
Arab Spring of Fomenting Revolution & Future Gas Prices

Physicians as a first contact with a patient bear in mind the premise of ‘first do no harm’. In making American foreign policy regarding the 2011 spring of populist uprising our policy planners might heed that advice. For those of us out of the loop, those politicians in the noose of broadcast media and populist twittering may occupy uncertain ground-perhaps shaky, regarding their ability to safeguard oil supplies for sale to Europe and the U.S.A.

Of course some of us don’t drive and have more concern for the well being of out fellow human beings abroad than their ability to produce and sell oil for a low price. Even so, the uncertainty in the Middle East and across North Africa and further that was anticipated for some years and planned since at least last year evidently may lead to revolutions, counter-revolutions and experimental states of affairs of government form, sectarian hegemony and economic efficiency. It is easy to imagine a future in which cutting off oil production as a civil economic weapon may become a primary political device for those vying for national and regional sectarian power.

If Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other oil producing members of OPEC with vast oil reserves become destabilized and their oil fields temporarily put out of service one can anticipate world oil shortages with per gallon prices reaching twelve dollars in the United States. The U.S.A. for some time (since the end of the cold war) has enjoyed incompetent political leaderships that has failed to transition to a low entropy-high tech transportation infrastructure and hence is vulnerable to foreign economic control. George Washington’s farewell address anticipated this sort of thing where the nation is reliant upon foreign agreements.

The U.S. foreign policy should be to transition to a new form of national transportation infrastructure that does not require foreign oil. To fail to adapt and to instead travel further down the fossil fuel transportation on highway paradigm is a consequence of the rich investing overseas to the detriment of the U.S.A. The Congress seems like a bought and paid for group of flunkies for globalists. They may be developing a future of perennial crisis, high unemployment and costly gasoline as the Moslem world realizes itself in history as a rising power through populist contests disrupting sale of oil to the U.S. East coast and Europe.

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