eventually either with original friendly U.S. ties or adverse ones. The friendly way has far better economic and military stability prospects for the United States. President Zelinsky recently appointed a Crimean Muslim-possible a Tatar from Crimea, to lead his military. Relying on territorial Muslims that want to retake land that the descendants of Genghis Khan took before Russia rolled them back and out of the Crimea more than a quarter of a thousand years ago shows the extreme depths of the lunacy of President Biden in his choice to prop up the Ukrainian government in its proxy war for President Biden and European elites and paranoids against Russia. Maybe Joe Biden expects Mongolians to capture of all Russia since Genghis Khan did make it to within thirty miles of Novgorod during his invasion and occupation of Russia long ago. One can’t be sure of anything about the President’s policy expect that he remembers to keep sending billions and billions to Ukraine because as the Sect. Of State said (a paraphrase); “The implications are great if we don’t”. One may imply anything it might be remembered and it is often meaningless. Reality and the complete complex of compresence is of more importance.

Before ending this essay I will take the opportunity to comment on another theological point that concerns the Pope, his minion President Biden and the European Ukraine conflict with Russia. I stipulate that I am not anti-Catholic. I believe in the separation of church and state though. There are even Protestants that share the Catholic ideal of theocracy however. The theological point of relevance I am addressing is that of the Biblical hermenutic differences (hermenutics means interpretation of scripture) on the millennium. In brief there are three positions concerning the milenium (pre,post an amillennialism). Catholics are amillennialists with the viewpoint that the Universal Church led by the Pope on Earth is the developing kingdom of God and the millennium is a non-sequitur. The Pope’s assignment as the holder of the keys of St. Peter is to evangelize the world and make it the kingdom of God. Eventually Christ will return and directly rule the kingdom the Pope as shepherded on Earth. It will be remembered though that after receiving the keys Peter three times denied being a follower of Christ, as Christ told him he would. Peter and Popes make mistakes. One of them is in my opinion becoming too secular in evangelizing the world.

The Pope seemed to coordinate his visit to Mongolia to speak to a nation of mostly Buddhists in coordination with the Zelenski promotion of a descendant of the Mongol world ruler Genghis and the Crimean Horde to lead the Army of Ukraine. It presents a curious vision of two would be world rulers 750 years apart planting a flag in Mongolia; one to ride west in conquest and the other drawing catholic faithful east through the obstacle of Russia to Mongolia and overlook China. The affair reeks of politics and promotion of religious conflict in support of a war with Russia to take former Russian land from that Orthodox Christian nation. You may recall that Christians of the east and west; of Byzantium and Rome had a schism lasting far longer than that of the period of dueling Popes of Avignon and Rome.

I believe that every religion has a right to exercise freely their faith and to evangelize should they wish. When religious leaders stimulate religious or racial conflicts in support of secular wars for power and land; even if they believe in an amillenialist theology that it may be there right and duty to do so in a way similar to the Muslim division of the world in to two camps of the Dar al harb and the Dar al Islam, that they have gone too far. It may be the right of God to orchestrate wars if he wishes with divine power yet it is not the right of mankind to do so should they believe they have divine sanction, dispensation or whatever excuse for war they may conceive.

Metal-Free Belts for Airlines

 It’s good that someone manufactured belts without metal that clear TSA screening at airports It saves time if passengers keep their belts on. Although there are a variety of ways to build a metal-free belt that won’t set off metal detectors I like the belt designed with the sort of nylon and plastic heavy duty snap-links used on sturdy backpacks.

Ranked Choice Ruin of Honest Elections


Ranked choice voting is the fact of life in Alaska now. In my opinion the system was created to help Lisa Mussorgsky win elections in the state. Lisa M usually doesn’t get the Republican nomination though she describes herself as a Republican. She runs as an independent. Ranked choice voting allows Democrats to vote for her first and their own Democrat candidate second while Republicans vote for their nominee first and Lisa second, and between the two Lisa Mussorgsky wins the election (in theory).

