
Quick Draw Soldier of Fortune Jobs Report in PC Terms

Someone left the most recent issue of Soldier of Fortune magazine sitting on a table in a library recently along with the day's paper, so I perused each. Soldier of Fortune did not actually provide job listings for mercenaries. It provided a few stories on U.S. Special Forces from Vietnam to Afghanistan and an interesting story on the Mexican drug traffickers war; Perhaps the real employers of mercenaries today are politically incorrect to mention. Those might be corporations providing people who carry and use weapons for hire in private and public security work.

"Congressional Research Service




Excerpt "CRS Report for Congress"

"Department of Defense Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan: Background and Analysis"...

"The Department of Defense (DOD) increasingly relies upon contractors to support operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, which has resulted in a DOD workforce that has 19% more contractor personnel (207,600) than uniformed personnel (175,000). Contractors make up 54% of DOD’s workforce in Iraq and Afghanistan. The critical role contractors play in supporting such military operations and the billions of dollars spent by DOD on these services requires operational forces to effectively manage contractors during contingency operations. Lack of sufficient contract management can delay or even prevent troops from receiving needed support and can also result in wasteful spending. Some analysts believe that poor contract management has also played a role in abuses and crimes committed by certain contractors against local nationals, which may have undermined U.S. counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan."

I would think that an accurate and comprehensive Mercenary Magazine might simply list all of the world's governments and contractors, public and private security firms willing to hire anyone of who will carry a weapon for security services, and state the terms of employment and compensation. From the U.S. Army's Central Command to Al Qa'eda of Pakistan (who pay trainees with glamour on Earth and futures in Muhammad's paradise), to security services in Chicago delivering truckloads of money to banks and Taco sales outlets, there are millions of mercenary jobs today in the security services field.

It would be good if a priesthood of believers ecclesiastical structure with real world social safety net services were created to provide alternatives to those that believe they can find no work besides carrying a weapon for hire, yet that is one of the blind spot of those behind the pulpit advocating 'unselfish giving' to those receiving tithes.


Dark Matter and Energy May Be Grounded in Six Extra Dimensions

Ten dimensional space-time models for this Universe made with string theory quantum cosmology may be yet unproven and controversial-so there is still time to throw out all sorts of speculation about what dark energy and dark matter may be and how it may relate to or be grounded within those extra dimensions.

Dark matter 'halos' around matter may be an effect of quantum entanglement of mass strings and loops in the sic extra dimensions of space. The mass extruding like the tip of an iceberg in our three dimensions of space and of of time may have the preponderance of its existence entangled in the six extra, compact, invisible to scientific observation directions providing the extra mass and energy of the universe holding galaxies together and sending space-time expanding outward.

Mass hidden in the six extra dimensions may have its own different quantum dynamics apposite or opposite, tangetial or derivative from those of the evident three dimensions of space and one of time. Some believe that dark energy may be a negative force 'pulling' the universe outward as a composite target, yet if so it must also be pulling something farther beyond inward toward the Universe as well one would think.

If space-time generally has a negative force or draw and gravity is regarded as positive, then the phenomenal appearance of mass and gravity in the Universe really was an unusual event at T=Zero perhaps 13.7 billion years ago.

Dark Matter and Energy May Be Grounded in Six Extra Dimensions

Ten dimensional space-time models for this Universe made with string theory quantum cosmology may be yet unproven and controversial-so there is still time to throw out all sorts of speculation about what dark energy and dark matter may be and how it may relate to or be grounded within those extra dimensions.

Dark matter 'halos' around matter may be an effect of quantum entanglement of mass strings and loops in the sic extra dimensions of space. The mass extruding like the tip of an iceberg in our three dimensions of space and of of time may have the preponderance of its existence entangled in the six extra, compact, invisible to scientific observation directions providing the extra mass and energy of the universe holding galaxies together and sending space-time expanding outward.

Mass hidden in the six extra dimensions may have its own different quantum dynamics apposite or opposite, tangetial or derivative from those of the evident three dimensions of space and one of time. Some believe that dark energy may be a negative force 'pulling' the universe outward as a composite target, yet if so it must also be pulling something farther beyond inward toward the Universe as well one would think.

If space-time generally has a negative force or draw and gravity is regarded as positive, then the phenomenal appearance of mass and gravity in the Universe really was an unusual event at T=Zero perhaps 13.7 billion years ago.


Shadows With Cold Space Data

The stirring of the waters
dimensional waves expanding, breaking, crashing
compacted dimensions within loops, membranes that matter
given the impetus of the Word

Of dimensions wrapped ribbons mobius twisted
time through loops in sight of night
light distant in a void of norms
from which nothing comprehended not forms
between the hope of morning
woven seamlessly beyond abyssal mist

A Sagittarius star without spin
gathered three million solar masses itself
not within the realm of ideas
or dreams on an air mattress along the ocean shore
nothing beyond the event horizons
darkness, cold, heat, call, structures of infinity
shaping objects for human wonder

Data mining talking points
of oil spills and infants shadows
Rorschach realty through a glass sharply
the world's spin drives through edges of tomorrows

In waves from the beginning and after
is the Holiness of the light of God
living in the Spirit and Son Jesus Christ.

