
Noam Chomsky's Phenomenological Approach to Politics

(:arrow:)Noam Chomsky may have an unbalanced linguistic approach to political and historical analysis. brilliant linguistic that he was the associations made in the 50's and 60's between psychology and linguistics tended to bring an anthropological paradigm to Epistemological criteria that disregarded the content of human history and political thought as well as institutional development.

That is one of my pet peeves regarding academic specialization that brings a non-holistic analytical paradigm to global politics emplacing inadequately based premises to serve faulty conclusions. That sort of palaver works well in providing explananda to second world peoples without a surfeit of quality independent scholarly researchers.

It is common that philosophy and history are cast aside by social commentators providing their analysis of politics and national groupings. Russell created a term 'the complete complex of compresence' that would have referred to everything that exists at any given moment. The complexity of time vectors and structural relations of the world, the thought of individuals and geophysical potential for the Earth and its locales are difficult to concatenate within a narrow linguistic-political paradigm.

Chomsky is correct of course in noting that politicians develop rhetoric of a novel nature to justify activity toward political ends. Obviously Chomsky would have read Sartre's writings about Algerian colonialism and 'The Critique of Dialectical Reason'. Chomsky may not have read Turner or Steele, may not be an expert on the history of metallurgy or invention, and perhaps isn't aware sufficiently of Toynbee's writings on civilization's progress and how since Mussolini Corporatism has become an increasing global force.

Noam Chomsky has made many fine remarks about language and fewer about logic, yet his interpolations into the western politic have decreased in value as his approach has failed to achieve even the level of Ralph Nadir's constructive engagement with the politics of the United States. Noam Chomsky is a fine rogue scholar that doesn't seem to even take sufficient science into his political paradigms nor turn the corner himself into entering the political arena in order to make actual changes through leadership in important economic and environmental areas that are a direct axis of power for political activities and rhetoric.

Noam Chomsky must have a good awareness of population dynamics and the limits of growth on Earth within the fossil fuel and rectilinear housing paradigm. given the parameters of Rousseau's Social contract that such exists to guarantee the individual rights of all, the declaration of impendence differed from the social contract in finding the rights inalienable and given by God rather than completely alienable and given by a social contract that is invalid if any are excluded. Many neo-socialists today bog themselves down in such interstitial concepts and fail to see the forest for the trees--avoiding totalitarianism yet accomplishing vital political activities should be the right goal for most nations, though of course each differs in it's prioritization of its agenda items.

Maurice Mearleu-Ponty and others developed a more phenomenological approach to social paradigms that is fine and good if one is a French State shattered by war with a history of ineffective government making wrong decisions. Necessarily the people tend to cluster together for mutual support as best they are able under the hurricane winds of power politics that beset the European Continent in the 20th century. Sartre perhaps began his existential analysis from a dual phenomenological and rational approach, yet unlike Chomsky who seems so far as I know to continue to retain a phenomenological basis for political actions rather than an historical with a large history of practico-inert social content in back of the present.

... Chomsky and others including the Venezualian dictator hugo Chavez would do better writing science fiction political novels setting forth their dystopian or alternatiuvely utopian visions rather than just collecting political tithes from the people for occupying powerful social situations. Toynbee noted that civilizations fail sometimes becoming ossified and unable to change. Modern mass society in relying on fossil fuels and rectilinear housing cannot well change overnight and is making dangerous social catastrophe buildups perhaps.
Monolithic domes have an effective r value for insulation of over a 100, can survive hurricanes and cost 60$ per foot. Building large numbers of domes that use no net energy for lighting or heating/cooling beyond what the home power wind generators, fuel cells, solar panels and such can produce would be a revolutionary social adpatation.


