
A Finite Quantity Minus Infinity (poem)

{finite A + Infinity}-{infinity}={finite A}

infinity + the empty set{}=infinity + {infinite set of potential finite sets}

infinity + {a finite set} + {-infinity} or - {infinity}={a finite set}

Thus it was that a magpie rested upon a chain link fence with a view of the waters of the inlet of which it took no notice. The planet Earth journeying through the low energy vacuum with space-time.

An appearance of finite sets extracted from infinity with subsets of temporal actualization.

infinity + {finite set A...Z) + temporal(-infinity)={finite set A...Z}

infinity + subset of an infinite series (inclusive of an empty set)=infinity + {redundant subset}

Finite subsets are temporal
magpies look for food in snow
rejoice with spring melt
trivia of leaves, dirt and insects.

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