
Ben Ficklin and President Obama; Transport for New Modes of Travel

Ben Ficklin was known as 'the mystery man of the confederacy'. Not a soldier, he was something like the famous Harry Flashman in being involved in everything from the founding of the pony express to owning Monticello and being arrested 'in connection with the assasination of President Lincoln.' He also attempted to get a trans-continental railway constructed before the civil war. Hw was born in 1827, died late in the century and is buried in San Angelo Texas.



President Obama should have some of the nationalist realism of Ben Ficklin and direct the construction of two lanes (one in each direction) across the southern part of the nation east to west exclusively for electric cars and other alternative vehicles not using fossil fuels. He should also establish an east-west and north south network of bike lanes so those of us that enjoy riding bikes across the country can do so without getting run over by trucks and rv's.

Most Presidents haven't left much of a legacy for alternative transport modes since the motor carriage got out of the barn. Real jobs for Americans building electric car lanes from LA (well, Palm Springs really) to Pensacola Florida should be something that any reasonably green and patriotic President should be able to get done if he or she isn't really a shill or yard ornament for the Harvard globalist clan.

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