(:arrow:)Saddam Hussein and his oil-heavy Baathist political party achieved power through terrorism and during the sanctions era allowed perhaps a million innocent, vulnerable civilians to perish. That democide could not be allowed to continue and the Clinton administration as well as the United Nations were not able to address it adequately. Those dead innocents that starved or died from lack of medical drugs or treatment (so it was reported) were not junk to be swept under the international rug of population control.

Human sin and greed evidently is so pervasive that President Bush felt it necessary to lie to the public to have the opportunity to end the Hussein regime. Before the war the U.N. had every opportunity to just vote to call it a day and turn Hussein loose to wage chemical war or attack whatever neighbor nation he liked, and in the United States at least it would have been a survivable specticle. For some reason the U.N. wanted to keep the sanctions going perhaps because the food for oil program was providing kickbacks to international politicaians from various nations.

There were three basic choices regarding Iraq and none were good

1) End sanctions unilaterally

2) Continue sanctions indefinately

3) Militarily remove the regime (which was non-compliant with U.N. terms of surrender from the prior war)

Today Iraq politicians cannot even vote to have a seated government, fair and equal shares of oil for all the people of Iraq, an Air Generator or solar panel for each Iraqi, experimental evaporation/condensation Desalinization canals or high altitude hydroponic gardening...what can such people do to have free and easy voting tickets with a lottery ticket stub on the reverse side giving prizes to voters such as free tuition at college?


Corrupt U.S. Highway Should Build Elevated Barrier Border Highway

Corrupt U.S. Senate Should Finance Elevated Border Patrol Highway Along Mexican Border
Friday 31 of March, 2006

Halting illegal alien border crossing is the necessary first step in the process of immigration reform. Globalists in the Senate wishing to enhance the employment cheap labor pyramid ploy want to flood with illegal or legal aliens the U.S.A. violating categorically the spirit of the social contract that unlies all constitutional government of the willing.

The United States and Mexico must some day address evironmental and population problems of vital international importance. The United States should have a maximum of 300,000 legal immigrants annually selected from all the world and just just Latin America. Excess U.S. need for cheap workers should transform into new employment in nLatin America. Fuel cells, solar and wind power should displace centralized power for home and automobiles...place power lines and interties to highways for electric cars.

Suetonoius or some other Roman historian said that it was Julius Caesar that gave the name Germans to the people of Transalpine Gaul. Caesar it is said encountered a tribe resisting his legion's advance to and across the Rhine (eventually a giant apparition of a woman told him not to go farther so he stopped) that was called the Germani; naturally the name became eponymous for all the tribes of the area of which the Germani was just one.The loss of another Germanic tribe named the Bastarni one winter a few hundred bc traveling from Turkey to points west when they fell through the ice of a lake and drowned (this isn't the Sergey Einstein movie about the Teutons incidentally) is an historical tragedy worthy of a good script. If they had made it to Gaul and met Julius Caesar in war the name of the people of that region for ever would have matched up with the family background of the savior of Europe in a secular sense Charles Martel.It isn't about race that the issue of controlling population flow along the Mexican border is about. Mexico nearly supported the Reich in WW II and were slow to declare. Zimmerman tried to get them to sign a treaty with the Axis.Eventually viable entities need to control population flows. When the American west was a frontier an open border made good sense. As much as some might like to use downtown L.A. for a bon fire of the vanities, some would claim ownership of it and expect financial compensation of filthy lucre.The issue is entirely about exploiting labor and stressed workers chasing work to the point of criminal transformation. This all is good substance for tragedy in Aristotle's criterion incidentally.So long as any group of people can exploit another for profit they will; and no there isn't a necessary Adam Smith capitalist virtue in exploiting humanity. Free markets, freedom of action, security in borders, personal and private property and so forth are all needed for the building up of capital by any individuals.If the border is a revolving door and the broadcast media a raving brainwasher the accumulation of capital in the U.S.A. will tend to flow up, as statistically it has the last couple of decades. Security in the public and private realm is needed for free enterprise and proprietary thought into actualization or materialization of value added production. When one cannot develop rational expectations regarding social change or stability but need retrain and reeducate every five years a net loss of profits results; growth is traded for survival.The flow of illegal immigrants should stop completely and within two years new American investments in Mexico should create enough jobs to replace those lost in the U.S.A. Jobs in the U.S.A. should increase as cheap labor dries up--yet the leisure class will need to accept that they must pay white people willing to do the work George W. Bush would not a fair wage prevailing in the market of perhaps 14 dollars an hour. Possibly medical benefits will need be restored to bargaining packages.I oppose illegal immigration not just because I am single and had no luck getting a well built Mexican girlfriend...quite frankly poverty isolates so I would not be showing up on a mountain bike to ask her to trot along to the mall beside me. The anarchic method of political apportionment as the upper-class senate prefers is ultimately self-destructive for nationalism. The United States cannot find security insinuating itself into a global corporatism nor in flooding the nation with immigrants to war upon 'naturals' or native born 'impediments' to globalism. Corporatism is the lazy person's way to the cheap power slavers enjoyed and will result in one of the global worse case scenarios of conflict, tyranny, environmental depletion and a planet without a plethora of cheap tri-hull sailing craft
Posted on Friday 31 of March, 2006 [16:46:27 UTC]


