
An Infinite God (poem)

All the Universe is a stage
and we all merely scientists,
theoreticians or the faithful upon it
never having been outside
or down the street to another show
we know not whence we came, or where to go
except these theories arise
a zillion words of mathematical forms
shaping ideas that seem oft mistaken
when stars burn dim for Judas too unmourned
a Saint to those betraying God
for their faith lost upon an infinite
virtual space of nothingness
discovering themselves flotsam
they adjoin the evolution of jetsam
with nothing to lose becoming nothing again

Faith may be a struggle to maintain
as social order hangs death upon forests
like the good upon a cross foreshadowing meanings lost to the lost
in circumstances of absurb cruelty
something of phenomenal existence resurrected beyond the dross
of temporal change within finite scenes everything living fades away
like dreams

An infinite number of Universe
like two points on a line
an infinite number of points may exist
between any of those two points
infinitely more
relativity warp out the smaller spacing
each region like an inflated Universe
space-time expansions emerging from uncertainty
a realm of infinite speculation
waves before being
poential before actuality
quantum uncertainty itself a logical enigma

Many mansions of the spirit
known to The Lord
quanta of being forms from The One

Three dimensions of a universe wrapped round smaller extra dimensions
rolling onto an uncertain eventuality
like one skier in three persons
travelling over moguls of a tight, extra-dimensional matrix
the expansion of tensors through time
covering courses to ramp up experience
bring the dimension's leading edges of futuring through what might be
navigating through landscapes

An infinite God issuing finite quantum actuality
spatial temporality emerging from outside
like ghost ships arising through the waters
images from uncertainty, actuality from potential
reciprocols from being and time
given unto momenta
like conjectures of thought following
the given universe of experience and dimensions
for in the realm of the spirit
the Father has many mansions.

Rep. Don Young's Bill to Gut Homeland Security (Park Rangers) from Yukon RIver Parks

After 9-11 the potential for smuggling weapons, nuclear warheads and illegal drugs into Alaska’s interior from Siberia or Asia became increasingly possible. During the cold war Arctic ice river travel was a likely route for ground military forces during winter in event of conflict. With the new terrorism and egregious G.W. Bush era credit card defense the Yukon River once again loomed as a potential drug smuggling corridor for Asian heroin traffickers and for the odd former Soviet Nuclear device sold to enemies of the United States as well. A host of other nations might like to trash the U.S. economy and install a dictatorship via detonation of just one nuclear weapon in a major American city. Even the new global electronic trading elite might enjoy the final solution to uppity American middle and lower class aspirations of prosperity.


Yukon River drainage became an evident avenue of ingression. Rep. Don Young wants to stop park rangers from inspecting boaters on their part of the river perhaps believing the Coast Guard or Navy might patrol from the Bering Strait to where the Mounted Police take over in Canada.


When Felix Pedro discovered gold near the location of present day Fairbanks there were no nuclear weapons in Eurasia. Rev. Hudson Stuck climbing Mt. McKinley first in history had no vision of the Yukon as a future vulnerable channel for conveyance of weapons of mass destruction from the old world.

Since the Obama JSOC killed Osama Bin Laden in his secret lair near the Pakistani Army Officer Academy earlier this year it has been said that Al Qaeda is about done and incapable of making terror attacks on the U.S.A.-well let’s hope so. Yet reason informs us though that the existential threat to America from a globe-hopping world population will continue to present a possibility that one significant terrorist attack could occur sometime. The Yukon might be an easier way to bring over a weapon of mass destruction than through the usual, heavily policed eastern channels.

Not even one successful smuggling of a nuclear device from Pakistan, Russia, China, Iran or N. Korea etc. should be allowed to occur. Lax defense of the Yukon River by the federal government should not be the reason that a super 9-11 occurs one day. We know from reading Bamford’s book ‘The Shadow Factory’ that 9-11 terrorists were not arrested because of simple intelligence failures at the N.S.A. We know that Osama Bin Laden was allowed to escape from Tora Bora in 2011 by army failure to insert rangers to block the escape route when C.I.A. directed agents had him in retreat.

Without adequate inspection of boats in the park poaching of king salmon and trophy game from the park may occur.

