
Why Globalism Creates Deleterious Noise in Local Political Economic-Environmental Adaptation

Scientific American ran an article on the 100 trillion brain cell connections of the human brain as well as one on the anticipated mass human migrations stimulated by anthropogenic environmental changes. Ideas regarding social economic responses and adaptations to existential challenges present several paradoxical elements regarding the prospect for identifying and implementing successful solutions.

One paradox is the drift of capitalism within a corporatist context away from fundamental sets of purposes formed by Adam Smith. Today’s global corporatism is far more organizational and a kind of exclusive limited socialism than a phenomena of individual enterprise and ownership of private property. Global corporatism as the off course and uncorrected dominant actualized model amidst innumerable potential forms of capitalism tends to drive social and economic adaptations away from local environmental solutions in favor of the pursuit of corporate profit.

If Vietnam’s Mekong Delta would seven million refugees outward with a one meter rise in sea level, corporatism would be unlikely to search for a way to enable those people to remain in place perhaps on elevated housing with simultaneous development of a new form of aquaculture and perhaps elevated rice cultivation with rain capture hydroponics or evaporative production of fresh water. Best case, comprehensive solutions for social environmental economic issues are beyond the interest of corporate profit taking and a democratic government intimidated by global financial and business networks unable to exert it political sovereignty for the benefit of citizens.

That is something of a global phenomenon even in present Alaska where laborers from around the world arrive to work in the seafood processing industry. Some Alaskans say they have the wrong (American) passport to get hired in the industry, others that federal trade and political deals give these workers a preferred status-especially as they do not complain about working conditions much or at all. It is evident that the global corporate rational for reallocating labor globally is for increased profit (see ‘Halliburton’s Army’ pub. 2009). That global corporate power inertia disregards environmental changes as externalities to the profit network. Corporatism’s present logic regards responses to environmental changes fundamentally from a financial analytical point of view regarding opportunities for profit. That corrupted form of capitalism; one that could readily be replaced by a modern form of ideal free enterprise capitalism developed within a local, rational, national democracy seeking the optimal environmentally synergetic standard of living for citizens, is an opposite element for the reform of government and rectification of capitalism.

Noise in brain cell connections may stimulate local area network analytical thought. The logic of corporatism however suppresses local area democratic network intellection preventing environmental-political synthesis that moves toward the optimal existential economic efficiency attainable. The ‘noise’ of corporate profit taking actually overwhelms democracy and free enterprise national self-interests to infuse waves of junk political D.N.A. into not only the American democracy, but any other on Earth. Adam Smith’s idea of exploiting economic autonomy to promote the welfare of all British citizens (or those of any other polity respectively via abstract emulation) has been supplanted by global organizationalism with control of the broadcast media, local economics and thereby politics making junk food politics the norm disregarding ongoing needs for local environmental adaptation without regard to global corporate profits.

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