
Mad Cow Disease-Nearing Global Extinction?

New Science is running an article on the idea that mad cow disease is nearly extinct globally. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20033-mad-cow-disease-is-almost-extinct-globally.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=online-news

Others such as ScienceDaily report that prions have an ability to 'mutate and adapt to host environment' .


Neanderthals may have died out as a result of a BSE/Mad cow Creutzfeldt-Jakob like disease, and the recurrence of prion attacks on the brain may recur periodically in history especially as economists (even of cannibals) discover new ways to profit from improper use of proteins for food supply to various animal populations (I don't know why deer and elk have problems with the brain wasting disease),


Cow dies of BSE in Holland... http://wireupdate.com/wires/14081/cow-dies-of-mad-cow-disease-in-the-netherlands/

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