Foxx Summons President Chicken to Cancun Coup

President Bush may have an excuse for seeming like a traitor on southern border security; the U.S. Senate just appears aloof, detached from political reality and crooked. President Bush may have been on a drinking and powder binge in Old Mexico in his pre-Colonel Austin six million dollar man redux providing the mex mafia with photo’s of horse head in bed quality of a faux pas, or he could be a programmed savant, while the U.S. Senate is evil, epicurean and globalist. Is this speculation inaccurate, perhaps, yet so is the traditional concept of U.SX. border sovereignty. President Bush is at least on his side of the border while the issue is being debated thus voting with his feet.

President Bush and Senator Kennedy happily seem to have had a concurrence of support for allowing a reversal of the Tao Te Ching’s axioms regarding immigration. These two heirs that seem to have no higher practical political wisdom except for the Kennedy ‘screw the U.S. working class’ and for the President Bush ‘screw the U.S. working class’ have disregarded the venerable concept of allowing the larger population that ‘absorbs rivers like a lowland’ such as Latin America to be in the down position politically and receive the population or waters from the higher nation-a reversal of direction scuttles the technology lead, and ungentlemanly social relations develop on a political level.

If Latin Americans do overrun the U.S. and Canada (Canada’s population isn’t much more than twice the number of illegal U.S. Aliens, so with some intention Mexico could easily annex Canada de facto) the entire western hemisphere will become a second world-second rate plum subject to the eastern hemisphere’s greater population, military and intelligence. The next world war will probably shift to occur in the western hemisphere. For some hundreds of years the west was either isolated or superior, this reversal to global inferiority will place all of the people of the western hemisphere in perennial danger.

Traveling on a bus with a bike and a shoulder with torn ligaments a security guard at Baton Rouge La. Forced me to relinquish a baggage cart that a greyhound baggage handler said I could get to load my boxed bike onto in order to get the transfer done within the half-hour limit before my bus west departed. The guard also tried to evict me from the terminal, and in managing to get the bike physically dragging the box and other baggage onto the next bus I retore ligaments and resumed at least another two weeks of intense pain. When borders or property is placed into foreign or hostile control, bad things can happen.

The U.S. border situation on the south is plainly out of control, and wussy (no offense to Mary Woolstonecraft) Senators compare it to Reagan and the Berlin wall speech recognizing in a canine sort of way that a wall is involved in each instance. In one case a wall is built to keep people in, in another to keep people out. Does the good senator believe walls on his home are repressive too and should be removed?

A wall should not be the object for physical border insinuation of control anyway…it should be an elevated pair of roadways such as exist everywhere with one side straightened up to vertical a bit. The national highway bill should have a spare billion or two for this ‘Hadrian’s Highway Construction Project'.

