
Immigration's Devastation of American Biodiversity

Before the arrival of human beings to the Americas the land and sea was a rich, living, healthy biosphere. More than 100 different kinds of mammals weighing more than a hundred pounds existed here-now there are just 14. Pin-headed politicians offer drill leases on a million more acres of land and Arctic Ocean sea floor to help kill the health of the land and sea. World population approaches 7 billion and the U.S. Government encourages illegal immigration to the nation in order to enrich the odd billionaire mayor skimming the world’s remaining resources to afford tax cuts for rich lobbyists agitating for tax cuts for the rich on Wall Street.

If human beings had developed a rational ecospheric political policy against immigration to America 25,000 years ago the Americas could have remained a healthy park of the earth forever as mankind developed from its happy African and Eurasian homelands a sustainable biologically and ecologically rational economic policy within a caring, nurturing, reverent, inventive and bold utopian civilization. The ancient world needed its Einstinean Teddy Roosevelt-Ghandi politicians for sustainable local ecological economics- instead hunters safari’d to the Americas and a sportsman’s paradise and wiped out the Saber tooth tiger, Wooly Mammoth elephant, the American lion and numerous others. That was libertarianism at its worst devastating without regulation all available natural resources. The American possum is about the only native creature expanding its range because of a convenient interstate highway shoulder system, and it is a marsupial, I believe.

Plainly the political environment of Eurasia 30,000 years ago was against Environmental Protection. Noah was an environmentalist voice in the wilderness mankind choose to ignore as they pursued bad environmental policy right up to the day global warming sent a flood to destroy human life in some lost world; typical callous disregard for the ecosphere by the politically primitive.

Let us then appropriately deplore immigration to the U.S.A. and work for a sustainable and recovering American biosphere with the people we have in the U.S.A. - now more than 300 million of them. The Creator of the Universe knows how many billions are in the Americas altogether consuming the ecosphere like colonies of leaf cutter ants. At least the Vikings in reaching New Foundland Canada about 900 C.E. were responsibility to take an ecological survey and then return to Iceland leaving North America undisturbed and in pristine condition with sustainable respect for the ecosphere. It is no coincidence that descendents of those ancient ecospherists comprise the Nobel Prize Committee for ecological sustainability and biodiversity.

It would be pointless to suggest that the Indians move back to Asia, the Negroes to Africa, and the Europeans to Ireland and Australians to Tasmania. All these people devastating American ecology have relatives devastating the remainder of the world. There is no healthy place left without human ecospheric devastation. Early American immigrants running in relays could run down even the American cheetah and cruelly spear it for sport. The formidable American Bear Giganticus weighing two thousand pounds and running as fast as a racehorse was no match for the cunning killing skills of immigrants adapting to the American hunting preserve. We know how much people like the sport of killing wildlife. Even Queen Elizabeth frequently attended dog vs. bear to the death matches in ye merry old England.

Places without living things like the moon, the leaf cutter sort of human beings conveniently ignore. Like some kind of pre-human ancestor that died out modern humans have revulsion to creating life and healthy ecospheres on lifeless planets and moons. Like Adolph Hitler from his Austrian Alps afraid to travel over water or even invade England modern mankind seems afraid to green up Mars and the moon though a variety of affordable technologies exist for intelligent human beings to do so with intelligent political support. The minds of leaf cutter politicians run through iterations of collateralized debt obligations derivatives and hostile takeovers of banks, tax cuts and more tax cuts instead of cheap, efficient ways to start a sustainable ongoing moon base one piece at a time.

Modern mankind has too much of the Hitlerian nature in it seeking to makeover its global demographics into a politically conformable composition instead of taking the leap of faith to ecospherically green up the solar system and take the Earth’s ecosphere to a recovery condition from the millennia of human ecospheric abusers. While it may not yet be too late to stop immigration to the U.S.A. and create a sustainable environment and economy, and while the same could be said for Mexico, the riotous ecological drunkenness of Wall Street and the Mayor of Greed may continue to be the unsustainable economic mode of the day.

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