Our Universe May Not Have Been Slapped By Other Universes Early in It's History

Reading an article in New Science on three reports that the recent hypothesis interpreting the polarity of WMAP cosmic microwave background survey presenting the earliest capture of light emanated in the Universe after Time=Zero as evidence that other universe may have bumped into our Universe 13.5 billion years ago as wrong, I also found this web site hyperlinked below. It has dozens if not hundreds of cosmology, physics and other scientific paprers posted by scientists every day.


Why Globalism Creates Deleterious Noise in Local Political Economic-Environmental Adaptation

Scientific American ran an article on the 100 trillion brain cell connections of the human brain as well as one on the anticipated mass human migrations stimulated by anthropogenic environmental changes. Ideas regarding social economic responses and adaptations to existential challenges present several paradoxical elements regarding the prospect for identifying and implementing successful solutions.

One paradox is the drift of capitalism within a corporatist context away from fundamental sets of purposes formed by Adam Smith. Today’s global corporatism is far more organizational and a kind of exclusive limited socialism than a phenomena of individual enterprise and ownership of private property. Global corporatism as the off course and uncorrected dominant actualized model amidst innumerable potential forms of capitalism tends to drive social and economic adaptations away from local environmental solutions in favor of the pursuit of corporate profit.

If Vietnam’s Mekong Delta would seven million refugees outward with a one meter rise in sea level, corporatism would be unlikely to search for a way to enable those people to remain in place perhaps on elevated housing with simultaneous development of a new form of aquaculture and perhaps elevated rice cultivation with rain capture hydroponics or evaporative production of fresh water. Best case, comprehensive solutions for social environmental economic issues are beyond the interest of corporate profit taking and a democratic government intimidated by global financial and business networks unable to exert it political sovereignty for the benefit of citizens.

That is something of a global phenomenon even in present Alaska where laborers from around the world arrive to work in the seafood processing industry. Some Alaskans say they have the wrong (American) passport to get hired in the industry, others that federal trade and political deals give these workers a preferred status-especially as they do not complain about working conditions much or at all. It is evident that the global corporate rational for reallocating labor globally is for increased profit (see ‘Halliburton’s Army’ pub. 2009). That global corporate power inertia disregards environmental changes as externalities to the profit network. Corporatism’s present logic regards responses to environmental changes fundamentally from a financial analytical point of view regarding opportunities for profit. That corrupted form of capitalism; one that could readily be replaced by a modern form of ideal free enterprise capitalism developed within a local, rational, national democracy seeking the optimal environmentally synergetic standard of living for citizens, is an opposite element for the reform of government and rectification of capitalism.

Noise in brain cell connections may stimulate local area network analytical thought. The logic of corporatism however suppresses local area democratic network intellection preventing environmental-political synthesis that moves toward the optimal existential economic efficiency attainable. The ‘noise’ of corporate profit taking actually overwhelms democracy and free enterprise national self-interests to infuse waves of junk political D.N.A. into not only the American democracy, but any other on Earth. Adam Smith’s idea of exploiting economic autonomy to promote the welfare of all British citizens (or those of any other polity respectively via abstract emulation) has been supplanted by global organizationalism with control of the broadcast media, local economics and thereby politics making junk food politics the norm disregarding ongoing needs for local environmental adaptation without regard to global corporate profits.


Three Fallacies In President Obama's National Jobs Recovery Logic

President Obama has declared his final two years in office will use ‘the Edison method’ of invention to create economic growth and jobs in the United States. We like Thomas Edison’s inventive application of science to create the light bulb of course yet believe there are several problems with applying that 19th century business model to the United States today in the 21st century. Two years is hardly sufficient time to invent and broadly apply technology to create 300,000 jobs per month starting in February 2011.


There are three primary fallacies in the President’s job recovery theory I shall briefly outline. The most likely areas for new technology jobs creation will be disregarded by the President and Congress. Implicitly I describe those areas elementally in describing the fallcies in the Presidential job creation logic.

One; The national economy is a leaky vessel with jobs outsourced, productivity outsourced and patents held by global corporations with millions of illegal aliens arriving to take non-outsourceable jobs. Simply adding speed to keep a leaky boat from sinking will not necessarily be more effective than patching the leaks

Two; Areas of the economy that could be patched with bi-partisan support in the Congress such as building a three layer berm and ditch control barrier zone on the Mexican border to prevent illegal alien input, and a nation-wide infrastructure along freeway corridor starting around major cities to install power lines for electric car charging in order to offset the rise of foreign gasoline prices that also stall the economy; are being neglected. Hence the economy has two large built in governors on efforts for full national full employment and prosperity.

Three; The U.S. Patent system needs reform so inventors other than the rich (the majority) find it profitable to invent something. With the cost of patents at 5 applications for $3000 dollars plus patent searches and patent defenses the cost is way too high for the majority of inventors today who might tend to be very poor. The trickle up effect is definitely in play in the patents field with corporations having every possible advantage for soaking up inventions by the poor.

If an inventor does succeed in keeping security in this leaky era and obtain a patent, then he faces the problem of actually finding a cost competitive way to produce and market the product. Increasingly cheap offshore production such as in China has become the norm. Thomas Edison had no problem in finding the best production facilities in the world in the United States. He also held 1093 patents as inventor and President of his own corporation. Few Americans or corporations exist in such a state today. One might think of Steve Jobs (not an Edison class inventor by any means) as a vague echo of the American inventor-entrepreneur-C.E.O.’s of the past.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...