With two elevated highways for border patrol agents situated a quarter mile apart a good habitat for wildlife could be emplaced with laser motion sensors and other cheap tricks littering the field monitored by agents in red Plymouth convertables and perhaps eventually a canal from the Gulf of California to the Gulf of Mexico could be built using solar powered saltwater pumping stations, siphons from the Pacific/Atlantic height difference and so on. About 100 locks would be required, and parallel desalinization canals could provide fresh water for both sides of the border.

Regarding the problem of twelve million illegals in the U.S.A. today—after the border is closed attrition will reduce the number. If they turn themselves in they would have six months to clear out and could apply from Mexico for legal entry after two years.

Senator Kennedy at Cape Cod may miss out on the worst of the sharp end of the illegal alien issue, but may symp[athize with some merry maids for Hyansisport and with Pedro the groundskeeper. So many like to have cheap labor advantages over their fellow citizens.

As the number of illegals is reduced to below five million, legal immigrants from Mexico may arrive to replace them as legal migrants.

After the 5 million number is stabilized with legal residents, perhaps 150,000 more could be added each year…if Mexico reciprocates with equal number slots for U.S. Citizens to work and freely travel anyplace in Mexico should they so desire. The idea of Americans being ‘mooned’ by Mexicans free to work in the U.S.A. and live as citizens without responsibility elsewhere when they wish or tire of the U.S.A. is onerous. I have tried to get a sailboat boat and rigged back to Alaska the last ten years, failing at that with seven purchases and no returns to Alaska, and would like to be out of here and without the excruciating shoulder pain too. Those damn wage-gutting Mexicans need to give up some of their country so Americans can organize it for their pleasure if they expect to continue to Mexicanize California and Arizona, Oregon Washington Utah and elsewhere and force poor western American painters east to get work in winter. If this border situation is all a result of Presidential peccadilloes while a youth in Mexico, I hope Mount Popo erupts and toasts his memories.

On the subject of the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty proposals...have they considered what sort of pressure illegals will encounter if they can't get 2000 dollars to pay the 'morditta' or 'lobby cost' to the Senators? With the time deadline and theoretical expulsion near a reasonable illegals will modity Pascal's wager and decide to steal the 2000 dollars. That presents a problem for Phoenix in particular and Senator McCain.

Phoenix now has a majority of hispanics so the Senator from Az must mind his p's and q's if he wants to be reelected, and use Mexican waffle notation above the n's. I would trust the senator from Az's honor indefinately, but not his judgment after capitivity by the Vietnamese and their unspeakable tortures. There is a brailliant burglar active in Phoenix that has broken in to something like a few hundred homes making off with several million dollars worth of loot- what sort of pickins will these illegal have in the area if they need to steal a couple of thousand dollars worth of senate graft moneys to buy a citizenship from D.C.? Will there be am amnesty for that too if they are caught before or after becoming residents or citizens?

Regarding the problem of twelve million illegals in the U.S.A. today—after the border is closed attrition will reduce the number. If they turn themselves in they would have six months to clear out and could apply from Mexico for legal entry after two years. As the number of illegals is reduced to below fix million, legal immigrants from Mexico may arrive to replace them as legal migrants. After the 5 million number is stabilized with legal residents, perhaps 150,000 more could be added each year…if Mexico reciprocates with equal number slots for U.S. Citizens to work and freely travel anyplace in Mexico should they so desire. The idea of Americans being ‘mooned’ by Mexicans free to work in the U.S.A. and live as citizens without responsibility elsewhere when they wish or tire of the U.S.A. is onerous. I have tried to get a sailboat boat and rigged back to Alaska the last ten years, failing at that with seven purchases and no returns to Alaska, and would like to be out of here and without the excruciating shoulder pain too. Those durn comparative wage-gutting Mexicans need to give up some of their country so Americans can organize it for their pleasure if they expect to continue to Mexicanize California and Arizona, Oregon Washington Utah and elsewhere and force poor western American painters east to get work in winter. If this border situation is all a result of Presidential peccadilloes while a youth in Mexico, I hope Mount Popo erupts and toasts his memories.