Yukon-Charlie park rangers can work inspecting people that might have received a nuclear warhead from Eurasia down at the river entrance from a fishing boat. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to design a quiet below the surface transfer at slow speed of a warhead to an Alaska fishing boat in the Bering Sea. There is lots of noise in that area anyway from small engines.

Instead of establishing more federal costly homeland security inspectors on the Yukon needed on the Mexican border the existing federal park rangers working the navigable rivers of Alaska’s interior should be encouraged to get better investigation training and non-lethal weapons technology to safely net resisting law breakers Alaska. They can receive simultaneous courtesy training and also record events as they occur with electronic witness technology perhaps on Kevlar helmets along with night vision devices.

Rep. Young is used to having his way in the Alaska interior. He is Alaska’s only representative and probably regards the state’s interior as his private resource colony for apportioning to favorite global extraction industry corporations expecting his patronage. He has been in the House for so long his military spending signature is automatic-especially if it’s in Alaska. He should not pick on the Park Rangers as a way to bully the environmentalist in the administration. Don Young cannot spell the word ‘ecosphere’ unless preceded by the phrase ‘oil powered’.

Though one may sympathize with charges of rough arrest technique or park police brutality that stimulated Rep. Young’s effort to get law passed to prevent park police from inspecting boaters, that should not make anyone want to let anarchy reign on the Yukon River by removing the authority of park rangers to inspect and arrest people in the park violating park laws. Neither should park rangers harass campers or hikers. Yet if a meth lab or terrorist encampment is discovered they need to have the authority to make arrests.

Rep. Young may hate the federal presence in Alaska, or at least work in opposite efforts to federal environmental regulation in order to get more natural resources dumped for global corporate extractors without the benevolent presence of the E.P.A. saving some portion of the ecosphere for human health. During the Second World War it was Special Forces from the American southwest with many Native Americans trained by the U.S. Army who liberated Attu and Kiska islands from the Japanese. It caused the second highest casualty rate percent per combatants of all of the island battles against the Japanese Imperial Army. Bonsai charge repulsed atop a snowy ridge by Americans without reinforcement available won the day.

Some quick and dirty oil and mineral extractors might wish to make a Niger Delta sort of political oil development environment exist on the North Slope and Interior federal lands with low, low ecological protection and copious payments to agreeable politicians. Rep. Young must be cautious to remain free from conflicts of interest in acting as Congressman for all Alaskans as well as foreign and trans-national oil and gas corporations removing natural resources.

The right of Los Angeles to be free from nuclear obliteration from a weapon smuggled up the Yukon and driven through Canada to Vancouver and on to major U.S. cities via a hike through B.C. woods or neighborhoods to a rental car in Washington is at least equal to the right of a boater on the Yukon to have a beer and drive his scow with twin hundred h.p. outboards through the Yukon-Charlie National Preserve without worry of being stopped by park rangers.

An Abbottsford B.C. boundary home with a tunnel to the U.S.A. for illegal foreign agent smuggling might be worth a thousand false passports for bringing the big one in to blast the U.S.A.

Park rangers on the Yukon won’t receive immediate reinforcement if a boater takes off to shore and draws a .50 caliber pistol from his shoulder holster to shoot a pair of rangers arriving to ask him/her to slow down so they can chat before he/she feeds them to the local grizzly bear population.

Wilderness Park Rangers need to keep people they stop in sight and under control before determining if they should arrest or release them. The rural areas of Alaska can be dangerous, and if an actual criminal was stopped on the river the park rangers would have to be cautious serving as the nation’s frontier guard. Rep. Young’s bill attachment ought to be dropped so law and order can prevail on the Yukon River.


Too Many Sweet Biscuits from the Rich at The Tea Party

The tax rates from 1930-1980 roughly show the relationship between the 29-30 stock market crash and depression and federal debt at present. In 1930 the income tax on the rich wasa at a low 26% and the correction after the depression was 58%. In 1980 the tax rate on the rich was still 70%. After the Regan and Bush era tax cuts the national debt began rolling upward from the moderate Carter public debt even with inflation and recession to the present skyrocketing out of control spending.


I unfortunately haven't much internet access these days. I enjoy reading logic and also did some programming a long time ago-in 1980-81 and so view language ideas and criteria modeling actual economic structures with a little critical reserve. Quite often iterations or logic loops modeling economics and social realities simplify far too much, and also present false or erroneous logic connectors such as 'and, or, unless, if' and so forth.

