
Why the Market Doesn’t Generate Rational Ecospheric Political Governing

It is challenging in the post cold-war political economy to write critically and objectively about the pitfalls of capitalism without being immediately suspected of holding the opposite view, possibly the only alternative political opinion, of socialism or communism. Well, I am not writing in advocacy of either of those quasi-authoritarian political philosophies here. Instead I am writing a few comments in support of an updated free enterprise and democratic nationalism within a low entropy, high quality economic future.

It is also challenging to write for secure borders with no or very low legal or illegal immigration without being suspected of racism or elitism. Yet without stable population and citizenship the average citizen of any nation has few real economic or political opportunities to constructively interact to improve his or her political standing. Market force philosophies today denigrate class political interests while simultaneously exploiting class analysis for marketing product most efficiently. Individuals are reinforced in disregarding political interests in preference for pure market business as politics for-itself. Individual affects on finite natural resources do have consequences of concatenation. Each individual pursuing the satisfaction of their own interest may want a non-renewable resource product, and that product utility concatenated may eliminate the product even if its price increases to discourage its purchase. Ignoring the reduction in quality of the environment or the decrease of wilderness land will not stop the trends; they go on as long as over-reliance on an anthropomorphic faith in free market natural selection diminishes intellectual competence in national politics.

The free market criterion of Adam Smith was a pre-ecospheric economic structure. Adam Smith’ 1776 book ‘The Wealth of Nations’ for economic theory might be an equivalent of Newton’s theory of gravity. Newton’s theory, brilliant as it was, had to be replaced by Einstein’s General theory of relativity to explain larger spaces and time. Even G.P.S. satellites need to take into account the effects of time dilation. The fundamental ecospheric parameters of Smith’s concept of capital in relation to the world ecosphere are far more obsolete in comparison.

World ecological health was not a concern of the English of 1776, and free market pursuit occurred as a dialectical opposite to constriction of imperial governance and its central planning. The pursuit of individual self-interest in economics is not a formula for governance of the whole society.

Smith’s capital prescription is a formula for the acquisition of economic power through production and sale of goods and services that satisfy economic demands. Historically capitalism tends toward monopoly and remedies to monopoly have been written into law.

As capitalism becomes very large and socially networked, as capitalism becomes institutionalized and usurps social organization, morality and government, it also becomes increasingly irrational about the state of the world ecosphere. Without a rectification of capitalism to modern circumstance, nationalism, civil rights, individual free enterprise, inventiveness and the health of the ecosphere will be increasingly under assault.

Global corporate markets in pursuit of capital gains willingly increase scarcity in order to increase the value of commodities. In the United States market oriented urban planners permit development sprawl to bury farmland helping to drive up food prices. Global corporations buy up vast tracts of rural farmland also decreasing food quality simultaneously with increasing costs and profit. The logic of markets that become networked and corporate dominated is to increasingly drive up consumer costs while decreasing consumer capital. Government debt is another way to enslave the U.S. public and increase the concentration of wealth.

A modern economy may be evaluated through its energy base. Quantity, quality, type, use, safety, renewability, cost; energy facts are what determine the state of an economy in large part. The United States has a radically inefficient use of energy today, while simultaneously allowing its nation to be flooded with illegal aliens taking jobs and making finite economic and energy control impossible.

Irrational market ideas are often used to justify racism as an excuse for allowing illegal immigration; that is, because most prior immigration to America before 1930 was white or black (involuntary in the latter case), allowing non-white immigration beyond rational population limits is justified because the immigrants are brown. A further irrational market concept is that the immigrants are good workers (better than Americans) and provide cheap labor of advantage to those willing to pay less for workers.

With a zero population growth rate amongst white Americans, and with white Americans still a majority, it makes little social or economic reason to allow illegal aliens from Mexico with a high birth rate to thwart ecological conservation efforts, efforts to modernize the economy, efforts to transition to a new energy and transport foundation and keep the U.S. stable at its present population level.

A fair economic policy today manages human resources not on a racial basis, but on an abstract foundation of human equality. An empirically irrational market political operating system denies citizens the basic rights of self-determination in a stable and secure political and geographical environment. Citizens have rights in their own nation greater than non-citizens. Annual earning opportunities and income for individual citizens is a fundamental test of social equality in a market economy. The poor are discriminated against-not races, gender or perverted sexual behavior. Corrections to individual poverty in relation to average social earnings requisite for a just government with realistic democracy. The distance in wealth between the most rich and the most poor cannot be light years, or billions of dollars within any one nation, if freedom is to exist for all. It is not necessary to have compulsory equal economic compensation for all citizens, yet the range between the richest and poor must be reduced to necessary social limits.

Irrational immigration policy in pursuit of an irrational market based economy without correction seeking growth in consumption, depletion of natural resources and real geophysical liberty should generate increasing waves of economic disruption I production as well as political conflicts.

Market forces based upon scarcity, banking the opposite, control of markets through monopoly (an implicitly anti-free market factor) will work toward the elimination of natural resource availability and supply, the commoditization and intentional supply reduction of ecospheric health simple in pursuit of short term profits and transition of capital gains into political power of monopoly. The logic of market forces applied to the finite ecospheric area of the Earth is irrational. The anthropomorphization of Adam Smith’s invisible hand of market forces into a benevolent ecospheric wizard of Wall Street was an abandonment of reasoned political philosophy taken on in the finite ascent of market production and optimism drawn from the frontier properties of America. A healthy economy requires good governance responsive to the needs for conservation of the ecosphere, the liberty of the people, and the desire for independence from poverty, class oppression and the tyranny of organizations of any kind; private or public. The U.S. government is failing miserably at leading the nation into a sustainable society based on national self-reliance with liberty and justice for all Americans. It has allowed the delusions of a benevolent, anthropomorphic free market ideology to promote global corporate takeover of the national economy, reduction of the ecosphere nationally, failure to create a new, highly efficient energy use infrastructure, corrupted its farmlands, used food crops for making gasohol for fossil fuel powered vehicles, permitted a porous Mexican border and promiscuous immigration policies to continue over-production of cheap labor supply, failed to be a good economic role model for the developing world and endangered the nation with trillions and trillions of dollars of public debt.

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