U.S. Senate Considers terms of 'Surrender' of Border Sovereignty

Like the decadent Roman Senate of the late Republican era, the U.S. Senate is composed of aloof high living globalists with foreign ties that perceive the external proletariat as a bunch of Jose Jimenez's (Bill Dana's character) that serve them with a smile.

The U.S. Senate could build a security wall along the Mexican border and maybe a boater canal later, with good high-speed railway links to the interior to follow and also make illegal entry to the U.S.A. a felony crime unless appropriate bribes are made to oil companies, auto manufacturer military industrial corporate kickbacks etc; alternatively the Republican Senate may make illegal entry an incentive for citizenship status and earned income credits and Republican Party membership.

Other business in the Senate includes;

1) Offering DP World a contract to patrol the borders and enforce ‘security’.
2) Name a ‘Faggot of Films’ to Rule Devilwood film propaganda project development for the 2008 season
3) Appoint a Furher of Religion cycles to Torquemada Colorado.
4) Raise the bar on the federal debt limit to 12 trillion dollars
5) Sell California to China before Mexico claims ownership through adverse possession.

Eminent Domain of Corruption

A miscreant Senate in chains
led into detention at Guantanamo Bay
globalist lords of ice cream

Caesar pondered the memorial
Jose Jimenez crossing the Potomac
nazicar crashing the legal bridge

A remnant formed another Empire
one Republic surrendered to global greed
an empire rotted from without

Corporatist broadcasters job shuffling filters
tithing machine hierarchies affiliate
snub a priesthood of believers

Special forces of democratic activism
deleted towards extinction


2008 Elections/Keynes/y Gasset etc.

There was an interesting cartoon of the '2008 Madness' sweet sixteen with Democratic and Republican presidential contenders paired up to reach the Nov. election...the chances of electing a good president aren't encouraging, much less good policies. The candidates will wait until the last minute to express the 'brilliance' of their plans, in order to keep secret the content from rivals. It would be better to develop rational planning two years before taking office and put them before the public to consider in order that they might have a chance to be implemented the first for years. It will be business 'as usual' most likely.

Right wing talk radio has an essential blindness in its pursuit of profits based on corporatism. Right-wingers are something like the fascists attacking the communists in the build-up to the Spanish civil war; they tend to force every sort of democratic criticism or alternative into an extreme opposite.

The extreme right dresses itself up rather innocently in the guise of neo-liberal causes such as racial equality (for consumerist purposes, yet in so doing will corrupt the individual civil rights by transcending individualism with mass indoctrination and conformity) Corporatism developed with Mussolini, yet even Keynes anticipated it before the stock market crash he warned of the vast public debt incurred by the first world war.

Ortega y Gasset wrote an essay called 'the dehumanization of art’ that explained why the realism of the nineteenth century was passed for dehumanization such as cubism, and that coincided with the ‘revolt of the masses’ and perhaps the end of individualism. Keynes wrote an essay named ‘The End of Lassez Faire' that prescribed central banking to control inflation and later he developed deficit spending for pump priming-yet he anticipated corporatist neo-governments as alternative moderators of unrestricted egoistic capitalism. Mises criticized Keynes article as being a remedy like that of prior German neo-socialists, yet later decided, I believe, that he had not given Keynes his due.

Corporatism as ad hoc methods of infusing socialist controls into unrestricted concentrations of wealth in egoistic forms of capitalism that do not consider public interests at all may take the form of boardroom disregard for stockholder preferences regarding corporate directions and planning. Obviously shareholders might comprise a sort of democracy in a corporate context if their interests and preferences were actually the source of corporate policy and planning instead of being simple entitlements to pacifying dividends.

