
At Least Irma Did No Harm to Nature

I think it’s worth remembering that Hurricanes do no harm to nature at all. They are a natural part of the ecosphere that roll about stirring things up a little and creating new opportunities for habitat renewal.

It is human structures and activities ill-designed for ecospheric comparability that is the problem. That is a fact at many levels. People cannot thin deeply about the entire ecosphere and exist in tiny little individual niches within it-even big capitalists like President Trump.

So it is interesting encountering the global warming claims about Irma; that it is an example of global warming- yet also the first large Hurricane to hit Florida since the 2005 Cat 3 Wilma (that I experienced in a tent in Stuart Florida). Global warming is not the cause of hurricanes; they have been around forever. Four hurricanes hit Florida between 1553 and 1559 that killed more than 2000 people altogether.


I believe in global warming of course. The science is solid and objective. Even more I believe humans can increase global warming (I don’t feel good about owning a car and contributing tons of global warming gases from exhaust annually so I don’t own one). Yet pointing to hurricanes as examples of global warming just seems silly.

Over the course of planetary history there have been innumerable changes in climate and weather patterns. Probably they always are in change or permutation within certain parameters since it is an unstable thermodynamic system not always in equilibrium as perhaps the hydrogen burning phase of the sun is. Sometimes there may even be super-hurricanes that slam into the Gulf that are beyond the standard scale and that occur every three or four days. Fortunately that hasn't been the case in the past few thousand years, probably.

Should people take global warming seriously enough to ban fossil fuel cars- the major emitter of greenhouse gases? Sure they should yet of course they won;t for a generation or two until electric vehicles take over the majority of driver-guidance unit appendages humans for-themselves, if AI wants to have people contaminating the interior relaxation space of the machine-body.

The basic problem though is the way humanity lives in the environment without concern about nature expecting to exploit it or expecting it to be submissive or unchanging and supportive of the human physical social structure; it never will do that. Vast climate and land cycles of the surface tectonic plates and weather, and systems complexity of ecosphere will always upsurge into being displacing the museum of social existence disastrously. The challenge for human government and logic is to adapt structures of social being that thrive on and support ecospheric change and renewal rather than to expect it to die.

Why Congress Never Gets Anything Done

The U.S. Congress is quite unpopular. It seems never to get anything done. It also has made a shambles of the national budget and let the infrastructure rot. The people wonder why.

The answer is fairly simple. Each member of congress pursues self-interest rather than national interest. Collectively they pass a lot of bills to benefit their local constituents and flunk national interests. Congress has processed more than 10,000 bills passed per session the past twenty years on average with maybe 375 on average being passed into law, yet very few major, quality, reformative works that satisfy the public and assure the health of the environment, public finance or the economic interests of the people were part of that. The public regards congress as do nothings except to pass pork and perversion.

If one were to make a list of the top ten goals for each two-year session of congress that required congressional action to accomplish, few congresses since the 1970s have got two of ten done. Some got a zero.

The news media does keep a narrative of issues and contentious public issues going. That takes time and Congresspersons respond and put in their two cents worth, then collect campaign contributions and plan for re-election. The real, solid national issues that never go away and tend to get worse are buried under the headlines.

I can make a list of ten goals for any congress to get done that is fairly simple. Obviously people would disagree with the list all or in part. That in itself is part of the problem. Even so a congress must have such a list of priorities and work to accomplish those with equal energy as they pursue pork for their districts. Plainly getting a congress to accomplish a few of the staid goals would be a great achievement. Getting them to do anything new would be nearly impossible. The Apollo program required the treat of Soviets getting to the moon first and making a commune of it. No such competitive pressure exists today.
1) Balance federal budget
2) Eliminate national debt
3) Secure borders against illegal entry
4) Rebuild public infrastructure with new technology
5) Assure adequate guaranteed minimum income for all citizens
6) Provide free health care to all the poor
7) Stop loss of species and restore ecosystem health
8) Reform national incarceration system and stop crime
9) Eliminate North Korean nuclear weapons

10) Enforce equal protection of the law for all Americans in practice

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Seahawk's Offense Dropped Dead

The Seahawks offense seemed to have died against the Packers Sunday. Seattle's defense was reasonable as usual and skunked the pack the first half however they never got off the field as the offense was 3 and out always. What is one to think  about that?