I am fairly sure that one should not become too much of a quant on government theory-especially on democracy and ideas about force, lliberty and so forth. The nation has 300 billion plus souls, the world about 7 billion, limited geography and ecospheric resources. People must be able to see the woods for the trees on culture and life or fail to exist. I think the prospects for life on Earth remaining here with human beings in the mix for a thousand years is rather poor.

Incidently there are all sorts of coercive elements todays-not just in government. Corporations can coerce. A new global trading system in real time letting electronic money, bonds, currency, mortages, collaterized debt obligations, derivatives and so forth be exploited by computerized math quants with high art programs is a kind of predator upon capitalism. It has little to do with nationalism or democracy or even good sense. It is a kind of idiot savant led cultural genocide of capitalism and free enterprise.

Making an electronic, computer program ruled new world order concentrating wealth is not the quaint Kentucky home with the blunderbus above the fire pit where libertarianism could rule. The founders where not recalcitrant about uniting to defend their collective social interests when need be. They were not existential irrationalists-they had common sense and decent regard for the individual rights of mankind.

Liberty is a condition of freedom. Many people wonder about the collective effects of adverse impact upon themselves as members of a given class of course. An example might be that of global warming caused by industrial emitters of carbon. If gas burning automobiles will kill all life on Earth potentially then what self-defense rights are fair to prevent that today?

Political philosophy is an interesting topic I enjoy reading about now and then. It is easy to write ten or twenty thousand words on various elements of it warming up, unfortunately my time is about gone along with my notebook for the summer.

Consider though that the true Republicans-the guardians of the Republic, did not own anything. Plato had their needs met and no conflict of personal earnings interest for them. They thought of the state and of its well being as if it were their own stuff. There is too little of that today in the U.S. Congress. They think of concentrating wealth for the rich because the rich toss them sweet biscuits.


The Drunkard’s Walk on Raising the Federal Debt Ceiling/or Not

The Republican political use of the federal debt ceiling as a way to lever more concentration of wealth for the rich-the top 1% of U.S. earners take 25% of the national income now presents interesting laboratory experimental conditions in the real world for economic theorists. Pistis is the Greek word for faith or trust used in Paul’s epistles to express the reciprocal relationship of man to God. Full faith and trust in God, and his grace has brought the nation before to advance through challenging times. The Tea Party seems to lack that trust in the nation’s relations to God and taxation of the rich fairly. God historically has tended to look with disfavor upon ruling elites that oppress the poor.

Balancing the federal budget with a balanced budget amendment to hog tie future war spending such as G.W. Bush prosecuted may be a desirable idea, yet not perhaps a good one. It would also allow quants to have another technical point to lever money to special interests. One should pass an amendment to require balanced congressperson judgment on the national economy-the public is fairly disgusted with them as it is and might vote to ratify that quicker.

Reasonable people know the right way to pay off the Federal debt is to raise taxes on the rich and pay down the debt with it directly, thereby reducing the cost of paying interest on the federal debt (3/4 trillion annually as it is). Obviously spending should be reduced as well in a reasonable way. Yet increasing federal efficiency of existing spending would be a good idea too- there are limitless ways to go about that anytime.

I am just learning about historical developments of investor analytical tools to predict market trends on particular stock and bond values. The August 17, 1998 Russian default on debt set of a cascade of investment instrument runs abroad including LTCM, hedge funds, derivatives, CDO’s and other abstract market price value manipulations placing volatility themselves into the stocks and bond market. Exploiting a variety of mathematical models of market behavior to guide computer directed mass purchase strategies than can go wrong makes a national economy top-heavy in a ship loading metaphor.

It seems that Mayor Bloomberg sometime after being a Solomon Brothers trader developed a way to wire the world trading system making lots of money in the process. Creating an international stock pool that mathematical claves can exploit is something like making a predator class victimizing capitalism-fundamentally they don’t produce anything material at all and have no rational function except for extracting profit for themselves.

Of course humanity has all sorts of cultural inefficiencies reducing its health concurrent with the ecospheric decay. Cultural well being and ecospheric health is actually far more important than the existentialist idiot savant business approach to making the national economic prospects good.

