
On the ‘Necessity’ of Throwing U.S. Budget Gutter Balls

As a candidate Barack Obama famously bowled a gutter ball filled score of 37. He bowled a score of zero as President failing to veto the Bush era tax cuts renewal last December. He set a new standard for Democratic mediocrity that F.D. Roosevelt and maybe even Bill Clinton would have regarded as unacceptable. Mediocrity in budgeting is no new thing for America today.

Are names not something of inflexible descriptions of unique events or unique sets of attributes of events-even the name ‘America’? What is America? Is it a particular historical concept, a geographical locality, or some sort of variable political identifier denoting sovereignty and a host of other qualities? A name may be a meaning rather than an address. What is meant by ‘America’ may change in time to anything at all, from good to bad.

We might prefer to regard Latinos as a hybrid race better named for Amerigo Vespucci than a minor Roman district named Latia, yet Americans too are what we called citizens of the United States of America because of the awkwardness of calling them Unionists.

American unions have certainly been in decline along with the real income of white men in the U.S.A. since 1971. The U.S. broadcast media has become a servo-unit of global corporatism along with both major political parties of the nation since the end of the cold war. The U.S.A. has a progressive national public debt set to reach 20 trillion dollars by the end of a second possible Obama administration. Public education standards are in comparative decline along with the U.S. standard of living in comparison to the gross national product increases of the second world. One may wonder why, and also wonder if a necessary mediocrity has overtaken the U.S.A. and destined it to a mediocre future not as a leading nation but as an also ran amongst nations trying to lead.

What made the United States a great economic power many have asked? A heritage of a vast under populated continent full of natural resources and an immigrant people of Europe able to exploit the best scientific and technical ideas of Europe and world history in a rich natural frontier with the absence of an hereditary ruling class. The absence of any kind of oppressive social organizations and the low national population density permitted uninhibited intellectual freedom to invent, apply, innovate and adapt ideas to real production. Freedom fro government or private organizations of a ubiquitous or oppressive presence and intellectual and physical room for growth let the brilliance of man and women create such works as they were able to conceive. The intellectual and physical liberty was the necessary condition for economic excellence.

With the nation full with more than 300 million people and immigrants of an illegal rather than a legal nature predominantly, and with the number of inventors comparatively in decline along with the U.S.A. as a destination far removed from oppressive social organizations the United States seems to be moving into a protracted era of mediocrity even though commercial space ventures are increasing.

Wall Street is about global investment and owners more so than national. The prosperous find the silly little borders nothing in technical considerations beyond those of taxation. Telecommunications have eliminated planetary distance and the nation itself is regarded as just one place amidst a world of locations in which corporate and government partners might invest. If nearly 20% of Americans can’t find enough work to sustain a fair living, well, that’s helpful for controlling labor costs.

The United States has become saturated in social networking simultaneously with pervasive business networking. Data acquisition and processing records volumes on the life of every individual American, and ‘liberal’ race, gender and sexual perversion classes have transitioned to leadership of political power as the counterfactual interpretation of corporate led economics. Americans seem determined to make the nation just one mediocre, average society amidst a new world order of Wal-Marts, asphalt streets, cell phones and financial related services. The idea of reconstructing the United States economically into a new low entropy, full employment, self-reliant leading example to the rest of the world of a free society with a stable population reasonably able to venture into space development while restoring the health of the ecosphere is a political goal of virtually no one. Excellence for the United States as a nation seems to fail to reach the public video attention. The nation must descend into protracted mediocrity to expand into a global economy before fading away.

Adam Smith; the brilliant 18the century economist, described a method whereby individual entrepreneurs were better benefiting themselves and society without the oppression of a powerful social organization. In his day that organization was the state. In today’s business environment and pervasive, even totalitalized geographic saturation oppressive organizations are not limited to government, but exist in the concatenated Wall Street extended corporate network as well. Individual Americans experience the corporate/market political way ubiquitous from ATM machines to rft strips between sheets of book binding.

