
Ostensive Objects of Multiverse Philosophy and Forces Delimiting Extra Dimensions

In reading analytic philosophy one may encounter Saul Kripke’s ‘Naming and Necessity’ published in 1973. It elucidates a linguistic, descriptive paradigm of the nature of the relation of words to objects, and of words to words. It is possible to describe objective appearances with words, yet problematic to describe the uncertain with certain name designators. Creating accurate physical concepts of cosmology concepts a priori for empirical testing inspired with scientific observations also implicitly relationships between words, objects, events and processes of the Universe with liberal uncertainty. Where and what the Universe is, how it came to be, what its destiny is and so forth are perennial philosophical questions. Contemporary astrophysics, theoretical physics and cosmology continue to increase the knowledge data base of humanity.

The observable universe may be somewhat less than 14 billion light years in opposing directions from the Earth for a visible horizon of about 27 billion light years. The Universe’s apparent uni-time directional expansion may have begun from a broad membrane base such as Turok suggested and the actual size of the contiguous Universe could be vastly large. The evident Universe did expand into a volume of possibly infinite area, it isn’t presently known, and even theoretical physics seems limited to researching the mass-energy phenomena, and perhaps space atoms and time matrices too if loop quantum gravity theorists are correct on that, yet humans intuitively know that the entire Universe and even multiverse, exists in a Metaverse of unknowable scale, meaning or purpose; that God may have composed all possible things as a venture of meaning constructed like a pointillist painting or aesthetic good in-itself.

One cannot just take the shape of space-time dimensions for granted as given things existing in given shapes. We believe the three dimensions of space are basically unbiased regarding shape and are therefore flat forming a manifold in which matter and energy (and possibly space atoms) might be concentrated generating an appearance of space-time curvature, or coinciding with the appearance. There might be force existing to provide or reinforce spatial dimensions differing from those commonly regarded as forces of the universe.

If there are special forces generating mass and energy in complex ten-dimensional Calibi-Yau space configurations with several small dimensions of less than a Planck length in size we have no reason to believe that the Calibi-Yau geometry exclusively describes the only sort of geometry that could describe compressed matter-energy force dimensional configurations underlying the four space-time dimensions of the commonly experienced Universe; there might be an unlimited- not infinite but a very large number, of potential geometric configurations shaping dimensions, mass or energy underlying the common four dimensions of space-time.

The mathematical constructions of models of the Universe cohering with observable macro-physical quantum facts of observation, experiment and logic are an interesting way to develop cosmological theories; a recent observation of what might be a particle (at Fermilab) associated with Technicolor theory revalidates the premise that the known borders of the Universe continue to recede as further experiment, observation and theory examine the frontiers.

Ostensive descriptions of clumps of physical phenomena may generate names of hypothetical structures of explanations of micro-mechanics. Finding evidence of the structure and expanse of a pre-Universe or post-universe time may always be just inferential and circumstantial extrapolation of preferred mathematical models. Theory in cosmology increases along with new ideas about even basic ideas such as space and dimensions actual are. In loop quantum gravity theory space has been given a discrete, objective texture for-itself with space-atoms in some measure comparable to a particle quantum theory. If space is such an existing thing, it may be that an entirely new field of quantum space mechanics might develop to investigate its fine composition.

As it is, there is enough stuff for the philosophically inclined to contemplate regarding basic macro-quantum relationships between space-time expansion, mass-energy convertibility, motion and virtual particles with relativistic space-time fields and how any extra-dimensions or geometric forms of wrapping down mass-energy could be forced into the state of being within a temporal continuum. One can wonder how relativity affects discrete members of space-time fields. Does general relativity apply only at the macro-cosmic level of solid state physics with the quantum world of possible micro-dimensions never even dragged along into the expansion of the four standard space-time dimensions?

Such a paradigm as the last could support the concept of an idealist Universe existing in the mind of The One-yet of course, one might need to wait a long time for the math to be worked out to confirm that. A better bet might be to read the Bible and accept Jesus Christ as one’s personal Savior. Even so, one can work on the contemplation of cosmological values of a temporal nature if one is so inclined. The unexamined life to paraphrase Socrates is uninteresting.

The ability to form various cosmological paradigms regarding fundamental shape and monadology has presented basic Universe ideas since Parmenides at least. None of these potential metaphysical shapes and quantity has much bearing upon the Biblical theological question of creation. God could well have created more than one universe at a time I suppose, or infinity of Universes of every possible expression if He willed it so. The will of God could well surpass simple Universe promulgating tasks so far as I know, or He may devote His time in eternity toward tweaks of improvement of His Universes for reasons I cannot imagine.

In contemporary and even perennial model construction there are recurrent Universes, multiple branching Universes, Universes that arise out of nothing, and Universes that condense from virtual particles in a dimensionless plenum (a clever way of super-positioning infinite space in a singularity). As created beings of a contingent nature we have limits to our ability to comprehend God. Understanding as we have is given with God’s grace.

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