NPR ran an excellent story (a rarity) on patent trolls and Intellectual Ventures that highlighted some of the problems inventors have with the patent process of the United States. I have written that patents should be non-renewable and exclusive for a shorter period of time with patent holders getting a small percent of profits by other users of the idea for the remainder of their lifetimes. Perhaps three years of exclusive use by the inventor of a patented idea would encourage development and roll back the hegemony of capital patent trolls intimidating inventors. The market quants and the deregulated corporation of what should be a far more fundamental market function might be rectified with a limit upon the number of corporations anyone might invest in annually to just three.
Investors ought to invest in a business in order to develop it rather than exploit owning its stocks for a few seconds or hours, days or weeks to take advantage of short or long selling opportunities and changes in the value of a business stock as an abstract item in-itself.

It will be interesting to view the hedge fund and other vast investment quant player positions on the present drunkard’s walk of Speaker Boehner in the debt ceiling negotiations to August 2nd. The random course-50-50 odds of raising the federal debt ceiling perhaps may be the object of vast short selling of the dollar and long Yuan buying along with other currencies. It is rather remarkable that the fate of many real U.S. businesses will be influenced adversely and in some instances positively as a consequence of the opportunity to exploit the volatility of primary and secondary rounds of EMH/Mandelbrot value eccentricities based on the Tea Party/Boehner Drunkard’s walk of Random course from the lamp post on the street formula…what way will the congress go?


From my own experience of being lost in the winter woods of Alaska a few times I would liketo make my own economic contribution to random event outcome theory; they aren’t really entirely random. The subconscious learns, or the conscious mind makes similar decisions on the same challenges to what might seem new situations. The market will tend to respond in previously learned ways to similar challenges.

Lost in that winter woods walking a few miles through snow up hillsides and thick brush and downed trees, boulders and minimal perspective maintaining a proper, accurate sense of direction and line of travel was tough. After much struggling and tiresome going I found myself approaching footprints a couple of time that turned out to be my own-left weeks before.
Even when one does not consciously know the way in walking through a complex forest the traveler may choose nearly the same course through the woods building up through a number of complex branch/decision of direction locations. I expect that a concatenated Wall Street behavior may reflect some of that trend toward using its best judgment on outcome. It is a two-dimensional way of viewing a three-dimensional market in a four-dimensional economy.

Louis Bachelier’s 1900 study ‘The Theory of Speculation’ began a statistical, quantitative approach to market analysis. Values of corporations were units that might be plugged in later to anticipate rise and fall of value. Viewed that way there was a fundamental 50-50 chance that the market and/or any individual business would rise or fall in value. The Bell curve represented the distribution of price changes with radical changes feathering out at the distal edges. A number of theoretical upgrades and algorithms were developed to guide large scale capital players gambling on the market to beat the odds. Needless to say those investment gambling houses added nothing to develop the real U.S. economy.

No they did not increase corporate efficiency like wolves eliminating the weak prey of a herd of caribou or like lions taking down sickly or young wildebeests. Maybe they were like computer programming hyena tearing the meat of the market or high tech mechanized whalers plundering flesh and blood defenseless victims. The new quant-mathematician predators of real corporations through Wall Street reinforced a developing existential business ethic of survival and prosperity of the most ruthless and uncaring of the wealth of the nation. That personal egotism as a Party ethic is the driving Republican Party momentum in the Federal budget debate today evidently.


A Finite Quantity Minus Infinity (poem)

{finite A + Infinity}-{infinity}={finite A}

infinity + the empty set{}=infinity + {infinite set of potential finite sets}

infinity + {a finite set} + {-infinity} or - {infinity}={a finite set}

Thus it was that a magpie rested upon a chain link fence with a view of the waters of the inlet of which it took no notice. The planet Earth journeying through the low energy vacuum with space-time.

An appearance of finite sets extracted from infinity with subsets of temporal actualization.

infinity + {finite set A...Z) + temporal(-infinity)={finite set A...Z}

infinity + subset of an infinite series (inclusive of an empty set)=infinity + {redundant subset}

Finite subsets are temporal
magpies look for food in snow
rejoice with spring melt
trivia of leaves, dirt and insects.


The Way Government Budget-Debt Ceiling Negotiations Seem Today

This may be the biggest economic issue of the year. The Congress seems to be bungling the job, yet that is natural.