Maybe brain damage to the players? Is it worth watching such a boring event with such a high cost to the players?

It is interesting to consider that class actions suits may end pro football or cut it back as it did the tobacco business. Who can say?

Seattle hasn't a good runner to take pressure off Wilson who is an adequate yet not Drew Brees quality pocket passer. WIlson's strength is that he doesn't turnover th ball. He moves forward, or would if he had a supporting cast. Maybe he should think about taking the golden parachute when his contract is up and seek out new endeavors where he has never worked before.

The Sickness in Western Civilization

There is a sickness in the west, and in the church that requires a spiritual rather than a scientific cure. Decay is pervasive in U.S. culture and driven by scientism, godless evolution and transmogrification of decent Christian values into evil and immorality. Evolution doesn't require immorality, it attracts it. Democracy requires good character in society.

Wealth and power are being globally concentrated. Border security and the rights of citizenship and even free enterprise are transcended by the animal farm ethos of blind consumerism.

Some escapists have sought refuge from the breakdown of moral order in escapist church theology. Dispensationalism and rapture theology didn't arrive until the 19th century. It is an incorrect hermeneutic that, as one author wrote; 'trivializes the sufferings of the early Christians'. Gentry's 'He Shall Have Dominion' is a correct scriptural interpretation of the kingdom of God. Here is a brief piece on dispensationalism.


I have a free e-book too on sundry topics of science and scripture. 


Dispensationalism grew naturally in the comparatively unstructured social environment of 19th century America. It is based on a naive interpretation of the Revelation that would appeal especially to the marginally literate uncorrected by theologically learned elders.

Not that learned elders necessarily are Biblically correct in all things. Luther pointed out the need for reform, and even today a priesthood of believers egalitarianism would greatly benefit the honest and right understanding of the Bible and for living a Christian lifestyle.


Canadian Chess Player Quits World Cup Over Dress Code

A Canadian chess Grand Master was banned from playing in the 2017 world cup round 5 held in Tblisi for wearing shorts. He quit the tournament. Canadians have attacked the tournament organizer for enforcing a dress code and for saying that the player "looked like a gypsy.''

Everyone wants to call people racist these days. Not everyone can be an adult punk in the business world though. Punk is of course a popular sub-culture yet that is another story. 
For a certain older generation looking like a gypsy means to look like a free wandering traveler, perhaps a little shady, yet not particularly of a genomic group. Bill Clinton is the sort of fellow that if wearing too casual of clothes it could be said that he 'looked like a gypsy' without racism. A drill Sgt. once said to us; 'Don't look like Joe Shit the Rag man or I will hunt you down.' He was talking about strings hanging off the battle dress uniform and pants unbloused etc.
 Unfortunately there is discrimination against homeless people in the world. Canadians of course might be expected to wear a Molsons T-Shirt, dirty Levis and manure-caked boots yet that might not be attire especially suitable for a world cup chess event. Obviously, FIDE should provide disposable jump-suit tuxedos made of paper to players that show up badly attired. Keeping a box of disposable paper jump suits would be a trivial expense. If the bib-tux is not right for FIDE style, perhaps a disposable paper thobe- a white Arabian robe, would work.
In the business world (the people with the money), looking like a gypsy is also another way of saying looking unemployed, disheveled and not caring about one's appearance. There is an active bias against people that don't work for a living. They like to see white clothes that look washed. They don't want dope smoking employees or to have bedbugs or fleas in their facilities.
Pro chess players may work for a living yet not as laborers certainly. While working at a Taco Bell in Houston long ago a black manager who was an immigrant from Haiti actually pulled up my pants leg to see if I was wearing clean white socks! Luckily I was. People outside the first world care about appearances more than the comfortably cinched from northern countries. They don't want people to wear smelly clothing that could offend an owner or customer . Someone from a former communist country like Ukraine may not understand the business bias against the unemployed. I think they gave him a pass the first two days wearing those shorts, yet on day three they pulled the trigger, Maybe clothes should be washed every week at world cup events.
 Chess players are maybe flaky a little at the top with eccentricity and over-touchiness (Bobby Fischer). Maybe they should look at Magnus Carlsen and Bu for examples of casual yet clean.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...