
Political Free Speech In the Internet Era

Free speech during the Obama and Clinton eras took a hit as so-called liberals made an effort to destroy the freedom for individuals to use their own natural language of choice to express themselves. The rubric of 'hate speech' and more recently 'bullying' were used to grease the skids of a homosexual political agenda through the court systems running roughshod over public referenda, popular sentiment, tradition and justice. The Internet era brought free speech use to a height perhaps never before reached in the United States. It also brought new forms of censorship and intimidation-bullying by the state, corporate and internet partisan eras to new forms of personal and financial assault upon non-partisan political posting.

Undoubtedly the New World order has brought change quickly through internet and elite political organization from the top down. The security and economic interests of the United States have slipped toward reinforcing the concentration of wealth through banking, financial network, government and banking perfidy. One compares the value of the homosexual led Nazi S.A. and Carl Roemer to the value of the homosexual political organizational methods and there value to the corporate world and concentration of wealth.

Free speech in the U.S.A. has gone through permutations of principle, progress and ethical content often with unethical rapidity. How might free speech writers preserve the integrity of their expressions and avoid compulsory use of politically correct words without suffering financial and personal attacks from networks rotten with homosexual loyalists of the corporate agenda of consolidating global power?

The answer is uncertain-even unknown. The theory of why free speech is necessary for a democracy to exist and develop meaningful reform and responses to new challenges isn't featured much anywhere in the United States. Like the former Soviet Union freedom and free speech increasingly are described as agreement with the politically correct happy speech of leadership-in the U.S.A. an insider feminized, neutered if not homosexualized government and corporate leadership.

Personal attacks on writers to repress free speech are an abstraction of personal attack on individuals. It is the right of individuals to be secure in-themselves and to freely express their political views without coercion that is most endangered in an advancing corporatist social environment rotten with pervasive networks and fee charging for no material product.

Gather.com so far has presented about the best model for conserving free speech integrity on the Internet. Writers have the opportunity to screen out comments and criticism from their posts and motion picture products. Everyone may read-yet few may destroy, and it is that latter group of concern.

For there are many ways to censor writers-in the global Internet era where foreign governments may contribute thousands of small anonymous political contributions to a Presidential campaign in the U.S.A., corporations with deep pockets may simply purchase corporations like Helium (where I was banned as a top 5% peer rated writer on Dec. 24, 2009 not so long after Helium got a new 'partner'. I had used no more than 50 politically incorrect words amidst my half million words of essays and that was enough for permanent lock out and confiscation of future ad sharing earnings) or Gather, change the rules and create havoc in the life of an individual writer.

Not only may an individual suffer from the corporate power to compel writers to conform to their preferred political and language points of view, a nation may suffer as well. Global corporations may buy off Internet content through a number of means in any nation that might advance the corporate agenda-and of course foreign nations may choose to do the same.

A functioning democracy is only as intelligent as the ideas expressed by the people publically. One surely wouldn't want to depend on the Congress or the President for intelligent ideas-the two parties mulling over the 2012 budget couldn't do anything right for the poor and working class in a century. Thought they spent trillions on bail outs for corrupt banks and other financial institutions-and even bailed out A.I.G., General Motors and Chrysler as well as spending trillions in incompetent foreign 'kinetic military actions' and nation-rebuilding, the first thing assaulted to balance the budget is health care for the poor. I personally had to trade my future home lot in thirty miles from Wasilla to pay half of a medical bill for three hernias covered while working for myself painting and roofing unable to afford insurance and unwelcome in the corporate world that possibly might have insurance. Even the federal government gives nearly free medical to faggot partners of government workers-straight, poor painters and writers get to sleep homeless in Alaska in a tent in the winter. No, the U.S. Government bites.

Free expression may survive even though cliques of elitist atheist, violent anti-personnel repressors of all kinds, wrong headed clerics and mafioso from sundry ethnic backgrounds seek to prevent it. In some way, democratic free expression-personal liberty to say what one thinks about their own corrupt, rotten, putrid, corrupt, incompetent, unjust, idiotic government of bullies and thugs may survive. It is vital that creative liberty to not be circumstantially forced out of creative free expression opportunity continue-as much so as that government isn't entirely depersonalized and depraved avoiding prosperity and balanced budgets, good health for the poor and full employment because of sophomoric ideas about how government should work that are wrong.

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