The Republicans picked the fight using the deficit ceiling vote as an excuse to punch around the Democrats once more. With one branch of the legislature they expect to dictate to the Democrats on the budget knowing they have a stronger will. They are at economic war with the Democrats rather than a cooperative party seeking the good of the people. They do not know where the United States is though. Their center of effort is in Beijing these days.

Republicans have experienced a weak Democratic opposition party for 20 years. Just last December the President through in the towel on letting the Bush era tax cuts expire and danced a jig for Wall Street. Even Chelsea Clinton took a job with one of those quant/hedge fund firms in 2007 or 2008-maybe the President is looking ahead for job security for his kids on Wall Street.

The Democratic Party is encountering a Republican Party House leadership that expects it to roll over some time before high noon the day of default. Sen. Majority leaders Reed is seeming more obliging every day now offering a timid, obliging kinds of plan that just cut spending and doesn't raise taxes-he seems to have no concept of negotiating tactics.

Majority Leader Reed keeps offering sweeter packages to Republicans expecting them to finally buy a package eventually. Republican know that the Democrats will keep moving toward their side and cut everything that goes to the people rather than to corporations from the budget so far as possible. What would have worked was setting a final offer last week for the Republicans to take or let the budget default crash occur.
That plan should have raised taxes on the rich and cut spending with an immediate surplus not requiring the debt ceiling to be raised. The surplus should pay down the federal debt right away.

The trouble is the democrats have developed a political philosophy-a Darwinian founded deep zeitgeist that promotes irrationalism. The Republicans have developed their own irrational economic philosophy to match the democrats and raise them one to the quant approach to Wall Street profit taking. That's a Darwinian based disembodied capitalism making the irrational profit taking of market computing analytical programs capitalism in-itself. The real world, quaint, nationalistic, Adam Smith Wealth of Nations is dead in that paradigm. Nothing is real except the abstract mathematical and statistical world of market phenomenal modeling and gaming profits in the new Wall Street; Americans are just detritus, artifacts or externalities to The Truth of the profit formulae.

Statistical Meaninglessness of the Real World in the Uncertainty/Statistical Duality Cloud of Quantum Macro-Economic Computing

Statistical Meaninglessness of the Real World in the Uncertainty/Statistical Duality Cloud of Quantum Macro-Economic Computing
Reading recently about quantum uncertainty, global economic and U.S. federal deficit concerns as well as the history of the 2008 Wall Street failures I felt like writing a short fiction story to express my ideas yet didn’t have the time. I have written non-fiction thoughts on the topic.

Following are a few books on the market/banking investment fiasco, cultural change, physics, the history of Wall Street or of select quantum and/or cosmological issues; ‘The Quants’- Paul Patterson, ‘The Age of Greed’-Jeff Madrick, ’Just Six Numbers’-Martin Rees, ‘The Constants of Nature’/The Infinite Book’/’The Book of Nothing’-John D. Barrow, ‘Freefall’-Joseph Stiglitz, ’Age of Fracture’-Daniel Rogers and ‘Dance of the Photons’-Anton Zeilinger.

Presently I think that the traditional capitalism as free enterprise works by real individuals to better their personal prospects has been replaced by a disembodied capitalism manipulating corporations as abstract, marketable commodities. That ascension of an abstract mathematical modeling capital profit taking end-for-itself is fundamentally irrational in relation to the establishment of home, business and environmental interests of individuals as ends-for-themselves.

The means to an end of profit of the disembodied, abstract model manipulating capitalism, depersonalized and reduced to abstract statistical quantities the less heavily capitalized real interests of the citizenry of the United States through the portal of the common market, law of price and monetarism. Though the ancestry of modern disembodied o.b.e. computational capitalism is in theoretical economist past of Adam Smith, Hayek and Von Mises contemplating what real capital is, as well as the games theorist Thorp, its maturation in Wall Street quants was a corrupting hybrid of mathematical theoretical advances and greed outgrowing rational business borders destroying the green pastures of democratic free enterprise capitalism like a mass environmental cancerous flesh-eating bacteria annihilating the prosperity of the majority of the nation.

The storming violence of quantum cultural changes may be regarded as quantifiable volatility affecting the market of ideas and information generating capital quants of value.

