
Comments 'The Constants of Nature' by John D. Barrow etc.

Reading this book published in 2002 that reviews the scientific quest in physics to determine what the constants of nature and the values are is a good way to get a little farther on with cosmological comprehension. This book may satisfy that existential doubt about the meaning of the fine structure constant .

In the ongoing development of physical investigations of the Universe one of the fundamental points of investigation and comparative tools for discovery is the value of things such as gravitational force, electron charge, the Planck length, speed of light and regarded as constants. These probably are constants across the Universe and never change in value over time, or maybe not? The book by Barrow is an interesting way to view the Universe amidst the profusion of new theories regarding its construction including string and membrane theory.

This sort of book tends to stimulate the appearance of ideas for the reader about the materials of the Universe we live in. That's not altogether surprising since the book mentions the Holderness number's estimate of 10 to the 70 trillionth power of neuron connections in the brain for ideas (electrical circuits). Everyone should be able to think reasonably well, maybe full employment and a healthy environment will politically arise with so much human thinking capacity available.

Like one's personal computer, I suppose that if one just uses mind for quality creative text there is lots of space-even more than one could use in a lifetime, yet if one uses it to store lots of videos and music it gets filled up pretty quickly locking out any room for creativity.

God may have created the Universe in a workshop in six days of something like a movie maker sweating 24 hours a day with lots of coffee splicing, remixing, adding special effects, intro text, voiceovers etc. before releasing the finished product. Unlike us humans, He always completes what He starts with excellent results.

With a well deserved rest on the seventh day God too could watch the Universe play out through its phases- even where man gets to name the animals before he exterminates most of them. With careful planning it would have been possible to make the Universe have liberty and free will in it as multiple choice thought possibilities too numerous to use for mankind in any possible circumstance they might encounter.

Barrow of course has nothing to say about that-just as well-he elaborates instead what many of the great physicists, astronomers and other scientists of history have thought up to discover what the nature of physical constants are and how they relate to the Universe and to life. This book is quite a good read. He describes the validity of the anthropic principle in set theoretic universes such as that of a chaotic inflationary universe. It should be valid in bubble membrane universes as well.

It may me wonder more about the unsaid things that gravity theorists haven't said publicly about black holes and the singularity before the big bang.

Does it really seem reasonable that quantum uncertainty and breaking up of bound pairs of particles should happen at an alleged event horizon around a black hole?

I would guess that Stephen Hawking envisioned the future era wherein all of the mass of the Universe concentrated in black holes with nothing outside. Obviously if quantum indeterminacy and quantum effects can violate the speed of light or the speed of gravity (also the same as the speed of light) then the underlying subversion of gravity warping space-time could occur given enough time letting virtual particle leakage empty the black hole. Of course, it would be necessary that space-time continued to exist beyond the event horizon of the black hole if quantum uncertainty and superposition is to have a place for particles to leak to. That future condition seems unknown at lest to us non-physicists for the time being. What the theoretical physicsts know about space-time (other than a few loop quantum gravity specialists) on that topic isn't plain.

What relation would mass inside the event horizon have to mass outside? The mass inside has gone all the way to the center and a condition of complete unity as a composite singularity of energy-mass. At the event horizon the only things taken would be from outside and broken up bound particles would be doomed to drift in anyway.

How much is the singular energy state of a black hole like that of the singularity before the start of the Universe? Should we believe it leaked out energy through quantum entanglement before the big bang for a few zillion years then let the rest go in a quick release of space-time? If it did allow quantum uncertainty to occur outside its singular, uniform energy condensed state,where was that if space-time did not yet exist. Oh yes, an infinity of other universes just outside our singularity having no effect at all on the quiet, patient bit of infinitely concentrated energy just waiting to explode.

Stephen Hawking's radiation from a black hole that could over trillions to a very large power of years make a black hole spill its guts of particles to out beyond the event horizon is a brilliant stimulation for creative thought on the nature of what lay within that ponderable gravitational enigma in may ways bearing a resemblance to this Universe. It isn't impossible that instead of recycling the Universe as a process theoretically as one might explain a recurrent supply side economic system that functions forever like a perpetual motion machine, the present Universe may be a one-way event process and black holes send matter on to an uncertain elsewhere as vast, wild scuppers to tax-free havens far abroad. Who knows what God could have in mind for mankind?

If gravity is conveyed by a particle or wave at the speed of light does it also have possibilities for quantum uncertainty and infinite worldlines of which some are selected? Are the selections for effect made because gravity is a concatenated effect of entangled quantum content of mass locally?

Quantum super-positioning and other effects or actions of quantum uncertainty (of which I know little) could be the force driving the expansion of space. If select aspects of quantum particle-wave behavior are not subject to gravitational effect they could incrementally drive apart mass spacing with a chaotic expansion something like that of a gas with heat added. Gravity acting upon large accretions of mass at steady state levels, if it is a phenomena of local quantum entanglement, might have slowed the expansion effects of quantum particle-waves upon space during the era of coalescence and formation of stars and galaxies until the maximum potential for mass quantum entanglement was reached whereafter (approximately 7 billion years after Time of the universe post singularity) super-positioning and quantum uncertainty spacing of distance resumed. It is interesting that quantum uncertainty as an action of energy and interval is coexistent with a quantum unit of time wherein with a black hole and maximum concentration of mass and minimization of quantum effects time is virtually eliminated.

One would think that if space was finite quantitatively and implicitly associated with energy/mass at a singularity that its potential to expand would be finite. Logically constants would represent the function of recurrent processes until they change. The values of processes stable and in transition are possibly what the questions about physical constants (such as the speed of light) lend utility for in constructing theoretical models of the state of the Universe(1).

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