
The Spiritually Homeless

Such Sunday topics as beheadings and head shots are unfortunate. The 3rd century Christian father Origen was tortured with his legs pulled apart three paces on the rack. I guess we can thus recognize political discourse on a Sunday as reasonable in a time when so many of us are spiritually homeless in America.
If all of the members of Congress were shot through the head the collective I.Q. might not decrease much. If the U.S. Congress were not such a bunch of wealthy and out of touch people they might comprehend why poor Americans care that illegal aliens roam at will over the border to take jobs.
In prior times revolutions occurred that liquidated inherent politicians. In America today such though it unthinkable as it would sully the profitable lifestyles of the rich and famous.
A church built with a priesthood of believers would give the spiritually homeless someplace to go. The churches of greed are full of SUV's and people wishing like a Sokka Gakki meeting for material things. The spiritual well being of the faithful should have a reflecting social, work and well being network able to share without obvious charity except in mutual service the produce of their labors. Spiritual savings and material savings ought to have a priesthood of believers savings bank tithed by the people of the priesthood.
There are many paradoxes about a nation as wealthy as the U.S.A. that runs a 14 trillion dollar debt and has a political class that does not feel the pain of the unemployed. One might wish for an ideal, utopian society of free enterprise, full employment, secure borders and a recovering national environment and gets a lot of loutish globalists without any sort of nationalistic, patriotic good sense.
Mexico has more beheadings than Al Qa'eda, more people killed in the past four years per capita than did America in Vietnam and the Korean conflicts combined, and the U.S. congress supports tax cuts for the rich, concentration of wealth and dim prospects for employment for the young and old.
Republicans in Congress should design their own, better health care system and try to advance it before just cancelling the corporatist, omnibus health care slop the Democrats foisted upon the nation (leaving the poor out in the cold generally).
It is a tragedy that political violence serves to remind the public of the pervasive, incompetent incoherence of congressional budgeting and national economic defense since the end of the Regan administration. I hope the Speaker of the House does not cry tearfully in speeches in the House ahead. Men crying in politics are not at all helpful, really.
The skull and crossbones nature of the U.S. economy and its concentration of wealth through globalism, corporatism and an absurdly low 36% tax rate could be paralleled by unloyal citizen entrepreneurs. An equivalent video game equivalence of outsourcing of industry might be a 'Kill the Millionaire' game in which points are won for shooting millionaire footballers, basketballers, CEO's, Congress and business people in their own 'work' environments with a variety of weapons. Yet if someone wrote up such a game and became a millionaire themself they might run the risk of be perceived as hypocritical if they are not included in the game. Real millionaires and congresspersons ought to really consider the real financial interests of their constituents too in failing to prioritize their real interests. If it weren't for the fact that it costs more than a million to run for congress, voters might exact political corrections at the ballot box.

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