
Kinetic and Non-Kinetic War

The Obama administration rightly described the Libyan intervention as a kinetic military action. The art of kinetic war has been with us for millennia. Slingers of spears in Rome and North America followed up spears that were developed as early as 195,000 b.c. in the Kenyan rift valley. Eventually electro-magnetic rail guns for S.D.I. inspired electro-magnetic guns for naval vessels as well as pistols and rifles. Maybe they will bring a puff the magic drive return of gunships with e.m.g. drives pushing out metal toward specific ground targets.

Kinetic weapons are something of an improvement over explosive weapons. All things considered, unlike the continuing use of explosive propellants for space-flight launches, the e.m.g. kinetic rail gun technology has not yet been put to work for very heavy lifts to space.

In modern conflicts asymmetric wars are common. The rich may try to kick the ass of the poor, or the innocent poor may have no choice besides trying to kick the ass of the rich when the rich decide to colonize them with extreme prejudice. The myriad matrix logical possibilities of asymmetric conflict may be challenging to chart yet sometimes the rich may even attempt to buy the poor into submission. Kinetic weapons of bullets may be used rather than financial instruments of economic damage or quantum propaganda field suppression as on the non-kinetic side of the force.

Kinetic weapons of war may be less costly than explosive weapons good just once. Non-kinetic weapons that are purely electronic, particle beams and such may be even less costly and easier to reload; they require more electricity to recharge batteries, more hydrogen to recharge a fuel cell and so forth. Non-kinetic weapons are a new wave of the future for modern military that deliver speed of light devastation to targets at specified grid coordinates.

The U.S. military is developing airborne and drone aircraft microwave beam technology capable of knocking out opposition force air defense installations and one might guess valuable point targets. In the modern evolution of computer and electronic technology the corporate civilian/military application of knowledge flows in each direction and cycles again.

Obviously weapons systems that require recharging instead of production of million dollar each cruise missiles (a hybrid kinetic-explosive technology) are a better buy in the era of U.S. federal deficits. One must hope that one’s new weapons system is not the equivalent of a Commodore 64 to an enemy with higher technical sophistication.

It’s a paradox that with global population destroying the ecosphere, with a porous Mexican border defense not capable of arresting the flow of illegal aliens into the U.S.A. humanity becomes so excellent at creating weapons of war. With a small world today it is a little bit like the people at the other end of the building developing weapons to kill those at another end and vice versa ad nauseum…there must be a better way of freeing humans from oppression and danger.

Non-kinetic war will combine the full spectrum of electronic surveillance, intelligence and counter-intelligence of course. Ever bit of data on the Internet, every meter of the world observed by remote monitoring systems feeding data into live artificial intelligence analysis loops will support command decisions to pull the electronic plug on civilian or military targets, send power beam surges to terminate resistance or possibly shut off the electric circuits in human brains temporarily or permanently.

Ongoing international alliances in the non-kinetic phase of defense and global corporatism bring tighter networking of the non-kinetic way of war through perpetual upgrades. The umbrella of non-kinetic war demographics brings more nations into the complex canopy of advanced research and development of war contemporary Military technology. If the Congress were half as concerned about fully employing U.S. citizens and restoring the ecosphere locally the American way of life would be much better. As it is the military industrial complex is more concerned about concentrating wealth in construction of a new world order with the U.S. poor and lack of full employment or compensation through minimum income being the collateral economic damage.

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