Americans develop class consciousness as youth, elderly, white, black, straight, homosexual, Christian, pagan, middle class, Democrat, republican, Latino far more so than as individuals. Existential and borderless principles of class leveling mediocrity over individual efforts and excellence prevail in the marketplace, consumerism, in ‘reality’ T.V. and budget negotiations in Congress. An economic philosophy of market personal egoism in mass portionality transcended real geographic and/or intellectual individualism.

For the ascent of class consumer values and for its justification the inertia of global mass consumerism and corporate ‘market’ economics has developed velocity. The coefficient of mass consumerism and the logic of hedonistic mediocrity are challenging to overcome with interpolations of individual pursuit of excellence. Perhaps the logic of brilliant individual minds pursuing the good for the nation can emerge like a light in the darkness now and then, yet the occasional illumination may not be enough for the people of the United States to emerge from the night of the underworld that may lie ahead.


About Philosophical Quests for 'Ultimate' Reality

Ultimate as a modifier on the term 'reality' may be a special use within a linguistic ontology, even so there are several potential meanings of the term.

I won't try to list many of the potential meanings of ultimate or reality here, such as a reality that is eternal and unchanging, or a reality that occurs at the conclusion of the Universe of space-time, a reality at the singularity of black holes where time has stopped and space extends forever. Reality as a perceptible object of human experience and cogitation may be regarded as ultimate if one has wrapped one's mind around all of its dimensions perhaps, yet for Christians such as myself who find the ultimate reality to be a finding of fact and conclusion of purpose of God regarding contingent or temporal reality, ultimate reality is unavoidable and the supreme good.

In reading over a book on loop quantum gravity recently, the sectarian camp of astrophysical irredentist non-string theorist philosophers of the physical universe point of view emerged once again. I believe it is useful to consider points of view of ultimate physical theory such as Hartle-Hawking, Wheelerianism and Venenziano right along with epistemological approaches such as Sartre's that may for-itself be given to support even esoteric science based or even religious viewpoints such as the universe as a hologram or Berkley's ideaism. Even a universe as string phenomenality created by Intelligent design of a super-computational people, or a metaverse set of immediate appearance founded on some sort of monadology by God can be useful if not necessary ideas to consider along the road to understanding how the experience of life is supported by the given.

There may be two approaches to ultimate reality expeditions; one with a possibility of intelligent design of the experience of human beings on Earth in the Universe, and of course the alternate that the universe had no element of a designer in it. Each approach may pursue simultaneous, concurrent objectives areas of inquiry not uncommonly.

Can the elements of a set of self-aware beings infer the content of the metaset in which they are included? Perhaps not. The answers to questions of set structure and content provided by extrapolation from observable or experienced phenomena may be useful even so. Sometimes it is not a good idea to prejudge the values of solutions for an unknown or difficult to solve equation or challenge to understanding.

Space-Time Glazed Donut Singularities ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

Horizons of time irreversibly sent
gathered amidst stardust
in nights pre-light tents
with dark worlds dimly shone
local futures move away
to black holes ever unknown
where time stops in a minute
stretched in conformal logic
for the persistence of memory
without doubts

Curved horizons of planets, black holes, moons
formed as condensed physics drift
toward edges too soon eclipsed
economic minimalist’s structured thrift

As space emerges from nowhere
pushing worlds farther away
galaxies sent toward shadows
with mass in gravity left collecting day

Somewhere in space mass land waveform sparks
particles virtually present depleting empty space start
elsewhen stops

Balance in singularities beyond covers
send bound particles leaking for no gain
directions reach probability within
without being is the equal pain
topologies to support experience

Space-time curling tighter
gravity shaping place
until time reaches end
all motion locally frozen
in space donut dimensions glaze

Donut singularities across the Universe
sequester mass as atoms of space transcend the limit of locality
waveform super-positions reduced to one push the expansion space-time outside faster than before

Gravity leaves the time memory of mass converted to space under the covers fading away
when nothing more is formed
for night follows day

The mechanics of spirit
do not disappear in mass-energy convergence to nothingness.