Keynes believed that corporatism was a form of neo-socialism that might modify predatory capitalism that cares not even for national interests, and certainly Keynes suggestions about deficit spending and central banking, controls of inflation and boardroom quasi-governmental functions were prescient economically speaking.

Keynes' views on the evolution of capital concentrations in a social environment from which detachment by individuals is not realistically practical were good considering their a priori nature, yet considered now in the post soviet era when corporatism is becoming the new sovereign it is obvious the Keynes’s point about government functions to stimulate individual savings and development of an agenda to encourage national interests and infrastructure developments in the field of economics and environment were disregarded or shunned outright perhaps becoming classified by corporatist media propagandists as 'leftist' or 'liberal'. John Maynard Keynes wrote at an interesting point in the 20th century when global socialism, population increase and capitalism were all increasing rapidly and prediction of the outcome was a fruitful field of endeavor. In the post soviet, six billion plus population, environmentally depleting corporatist environment with Chinese socialism merging toward increasing consumption and mass consumerism the mere management of monetary policy and inflation seems a bit anachronistic as a philosophy of government approach to economic engagement, yet it is a rational result of the success of capitalism and promotion of egoism in the battle against state socialism and authoritarianism known as the cold war.

Morality has an objective basis within the individual will to exist that is discovered in every human being. Morality is the description of fair and balanced relations between individuals formalized to support their actual freedom to exist, to think and to do for oneself. In the gross economic posture of the world the individual right to act as freely as possible, and to have his social, personal and economic rights secured so far as possible from collective actions by corporations, governments, criminal organizations or adverse others is a necessary pre-condition for retaining the most creative, healthy and moral economic and social environment possible.


Iraq Force Levels and Babylon

It should be considered that generals often have asked for more and more troops to overcome normal 'wastage' when intelligence is lacking.

General Abizaid recently made a Trotsky-like remark about American unwillingness to give control of its eastern ports to the Emir of United Arabs. Perhaps he plans like Trotsky in both military and political realms simultaneously, or retros the affluent line of Clauswitz dictum about war a continuation of politics to spread a sewer of stench that would unify the dar al harb and dar al Islam in such a way as to make the front line unidentifiable. Trotsky pioneered that technique although not too many generals have been egregiously adept at the art. American right wingers accused Ho Chi Minh and the 'left' that make movies like 'Broke Dick Mountain' or 'American War Efforts are Evil Imperialism by Running Stooges' of subverting the war effort with propaganda, yet propaganda is a few miles short of actively integrating opposition force (opfor) political structures or Vichy symps into ones own economy. It can be risky, and I wonder if General Abizaid learned that at the Army War College or at the Emir's table.

General Haig asked for more than a half a million troops to advance less than 15 miles over several months in a Flanders campaign in world war one while Churchill and others wanted to reinforce Italy--Haig would not let even a few field pieces be shifted east.

In the modern world there are several levels of communication and 'fear factor', political alignment possibilities and so forth. It may well be possible that the administration's corporatists have hidden agenda items delimiting the range of freedom allowable in the ongoing control of oil in Iraq and elsewhere. Certainly the administration is completely ineffective at supporting national U.S. policies that would end fossil fuel use in automobiles before a few years pass. It is a defeatist administration on that, while doing all right in Iraq to some extent.

The Iraqi and Muslim peoples of the area will scrum for control, and the area may be as peaceful as Northern Ireland during 'The Troubles' for some time. It is difficult to predict the future, yet likely the Bush administration will leave a strategically challenging situation for the next administration that it will be unprepared to administer while attempting to balance the federal debt being raise now near 9 trillion dollars and liberate the people from reliance on fossil fuel and foreign owned autos that are a permanent transfusion of economic blood abroad.


