
A Good Statesman Could Reduce World Military Expenditures

The United States now spends more than 3/4s of a trillion dollars on military activities annually-without even factoring in the cost of retirement or VA medical treatment. President Dwight Eisenhower worked on his military-industrial complex speech more than 18 months before giving it in his farewell adress to the nation a few days before leaving office. President Kennedy should have heeded that message before visiting Dallas.

A good statesman could reduce U.S. military expenses by at least 50% simultaneously with other nations of the world. Global security could be enhanced by securing borders of all nations against illegal human traffic including illegal aliens, arms smugglers, terrorists, slavers, pimps and so forth. International and national security should coincide in reducing conventional military procedures toward concentrating on border security for all nations instead of conventional wars of invasive or civil natures.

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