Pre-Natural Selection of the Elect ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

Particle-anti-particle pairs of gravitons
at the event horizon separate under the influence of gravity
the absurdity of space-time splitting gravitons for themselves
instead of drawing in space-time to a naked singularity berift of an event horizon

Under cover of sinking singularities eventually drawing horizons
inward toward harmonic convergence
worse than a sharp chicken bone stuck in the throat
infinitely curved space absurd like the hyperspherical surface well-rounded
-what is the state of infinite curvature of a hyped-up sphere
perpetuates the continua as it flows

Where in the space-time do virtual gravitons emerge race
enshrouded in the shaped field
recursive bootstrapped powers
warping and powering for-themselves
paradoxes of necessary chaos place
ranges of freedom of order without order
the information writ large
like the desperate twit before entropic drift to wondrous space-time structures of existential quantum menace thunderous helium’s red giant phase
phonon waveforms travel through metaphysical clouds

Universes beget universes
through a design of Spirit and substance set with subsets
unable to infer content of the metaset
replicating order of reproducing
continua generating galaxies; planetary islands for souls in creation
from which a few might be saved

Through countless Universes some vast number might be brought unto salvation
Divine selection wherefrom The One
may elect to populate heaven
for the chosen will contemplate
and praise divine Holiness
eternal God in His glory.


Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope on Its Five Year Mission

Occassionally I post reminders of interesting space events for myself. This is one such post.

The Fermi gamma ray space telescope was launched in 2008.



James Webb Space Telescope scheduled for 2015...


Congress Seeks Ways to Trim the Nation's Poor/Profit from Investing Overseas

When an article in Time reported that 25% of M.I.T. graduates are moving to work in Wall Street's financial sector-that is, the best and brightest including those from Harvard are moving toward the gaming and scamming portion of the U.S. economy instead of building new businesses, it wasn't too surprising, corporatism and globalism have taken over the U.S. economy and outsourced it leadership to that of globalists.

So the other salient fact mentioned, that the five developing economies of India, China, Russia and Brazil will pass the gross national product of the G7 countries within seven years should help to understand why the Wall Street corporate and government leadership have treated U.S. national interests as secondary, or something of a slum in the general scheme of things; the nation can supply military forces to war for foreign resource extraction business interests of more concern to global corporations than American, and consider how to cut programs for the nation's poor while adding debt to the taxpayer future.

President Obama seemed rather spineless in his cheering for extended corporate tax cuts last December; the national budget could have been balanced in two years if he had let them expired-and he absolutely had that power. Now the congress is haggling about cutting medical programs for the poor, and of course Congress lacked the integrity to just create a free medical service for the poor and veterans combining and improving services.

The U.S. military soaks up 3/4 of a billion annually, and the interest on the national debt another 3/4 trillion dollars. Military personnel are paid at very high levels for public servants-too high, and the military retirement system ought to be eliminated and military retirees merged into the civilian social security system at the same rates in order that they too have something to defend and care about being funded.

A military that engages in protracted low-intensity conflict supporting a plethora of corporate military suppliers creates a need to continue expanding wars in order that the Defense Department funding may not be cut. Convenient foreign mullahs protesting U.S. burning of Korans a year later create demands for Congress to submit to the Moslem demands and condemn free expression in the U.S.A. Globalism pressures the U.S.A. increasingly to conform to its will. Some might feel like napalming such demands, and then conform to simple defense of individual liberty even in a market era of pervasive social corruption of national political rights.

One wonders if the Department of Defense has any ability to restrain its deployment whenever corporate and flag officers decide it tempting to start a new conflict such as in Libya instead of finding a way to remove failed rebel protestors peacefully. Could it be possible to reduce Defense spending by half within a year or two through conventional weapons and force reductions with most of the world major powers and soon to be major powers?