Listening to J. Vernon McGee talking about the book of the revelation it is interesting to consider America's present activities at building a possible future Babylonian commercial center that trades with all the nations of the world, literally. If there is an evolving second world or oil based axis of politics Baghdad might technically serve as a midway between China, Africa and other southern hemispheric or low latitude nations. Will many be saved spiritually from that evolution is the most interesting question in the context.


President Bush, 'Badda Bung' and 'The Moose'

President George W. Bush (The Elder) it is said watched the 9-11 events unfold with a senior Bin Ladin family member from a posh Washington D.C. Hotel room. The Younger Bush already experienced a Bin Ladin partner in his oil start up in Midland years before he could reflect while fleeing to an undisclosed bunker aboard Air Force One after Oz Bin Ladin's crew 'crapped' the World Trade Towers and Pentagon. Subsequently the Bush administration has dismantled substantive elements of U.S. civil rights under the ostensible purpose of ‘protecting national security’, but as Ben Franklin said about comfort, freedom and safety…

Attorney General Gonzalez has allowed The Moose to escape the noose with inadequate trial preparation (I personally oppose the death penalty anyway) for his legal team perhaps…a payback for a surviving loyalist some might believe, yet that would be too astounding for me to believe presently. Attorney General Gonzalez has advocated torture as a modernization of quaint Geneva convention inhibitions, and evidently illegal wiretaps have been made upon Americans or illegal aliens calling from the U.S.A. without adequate legal oversight, but of course President no veto unless it takes American jobs from foreign Arab Imperial Companies Bush has placed his Igor Yeth Masta consigliore into place to thwart any investigations of the possibly corrupt administration.

Some good reporting has been done on the administration’s trends toward state-corporatism as a post-modern Marxist/Leninism yet with the broadcast spectrum dominated by a few rich corporations that the federal government allocates resources to it is quite difficult to form new or leading political opinions in America free of or in opposition to corporate interests.

An example is the politician that said the President is a dangerously incompetent imbecile that would make Curly Marx seems like a PhD candidate. Evidently the idea is that giving ownership of American economics to foreign corporations isn’t the same as supporting development of American owned corporations or individual partnerships that lead the world in economic output and environmental conservation. The broadcast media of the extreme radical right corporatist goon clan that hide behind a false gospel of wealth to dupe some into support of globalization under corporatism in the belief that they are just supporting morality merely need attack the congressperson publicly overheard in the state of the congressman and the nation while the politician of course hasn’t an equal broadcast rebuttal opportunity. Amplified a trillion-fold that is the gist of the corruption of the American polity by broadcast corporatism. The solution is to democratize the airwaves and use it for Internet broadcast slices with new technology free for anyone with a webpage and a will. People should listen because they like the intell not because there isn’t a choice.

Corporatism is a dangerous phenomenon created by Mussolini in partnership with Hitler-a man that Prescott Bush traded with during World War II and was condemned for. President Bush appointed a DP World Executive to head the Federal Maritime Commission before the DP World Ports deal to give the operations of east coast ports to the Arab Emir’s Government Company. Treasury Sect. Snow was head of CSX as CEO before DP World bought that railroad company. President Bush allowed a railroad lawyer to lead some sort of federal biological war disaster team (without meaningful qualifications unless it was to argue about how to deliver the stuff from the United Arab Emirates). One wonders if the President or his attorney general have planned or greased the wheels for a future substantive population trim able to terminate national independence economically speaking. Obviously the President and Attorney General would have difficulty ordering a happy meal at McDonalds without a misspeak so someone higher is pulling their strings if any.

Plainly some sort of congresstional investigattion firewall should be created to guard against felony cimininal political conspiracy from globalist corporatists in the oval office should such every actually perpetrate evil works and mayhem upon the nation. Obviously the Bush/Cheyney Axis of Oil has innumerable conflicts of interests that would require more than a mild political digestive discomfort in the somnabulent post-gruel torpor the party of 'opposition' finds itself in as the redistribution of wealth to globalists continues at record breaking speed.

