
An Imperial Presidency to Solve the Spending Limit Federal Budget Impasse?

Senator McConnell's strange idea that the President should set the federal debt limit can have some unintended consequences. The idea seems to have some support though.

It is a strange idea; if the President is given that degree of federal spending control it seems a move toward oligarchy or an imperial Presidency.

Federal spending is supposed to be the role of the Congress. It votes to give the President a certain amount of money for particular works and that all he gets. Sen. McConnel would change that.

With the new Imperial Presidency a future President could decide to spend whatever he likes so long as his party in Congress comprises at last a third of the members in order to prevent a veto.

Some M.B.A. papered President might decide to send a trillion dollars to a numbered Cayman Islands account and then resign to make way for new people and change while he goes into retirement in the Cayman Islands. A President might wage a war through foreign mercenaries or support for proxie militaries and fund it without concern of Congressionally rude war funding disruption.

A future Imperial President could set the debt limit 50% lower than the amount of the spending that congress voted to support and tell them to bite it when they ask for more asphalt for highway construction.

The Imperial President could expand his executive branch agency budgets and do without further Congressional legislating of bills.

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