
Americans Want Change-Trump in 2012/U.S. Economic Reform

President Obama has failed to persuade Americans that he is capable of reforming the economic infrastructure of Wall Street, banking and finance that brought about the housing bubble and collapse that devastated the U.S. economy and threw 240 million people out of work globally. He has kept much of the old economic leadership that brought the bubble to inflate most fully before breaking including Ben Bernanke and the Fed and Tim Geitner now as Treasury Secretary. People have pointed out the relationships between Paulson, Goldman Sachs, the New York Federal Reserve and the finance section that seemed to provide blank checks of non-transparency to bail out the rich from the complex web of financial perfidy. President Obama hasn't resolved the triply corrupt banking, Wall Street, financial product structure and instead seeks to reinflate the economic balloon that brought about the corruption of American earnings.

Can business investor Donald Trump bring change to Wall Street, the financial sector and the banking business? Is he aware of expert analysis of the nation's economic troubles described so well by the Nobel Prize winning economist of Columbia University in New York Joseph Stiglitz in his 2010 book 'Free Fall'? A President of the United States must be aware of the problems if he is able to fix them. President Obama has failed to change the economic environment that brought about the inflation of the housing bubble.

Wall Street and its aloof management class, the financial sector with its fees on everything and the banking business with it’s 'too big to fail' houses of financial cards of securitized mortgages is a bunk-o-nomic infrastructure the President wants to inflate. Perhaps a generation fails to comprehend that real material goods need to be produced rather than financial fees for the economy to be healthy. With mass-produced housing by corporations perhaps an entire banking, financial, Wall Street world puts their non-physical labor earnings in the hands of just a few real material products and actual material workers developing in the process daft-economic policy supported by the U.S. Government.

It would be possible to create new forms of material business work to employee millions perhaps with a combination of public and private sector infrastructure product development innovations of a green nature. Human beings actually need to have something to do while alive on Earth in the U.S.A., and they desire a fair way of life with freedom. Only so many can rely on a stagnant, over-inflated economic tool-kit for easy money non-working lifestyle earnings without producing unsustainable, debt financed bubbles it seems. New methods of creating interesting synthetic products perhaps like resurfacing city cores with photo-voltaic materials and food producing plants might be designed along with avenues for entrepreneurial innovation.

One obviously must be skeptical about the prospects for leadership from any U.S. Presidential candidate since they all must pass through the very corrupt Wall Street, Financial, Banking, Corporate Media filters of natural corrupt selection and control. Sometimes its easy to believe that America is evolving through the stages leading to Biblical end times; even open sin, homosexuality and abortion is the new officially accepted forms of conduct of the U.S. Marines and Department of Defense. Yet even so it is possible that some candidate-maybe Donald Trump, will ask Joshua Farley, Herman daily and Joseph Stiglitz over to suggest methods to reform the U.S. Government policy on economic guidance. Assuredly President Obama and his economic advisers such as Larry Summers have taken the United States down that well trodden road in economics with a global web of financial corruption that have brought so many millions of Americans through the chthonic lava tubes of poverty and false hope continua of political promises unrealized.

Neo-classical economists do not even recognize unemployment as a real thing-they call it leisure time instead. One would wish they could experience such leisure as living in a tent without even money for propane fuel for hot coffee in the winters. They might learn why Alexander Solzhenitsyn described the drinking of ice water after eating salt herring at the Kolyma transit camp as fatal for so many. If Anchorage is not quite as cold or as wicked as that Siberian star of the Gulag, unemployment in Anchorage, Wasilla or central Florida is still a challenging experience to live through-and something less than leisure time.

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