If the President’s crank legal team seeking new ways to oppress Americans would take the advice of General Abizade they just shut up and stay out of politics, while disregarding the part about giving the east coast to the Emir of Arabs for port operations.

It is probable that rich Sheiks of the middle east have millions and billions of bribery monies laying about to provide for the comfortable munching retirements of high government officials should they seek baksheesh and balaclava. Keeping down-trodden Iraqi government bureaucrats from succumbing to bribes for various ‘services’ even from terrorists will also present a long term problem for any sort of democracy in the middle east. Like the problems of the prisoners and diner’s dilemma what side to be on becomes and increasingly difficult decision to make until the revolution…when all run across the new finish line of profit.

Listening to the corporatist radio extreme wing attack on terminology becomes a tough experience if done with a separated shoulder.

Years ago in Alaska I cut up some 3/4-inch plywood and carried it from the water to a trail and up right side of my head, yet it eventually pushed my shoulder off and out of place. This weekend with popping and grinding aplenty it stayed out...its an interesting experience, and nearly as bad as listening to the plain drollery of right wing attackers of the classical American concept of liberalism.

Liberalism under God is the heart and soul of the American experience, it is the bill of rights, of the spirit of resistance to oppression, slavery and inhumanity to man. It is the political mode that was first created in the United States and is as original as Jazz or Jim Beam. Liberalism is what democracy is all about, and it was the grace of God novelty of political thought built atop classical foundations of freedom that set this nation apart from all others in human history.
The right-wing raver Doctor Savage has good days and bad off the possible binge drinking, yet he has written a book 'Liberalism is a Mental Disorder' that didn't sell well that is a fundamental sedulous assault on the American foundations of freedom prima fascia. He would say things like the homeless should be institutionalized, which is fine for right-wing Nazi goose-steppers perhaps but not so good for political dissidents or others that can be tossed out on the street or fired from their jobs and blacklisted or radio syndicalist targeted as an enemy of the corporation. Doctor Savage of course has a PhD in biology, and that makes him an expert on political science and history able to diagnose the ills of the nation. In some areas he may be on target, in some off and as wacko as Rush Limbaugh on the environment, yet he also has the radio raving characteristic of plain moralizing some points for political points and audience share. Its fun to have some ones to hate evidently.

The irrational or incomplete or disingenuous analysis of those people is astounding, or would be if it weren't for the explanation that they have sold themselves to corporatism and globalism...the non-nationalist unintellectuals way of getting an easy big piece of the global pie that will create fraternity and brotherhood, a better life for everyone and so forth eventually...really it is claimed. There are no downsides or environmental externalities to be concerned about.

These intellectually lazy pseudo-conservatives believe that so long as they sig Exxon-Mobil or Toyota the nation will be alright, and that the only alternative to 'conservative' globalism and flooding of America with cheap workers to keep NAIRU at an optimal level and profits up the nation will be hunkie dorrie. They fail to comprehend that one must be virtually a midget intellectually to fit within the corporatist ideal of 'phreendom' for domestic workers.

Importing or promoting enough people with a low earnings starting point can moderate downward gross domestic earnings sufficiently to optimalize skimming of profits. Yet mankind doesn't live by futility, malaise, doom and servitude alone...there must be a hope of a better future with less population crowding through space exploration, of a healthy environment with unlimited camping opportunities, of a world with quality sports fishing in the oceans.

Instead the Univ of Washington has conservatives searching for ways to use clams to detect weapons of mass destruction through filter feeding spectrum analysis. Mollusks filter gallons of seawater each day and could be used to detect radiation I suppose, or possible pcbs that could kill whales or people. Bin Ladin's special weapons research and development team in the cave below the coffee shop in Kabul probably never thought of caching nuclear weapons below the ocean but you never know. It’s what human leadership has brought people to.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...