
Future of the World 44% Off

Dystopian and utopian scenarios are useful tools for science fiction writers; they apply for the real world too though.

A case in point is the present August 2nd Federal Budget Default branch-will it crash or won't it? The predictions for a crash are dire economically speaking, yet that is another branch. All I can repeat here is that a true default is anticipated to reduce revenue by 44% in a worst case. Alternately that is a best case scenario for the rich able to surf through the wave of crisis and able to make a profit on it beside.

And it seems that armadillos are leprosy transmitters. That harmless pre-historic American marsupial can make you one of the unemployed, or if not that it can raise your medical costs.

So can HIV. Failing to provide HIV prevention pills tested in Africa to American homos and imported drug addicts that cost a quarter per day lets the disease increase. Scientific American reports that more 45,000 new cases of AIDs occurred in the U.S.A. in 2009. I hate to think of the cost of treatment for those individuals infected over a lifetime.

The cost of keeping a prisoner is jail for a year is about $35,000 a year in the U.S.A. I believe that some AIDs drugs cost two or three thousand a month. In other words keeping people with AIDs alive may cost about as much as keeping prisoners in jail. If one has an unlimited budget and desire to pay for increased insurance cost and medicare taxes it might be reasonable to not spend anything on AIDs prevention, otherwise its better to spend the quarter to reduce the chances of getting HIV 73% in the American south were over half of the new HIV/AIDs case occur.

New York, California, Texas, Florida are infectious hot spots that should invest in AIDs prophylaxis through the use of the preventer pill as well as rubberized member coatings.

Sure we know that moral breakdown is also a cause of HIV, low tax rates on the rich and the federal debt. Curing moral failings is improbable without faith in God. Too many musicians have invested in breaking down social morality with bad lyrics. All that can really be done would be to have instrumental only radio stations provide just music and no brainwash to the masses.

The future with budget failures and concentrated wealth may evntually return society to a condition of chaos and drastcly reduced population globally though designer virus or some other high tech dissent to an oppressive and totalized new world order. At least that is the probable way a world government and a world with declining natural resources will be subject to political change.

I have thought of writing a science fiction story on that theme, yet in a way covered that in 'Cross Purposes' already-a little. I prefer utopian scenarios and extra-galactic travel now to on-planet political doom and ecospheric destruction...the U.S. Congress though is a perenial Hatfields-McCoy sort of bi-partisan feud with dummies on either side sufficient to stay bogged down in the sand traps of D.C. (the most dense AIDs population concentration in the U.S.A. too reportedly and explaining why the government now and probably the military in the future will be looking for federal homocouple health benefits).

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