
A Reminder of the Anthropic Principle in Chaotic Inflationary Universe Bubble Sub-Units

One of the more interesting points that Barrow raises in his book ‘The Constants of Nature’ is that conditions of the anthropic principle-the values of constants, in any possible universe or inflated bubble portion of a Universe that has life must be set fine-tuned to support life. Any new theory-of-everything physical cosmology would need to be fined tuned to support human life in a universe. A theoretical physicist might design a good mathematical theory unifying gravity, quarks, strings, the electroweak and strong forces yet if they change constant values such that life would not arise, the theory must be a wrong description of this actual universe.

As a Christian I should stipulate that God would not set human life, evolving, partly assembled or arriving fully assembled, into any Universe that could not support life.

Recent speculation has found evidence against inflation as a fact of cosmological mechanics, or at least problems with it, even so, considering principles that apply to any given universe such as a chaotic inflationary one provide a modal logic of neccessity criteria in support of the anthropic principle's validity.

It may seem obvious-that the physical constants must be such that stars can form, that the size of space and its rate of expansion fit the strength of gravity and so forth at such a pace that life can occur. Even the values of string theory would need to be such that they yield values for all the physical constants of the Universe letting stars and galaxies to form, and live to a certain age, yield elements in the right proportions such as carbon from three helium atoms forming beryllium on the way etc. There are numerous observable values for the Universe that would need to cohere within a new theory that would unify general relativity with quantum mechanical criteria.

It is somewhat useful to compare the half million versions of string theory with U.S. foreign policy. For each possible theory about intervention in the middle east or other Moslem nations that might be regarded as one version of string theory with hypothetical constant values there are still about a half million others with different values-and in foreign policy a localized political theory of everything tends to not have a valid, comparable anthropic principle in it for which democracy, peace, prosperity and a good environment result. Instead, war weapons are transferred, people die and a new corrupt government with unpredictable future conduct in a chaotic political sub-unit bubble develops. Deficit spending on inflationary political sub-unit universes with subtle adverse quantum fluctuations tend to create values adverse to life for the unemployed in the U.S.A.-a trivial concern to Washington D.C. theoretical politicians.

Another interesting point in Barrow’s 2002 book is that in the particular case of life on Earth, even a moon was required to offset the more extreme changes in tides and temperature that would occur from the procession of the Earth’s axis without it. Also Earth has a magnetic field to help keep its atmosphere on. I hadn’t realized that Mars lost its atmosphere because it hasn’t got a magnetic field to deflect particles from the sun that blew it away. Has N.A.S.A. got any plans to design an artificial planetary magnetic field for that magnetically under-privileged neighbor planet?

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