A voter may tolerate just one choice and hate all the rest. Ranked choice voting forces bad, capricious choice voting. If there is one good surgeon in a hospital H.M.O. and the remainder are drunks and dopers, and patients need elect one surgeon to work that day at the hospital yet most patients are ill-informed of surgeon quality, how is the well-informed voter to rank all of the dopers and drunks knowing they should all be condemned? Failing to make the secondary votes can harm the opportunity for the one good flesh-cutter to serve.

Ranked choice voting makes the election process opaque rather than transparent. Few voters understand how second third and fourth place choices contribute votes for candidates if their first choice doesn’t win or if votes from others put someone over the top. Smarmy advocates for ranked choice voting denigrate opponents saying that the process is childishly simple and that anyone can understand it. That is simply false. It is easy to understand how to work ranked choice voting and rank non-choice choices for particular candidates in an order. What isn’t understood is how the votes are counted or added up to elect a winner.

One wonders why voters should be forced to indicate support for candidates they may not like at all and wouldn’t vote for in any circumstance I order to avoid default support in some kind of obscure second and third choice tier voting tabulation that defaults to those that did rank choices having more election power if one chooses not to rank alternative choices. Let me give and example.

In the 2024 Presidential election there are no good candidates. A voter may believe all of the candidates are idiots, unqualified and will do a bad job at leading the nation. None will eliminate national economic methods that cause global warming or deterioration of the ecosphere with an ongoing mass extinction of life on Earth, none will balance the federal budget and none have expressed- beside Donald Trump, a plain intention and ability to swiftly end the war in Ukraine and Russia (Ukraine is attacking Russia with missiles and drones now). No candidate has a plan to eliminate poverty, create a national minimum income for all Americans, most don’t have a plan to secure the southern border against illegal migration or increase the taxes on the rich significantly. So a voter sees one candidate that might, marginally be acceptable and males a choice to vote for that candidate, then if ranked choice voting existed the voter would be forced to indirectly vote for several others to fill the second through fifth place spots and they are all reprehensible to the voter.

So the voter gets to the polling booth and begins selecting candidates they hate as ranked choices for slots two through five. I stipulate that an Americans Communist Party candidate, an American Nazi Party candidate, an American Jihad against America candidate, an American anarchist party candidate and several other reformers are in the election. So the candidate picks Ron DeSantis for first place and then faces the challenge of how to vote for the others in order not to water-down their own first choice vote by not voting for the also rans. That is the problem with ranked choice voting. Another issue is how ones ranked secondary choices might help elect some other candidate one hates, and maybe everyone hates, because no one ranked them first and placed them in second because the others were worse.

You go to a restaurant and rank your choices from a menu for what you might get. Everyone in the restaurant is also voting an five menu selections for what they might get. The one with the most first place votes might not actually be what everyone gets. If there are two reasonable choices on the menu and three bad ones that everyone hates, yet half of the people in the restaurant would never tolerate the other treasonable choice it seems possible that one of the reprehensible third through fifth place choices may win the election if they are everyone’s second choice. If the first place votes were tied between the two candidates from the rhubarb and broccoli parties the third party knockwurst party could take the cake; that can’t be certain since the tallying process for ranked choice voting is Byzantine bull.


Ai it's a stronger season now (a poem)


A transparent life brought
balance to rivers of colors
merged with time
wasting footsteps naught
silence wrapped, packaged
overhead wordless judgments
set aside too restless for decorating props
of primitive historical records spun
from the barrel of a gun

Mud Sucks (a poem)

Knee deep the mud sucked
oyster shells cut
mosquitos bit
while a deer paddling
didn't see the hammerhead's smile
saltwater shared a horizon
without ripples
below the surface
with the tide out
a piddling river carved a channel to the sea
time swallowed whole
sunrise, sunset and night.

On the Kingdom of God

Christan values and ethics comprise a theonomy in-the-world looking past the world. Anti-Christians sometimes don’t know that Biblical ethic...