
About a Ten Dimension Universe

One might wonder where the extra six dimensions-and an extra six directions- are. Analytical geometers can construct a theoretical hyper dimensional object and make consistent inferences regarding its properties such as relatively speaking, the Pythagorean Theorem provides for triangles and object constructed from them. The particles and waves of quantum mechanics haven’t got a comprehensive, in depth mathematical explanation quite yet that tie in to gravity and other large, solid state physics features of the universe, so the mathematics of hyper-dimensional geometry has taken its turn (ref. the Shape of inner Space by Yau and Nadis 2010).

What one finds in reading about extra dimensional space-presently generally thought of as ‘small dimensions’ are a world of ideas of construction of dimensions generally.

Our three ‘large’ dimensions of space may be tied onto a string of smaller dimensions like leaves, or not. Myriad analogies exist to describe the way an extra six dimensions of space fundamentally made of strings could cohere in association with our three dimensions of space. It may be that the dimension of time transcends the nine dimensions of space in what fundamentally could be a ten dimensional universe.

Like the tip of an iceberg compared to the mass-energy of these three dimensions the bulk of matter and energy may be hidden below the surface in these smaller, extra six dimensions. Its’ only one theoretical approach however, and the limits of such extra-dimensional constructions of geometry could be unlimited and of course presently unknown.

Geometrical models of the quantum mechanical world must be internally consistent and then find some consistence with observed behavior of quanta. Some string theory actually predicts gravity in addition to just describing a formula relation to space-time, mass and energy. With mass and energy flowing into six extra dimensions the possibilities of its behavior in that realm is unknown too. If size is relative, could there be corresponding real echo world realities within those six dimensions albeit of a smaller comparative size?

It is something of a paradox than any dimension might be regarded as being ‘small’ if they are infinite yet compact. One would expect the smaller dimensions to change in scale in a way comparable to the expansion of our three spatial dimensions.

The basic particle of string theory is said to be a string. String may combine or be stretched out in different dimensions to form sheets, spheres, loops, branes, membranes and hyper-dimensional Calibi-Yau manifolds or non-Kohler structures. One might obviously ask ‘what is a string made of ?’.

Basically one has a quanta of being-the string- and nothingness. The string or abundance of strings at the beginning might have been cut from the same ball of yarn into myriad little pieces that reassemble as best they can forming complex hyper-dimensional shapes in the process that seems to be the three dimensions of space-time we live in. Time is something of an enigma. As a dimension without space dimensions what would it be?

The vast number of potential configurations of strings as basic quanta that may serve to assemble cosmological theories and large-scale units of assembly can be narrowed down a bit by requiring that their math and geometric structures agree with observation. The equivalence of string and dimensions seem to agree in some why, I think, in as far as math regards the properties of real things rather than dimensions as things for themselves. Physicists may use a Calibi-Yau manifold as a given structure or shell in which strings, loops and branes exist with the math of those surfaces and strength of units of string energy have a rational though complex reality subject to mathematical description. The number of dimensions that could exist in any universe may or may not have a limit. If geometers can imagine, or computers design 1000 dimension Universes in theory what would stop them from existing in fact-Occam’s razor?

So math and cosmology has entered this intriguing period of conjecture and observation. Just 15 years ago cosmologists thought they were approaching some sort of a conclusion to scientific learning about the Universe. It was believed a big bang just exploded, or inflated space-time into existence maybe from nothing, or perhaps recurring in cycles in a never ending or beginning process (that later sounds improbable). Now it seems that there are a trillion possible structures to explain observations of the quantum world, of the WMAP Cosmic microwave background of the early universe, numerous new theories of gravity, space and time, possibilities that extra dimensions may warp our three dimensions of space and that local warps might be measured and compared to a hypothetically correct metric for the extra-dimensional relationship.

It is a good time to be interested in cosmology and in theology too, for one may yet find the Word of God issuing reality a ready to contemplate paradigm for the way strings were created to start with. Theological considerations of a universe before inflation or creation of dimensions still leaves an eternity of time as a dimension that contains temporal dimensions and membranes as they occur occasionally. One wonders about such phenomenalities occurring within a timeless eternity perhaps a complex structure of dimensions grounding spiritual existence temporally. It is an interesting time to consider space and being.

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