
Pre-Natural Selection of the Elect ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

Particle-anti-particle pairs of gravitons
at the event horizon separate under the influence of gravity
the absurdity of space-time splitting gravitons for themselves
instead of drawing in space-time to a naked singularity berift of an event horizon

Under cover of sinking singularities eventually drawing horizons
inward toward harmonic convergence
worse than a sharp chicken bone stuck in the throat
infinitely curved space absurd like the hyperspherical surface well-rounded
-what is the state of infinite curvature of a hyped-up sphere
perpetuates the continua as it flows

Where in the space-time do virtual gravitons emerge race
enshrouded in the shaped field
recursive bootstrapped powers
warping and powering for-themselves
paradoxes of necessary chaos place
ranges of freedom of order without order
the information writ large
like the desperate twit before entropic drift to wondrous space-time structures of existential quantum menace thunderous helium’s red giant phase
phonon waveforms travel through metaphysical clouds

Universes beget universes
through a design of Spirit and substance set with subsets
unable to infer content of the metaset
replicating order of reproducing
continua generating galaxies; planetary islands for souls in creation
from which a few might be saved

Through countless Universes some vast number might be brought unto salvation
Divine selection wherefrom The One
may elect to populate heaven
for the chosen will contemplate
and praise divine Holiness
eternal God in His glory.

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