
Free Speech May Decline in Dissent as Corporatism Flows

Corporate networking globally may bring about a reduction in free speech as a function of the number of employees as a percent of a nation's population and GDP increases. Advocates of free speech may urge the liberation from authoritarian governments most in locales without substantial or complete global corporate economic control.

In restive Moslem nations such as Iran without free speech pervasively as well as extremely limited U.S. corporate investment a transition in Government friendly to a global corporate takeover is supported by U.S. administrations since the Shah left Iran. One must be aware that the replacement of one sort of oppression of free speech with another is not an absolute political improvement.

The corporate world as a global network of capitalized and concentrated wealth and political power is very reluctant to allow free speech those conflicts with corporate allocations of political and economic power. The repression of free speech via purchase of outlets of free speech or deletion of contents, or a number of other methods such as termination of employment for expressing contentious political opinions is a fact of life that evolves in sophistication as the control of wealth is increased into concentrated elite control. The challenge for democracy and real free enterprise to survive in that environment is challenging, and perhaps unlikely if one believes that even the hiwerarchical Christian priesthood supports the concentration of corporate wealth along the road to Armageddon.

It is possible to change capitalism and make it fit for the modern era by limiting the number of employees that any corporation might have at a level that reinforces quality rather than quantity and networking oligarchic economic control. With a totalized geographic control of human liberty in the concentrated wealth of the few not only is free speech repressed, a free market with fair competition by individual inventive entrepreneurs is repressed too through a vast web of corporate power.
The United States should not operate with a 1920s era political philosophy of a bifurcated capitalist-communist dialectical competition. It ought to modernize, defend real U.S. national ecological, economic and political interests and rectify capitalism that a million business starts might bloom instead of thousands of Wall Street networked relationships take over all of the American economy leading to the poverty of tens of millions for life.

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