
Iraq Force Levels and Babylon

It should be considered that generals often have asked for more and more troops to overcome normal 'wastage' when intelligence is lacking.

General Abizaid recently made a Trotsky-like remark about American unwillingness to give control of its eastern ports to the Emir of United Arabs. Perhaps he plans like Trotsky in both military and political realms simultaneously, or retros the affluent line of Clauswitz dictum about war a continuation of politics to spread a sewer of stench that would unify the dar al harb and dar al Islam in such a way as to make the front line unidentifiable. Trotsky pioneered that technique although not too many generals have been egregiously adept at the art. American right wingers accused Ho Chi Minh and the 'left' that make movies like 'Broke Dick Mountain' or 'American War Efforts are Evil Imperialism by Running Stooges' of subverting the war effort with propaganda, yet propaganda is a few miles short of actively integrating opposition force (opfor) political structures or Vichy symps into ones own economy. It can be risky, and I wonder if General Abizaid learned that at the Army War College or at the Emir's table.

General Haig asked for more than a half a million troops to advance less than 15 miles over several months in a Flanders campaign in world war one while Churchill and others wanted to reinforce Italy--Haig would not let even a few field pieces be shifted east.

In the modern world there are several levels of communication and 'fear factor', political alignment possibilities and so forth. It may well be possible that the administration's corporatists have hidden agenda items delimiting the range of freedom allowable in the ongoing control of oil in Iraq and elsewhere. Certainly the administration is completely ineffective at supporting national U.S. policies that would end fossil fuel use in automobiles before a few years pass. It is a defeatist administration on that, while doing all right in Iraq to some extent.

The Iraqi and Muslim peoples of the area will scrum for control, and the area may be as peaceful as Northern Ireland during 'The Troubles' for some time. It is difficult to predict the future, yet likely the Bush administration will leave a strategically challenging situation for the next administration that it will be unprepared to administer while attempting to balance the federal debt being raise now near 9 trillion dollars and liberate the people from reliance on fossil fuel and foreign owned autos that are a permanent transfusion of economic blood abroad.


Listening to J. Vernon McGee talking about the book of the revelation it is interesting to consider America's present activities at building a possible future Babylonian commercial center that trades with all the nations of the world, literally. If there is an evolving second world or oil based axis of politics Baghdad might technically serve as a midway between China, Africa and other southern hemispheric or low latitude nations. Will many be saved spiritually from that evolution is the most interesting question in the context.

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