Statistical aggregation of value quants of money-the crash of the dollar quant versus the Euro quant and Yuan quant, arbitrage of material manufacture outsourcing to China from the U.S.A., the flow of cheap labor quants to the U.S.A. to reduce unofficial cost of labor quants, these knots of quant crucibles for quant clumping or catastrophe windfall quant scintillation may be the Truth for quant computing by the informal emergent collective of a disembodied capitalism managing the global economy regarded as an abstract entity with random values and a source of potential profit taking through harvest of the disequilibria.

In the post-Darwinian era of material meaninglessness and through an evolution of moral and epistemological relativism the new age of Shannon entropy and information theory has emerged to transform information into data or quanta rather than meaning. The meaning of communications and of all material phenomenalities is taken to be its quantifiable, statistical relation to other statistical represented associations of ‘meaning’ in quantum groupings.

The U.S. Government has experienced a shift in budget management toward the Wall Street disembodied side of new age capitalism. Its federal debt is an imaginary number within a given math paradigm represented by quantification within a globally quantified abstract statistical matrix of volatility and potential profit knots and every location or coordinate of the global g.p.s. financial flowchart.

Various statistical collective mangers of the abstract economy and its Bell chart foundation of analysis convert the real business, manufacturing, environmental and social things-in-themselves into statistical facts secondary to the mathematical realm of trans-finite potential profits. Abstract equilibria might be developed to balance the statistical representation on the Big Board in a way that will assure most efficient concentration of wealth.

The Chinese Communist party may be able to enter into the hedge fund, arbitrage and derivatives investment field for itself and transform itself as a quantified subject-objective statistic with the present global elites to comprise a unified elite global statistical management. The meaninglessness of global economic management quanta will transcend the world-for-itself. If nations, people and ecospheric vitality perishes cloud computer storage will probably keep aggregate statistics and gloriously send the data in binary coded laser and microwave beam to the Universe so alien life form statisticians can hear it on their newscasts someday far, far away (information only travelling at the speed of light).
Still, there may be dissenters that believe the black body radiation nature of thermodynamics in aggregate clumps of mass is fundamentally at odds with the Shannon entropy distribution of data forced into a Bell Curve of random distribution that quants exploit to represent reality and human economic interests.

Though Thorpian foundations of Wall Street quantum investing have the solid assurance of winning blackjack card counting to guide the disembodied capitalism in an abstract statistical cloud beyond capitalism in its primitive material form of common sense factoring to improve the way of life of citizens of nations-to bring about the wealth of nations, the uncertainty of the quantum realm of nature varies significantly from the actual aggregation of steady state mass that is the Earth as it is converted through quantum investing and economic strategy into a high entropy state of randomly actualized economic statistical mass. For one thing, Shannon Information theory is weak at differentiating in quantum terms between mass as a quantum statistic and ideas and relationships as quantum statistics. Representational quant units of one base such as binary conditions computing require a nearly infinite number of sets and subsets of binary representation to differentiate the quality state of one thing as a real object from another-or from an idea. The level of detail problem in creating artificial, statistically accurate scenarios is at issue-it is a problem of an opposite nature to the Brownian uncertainty or statistical jitters of individual quantum units. In accurate abstract descriptions of individual quantum units an infinite number of relations are required. The problem prevailing in quantum mechanics and quantum uncertainty is also a problem for writing statistical accuracy into quantum system representations…there are a true infinite number of relationships between each individual quanta.

The quantity of energy required to represent the relations of the real universe’ quanta in space-time evolutions probably is greater than the energy of the universe in its solid state. The possibly infinite range of primordial quantum uncertainty giving rise to any given inflation of a universe is unlikely to provide an opportunity for a steady-state universe statistical formulaic computation of its energy state as anything quantifiable. After all, an infinity minus one still equals infinity. While an infinite quantum energy potential minus itself might equal nothing-it isn’t necessarily so-it could be finite and something as a remainder. One gets something or nothing in the likeliest avenues of approach and neither result potentially provides a measurement or quantifiable description of primordial quantum energy.

Nature-a name for the real Universe given without human alteration-has its own solutions to the challenges of creating real solid state mass as particular energized objects from amidst the infinite real of potential actualizable quanta. The abstract mathematical gaming statistical analyses of the new disembodied capitalism take the opposite approach and convert real business and environments, national boundaries, human lives, biodiversity and health into statistical quanta expressing the potential for existing as real profit quanta for market information manipulators.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...