The Republican-Tea Party attack on health services to the poor is typical of a corrupt, declining power outsourcing its liberty. The poor should be the last undermine, yet it requires moral leadership to be aware of that fact. Everyone knows that if a Senator or Congressman seeking to undermine Medicaid and Medicare had no medical services him or herself he or she would happily take whatever free medical services are available should they have cancer or a compound fracture on a city street. Realism is not a concern of the federal supply side class of politicians transitioning financial bunk into a faith based distraction from religious integrity as well as financial common sense.

The United States requires a reinforcement of its traditional values of strong national defense, border security and liberation of Mexico from reliance on remittances and drug sales to the U.S.A. that inevitably corrupt the economic pragmatism of each nation. Creating a zero flow of illegal aliens into the United States is requisite for a balanced federal budget and the practical conservation of reasoned financial planning.

It is true that during the middle ages of world history religion was corrupted too far by takeover from simultaneous worldly-political actors driving it to support their own goals. That evolution was a natural consequence of the missiological need to convert a pagan nation's leadership first. The new convert king or queen would then place themselves at the head of the church and find any sort of dissent to be politically threatening. That situation did not work itself out until after the reformation and the 30 years religious wars.

In the U.S.A. the church has failed to transition into being a priesthood of believers and thus often follows the hierarchical, corporate-military industrial complex trail of economic evolution through its permutations at home and abroad. Plainly a priesthood of believers ecclesiastical structure regarding all church members as necessary peers would better draw economic attention to the United States and citizenship instead of corporate, global policy. With the hegemony of the corporate owned broadcast media the upgrading of the United States to a correct contemporary Christian church expression is challenging.

The United States could readily solve its economic difficulties, yet the national leadership is more concerned about abstract global skimming than making the nation the best it can be. There isn't much cause for optimism in the future with the way things are, and federal debt is increasing while the foundation of low-entropy economics hasn't much hope of getting started.

The Tight-Fisted Grip-o-Gravity ©2011Gary Clifford Gibson (poem)

If black holes compress mass infinitely
why aren’t they all the same size
with all mass within crunched to the same infinitely reduced area?

The event horizon; the cover
varies in size in relation to the mass within
the mass continuing to release a gravitational field of proportion
upon space beyond the cover
gravitons escape the gravitational field easily tugging space-time into a curve approaching infinity beyond the cover at the singularity
artful draft dodgers of their own consequence
retired soldiers forever pulling tax dollars into a separate public retirement system
travelling at the speed of light gravitons escape infinite space curvature though not time

Or, alternatively, the cover and its shaped space-time curve is a residual, an artifact of the mass that has infinitely shrunk unto oblivion
a spatial size that reduces mass to non being

Though we think kindly of mass-energy reduced to lowest possible size-such that it has no area at all
it is difficult to forget that even gravity is a kind of energy pulling mass toward its own ends
the end state of mass energy-an illogical choice, for gravity must too be a form of mass-energy convertible a little bit itself into something better

Something a little more noble
something that would let mass and energy drift about space-time in accord with their own will to exist
to form planets and galaxies without gravitational help
to shine brightly where no star has shined before

Mass energy in a black hole with its cover pulled tightly about it
a singularity at the center like a pearl in an oyster of immense power
might have crunched mass and energy to a lowest state of being
something unknown in the present quantum field theory
a quanta stringy or one-dimensional
a monad of metronomic meter
standard versification within a universe
lines of harmonic monads wrapped about the end point of time in a spatial ribbon looping lines into circles on one-time

Gravity that compacts mass to most infinitely reduced size
has something unnegotiable about it
it has its own way nearly infinitely smaller and tighter
to what counterintuitive end?
a one-way city street narrowing to pencil thin
never releasing its grip on time or matter

One day discoverers of scientific puzzles may find
the way to release the entrapped mass-energy of time
time that is halted in its own wrapped space
time that has stopped reducing space to one place
that most steep slope converting mass to just one’s
the unapproachable gravitational field where motion and pressure have just begun
direct lines to the concentrate smallest state of matter
may be unraveled and sent to the black hole centrals
releasing mass through the gravitational-space-time wrapped field
as a new form of energy to power SUV wheels.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...